HF PWG Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2016/09/29

1) Run15 p+Au st_physics data QA for NPE/Jpsi/Upsilon measurements - Zach

slide 8: the pT distributions in the bottom figures show an enhancement above 0.8(?) GeV/c. Unclear the cause of it.
slide 14: it is unclear why DeltaVz has a luminosity dependence 
slide 17: it is unclear why track mean Eta and Phi has a luminosity dependence 

2) Run15 p+p 200 Jpsi polarization in dimuon channel - Zhen 
slide 10: need to use maximum likelihood method to fit in low statistics bins
slide 22: while waiting for embedding samples, will use Run14 AuAu embedding to get the efficeincy