Update on Run11 dsm algorithm coding

To improve the output matching between the DSM output bits in the data and the simulation, I tried a number of things related to interpreting the part of the dsm algorithm where its mentioned that the least significant 5 bits of the cluster sums be extracted and the result be set to 31 if either of the two most significant bits are set. The instructions weren't very clear and the direct interpretation looked a bit unwise as well, especially looking at the two most significant bits after extracting the least significant 5 bits.

After some playing around, the thing that works best is: just summing the pairs and getting the cluster sums and truncating it to 5 bits (just check if the sum > 31, in which case set it to 31). The same method is used later for quadrant sums, where 6 bits are used instead of 5 bits. With this, the test results are as follows:

Bit         Name                           # unmatched (out of 1000)

Bit 0      Fms-HT-th0                  0

Bit 1      Fms-HT-th1                  0

Bit 2      FmsSml-Cluster-th0      18

Bit 3      FmsSml-Cluster-th1      22

Bit 4      FmsSml-Cluster-th2      17

Bit 5      FmsLrg-Cluster-th0       21

Bit 6      FmsLrg-Cluster-th1       15

Bit 7      FmsLrg-Cluster-th2       14

Bit 8      Fms-JP-th0                   36

Bit 9      Fms-JP-th1                   55

Bit 10    Fms-JP-th2                   56

Bit 11    Fms-dijet                      5


The above table shows numbers much better than my previous test, which can be found in my previous post. Also, in this test 849/1000 events had all the bits exactly matching. 

It is now useful to figure out if the current discrepency is because of some bug in my code or is because of some fms geometry/qt information being not updated for Run 11 in the already existing code. This is what I plan to work on now.