Progress on simulation

I have started looking at some documentations on DSM's, the work done so far to simulate them, and the possiblilty of writing the DSM simulation code for Run11 in TrigQt.cxx of root12fms where I have found a version of trigger simulation (most likely to be Run 9).

1. Looking at data files

The data files have trigger bits in them, which can be found in the lastdsm[8] branch of h111 tree in the runxxxxxxxx.root files. After some investigation, I found that lastdsm[5] contains the FMS trigger bits. The current code (in AnalTools.cxx) uses lastdsm[5] as the TrigBits, and I also checked to make sure that the unused bits match up for what the documentation says, and they do match.

2. Coding the DSM algorithm for 2011

The DSM algorithms in root12fms are implemented in TrigQt as TrigQt::L1dsm() and TrigQt::L12dsm(). A look at the code that's there now tells us that the currently coded algorithms are not for Run 11 DSM; the code appears to be for Run 9 DSM algorithms.

The DSM algorithm documentation for Run 11 can be found here:

As the documentation mentions, changes were made from Run 9 to Run 11 only on the DSM algorithms; no changes were made at the Qt level. 

I have started to write code for these Level 0, Level 1, and Level 2 DSM algorithms based on the documentation mentioned above. Hopefully, it will be done in a week or so from now, and then I can test it with the Run 11 data (to see if it produces the same trigger bits as stored in lastdsm[5]).