Strange baryon resonance production in p+p and Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV
B.I. Abelev et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 (2006) 132301.

Figure 2: The transverse mass spectra for Sigma* and Lambda* in p+p and in central Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV.

Errors are statistical and point-to-point systematic.
mT-m0 [GeV/c]  mT-m0 [GeV/c]  1/Nevent d2 N / (2(pi)pT dpT dy) [c2/GeV2]
Sigma(1385)+-, NSD p+p minbias
0.0223823 0.323281 0.00137999+/- 0.000205176
0.323281 0.48067 0.000810215+/- 0.000107956
0.48067 0.656623 0.000470093+/- 6.05251e-05
0.656623 0.846754 0.000303648+/- 3.78678e-05
0.846754 1.04774 0.000174174+/- 2.27458e-05
1.04774 1.25711 8.61599e-05+/- 1.25123e-05
1.25711 1.47301 3.80131e-05+/- 6.84626e-06
1.47301 1.69408 2.34443e-05+/- 4.82292e-06
1.69408 2.37907 7.66806e-06+/- 1.69009e-06
Anti-Sigma(1385)+-, NSD p+p minbias
0.0223823 0.323281 0.000760836+/- 0.000105446
0.323281 0.48067 0.000328277+/- 4.63948e-05
0.48067 0.656623 0.000149505+/- 3.20399e-05
0.656623 0.846754 0.000125046+/- 1.61831e-05
0.846754 1.04774 6.46188e-05+/- 9.16217e-06
1.04774 1.25711 3.58749e-05+/- 5.42727e-06
1.25711 1.47301 2.02328e-05+/- 3.56669e-06
1.47301 1.69408 6.4121e-06+/- 1.60163e-06
1.69408 2.37907 3.73818e-06+/- 8.29451e-07
Sigma(1385)+- + Anti-Sigma(1385)+- , Au+Au 0-5%
0.190032 0.48067 0.815209+/- 0.305466
0.48067 0.846754 0.187685+/- 0.0455781
0.846754 1.25711 0.111801+/- 0.027544
1.25711 1.69408 0.0527975+/- 0.0218141
1.69408 2.37907 0.00956107+/- 0.00444875
Lambda(1520)+Anti-Lambda(1520), NSD p+p minbias
0.0131014 0.114136 0.000103945+/- 2.6082e-05
0.114136 0.29945 5.47437e-05+/- 6.78943e-06
0.29945 0.546495 2.68333e-05+/- 2.96043e-06
0.546495 0.835929 1.4734e-05+/- 2.22784e-06
0.835929 1.15402 4.75535e-06+/- 2.5691e-06

Figure 3: Resonance to stable particle ratios for p+p and Au+Au collisions.

The ratios are normalized to unity in p+p and compared to thermal and UrQMD model predictions for central Au+Au [8,12]. Statistical and systematic uncertainties are included in the error bars. // (In the paper figure, K*/K dNCh/dy axis is shifted +30 for visual purposes to seperate the error bar contributions.)
dNCh/dy Sigma*/Lambda
2.5 0.9975+/-0.1645
685 1.064+/-0.238
dNCh/dy Lambda*/Lambda
2.5 0.99576+/-0.189
33.55 0.81+/-0.259
620.4 0.43092+/-0.15768
dNCh/dy Phi/pi
2.5 1.0044+/-0.2025
48.3 1.23201+/-0.25272
159.5 1.29276+/-0.28269
354 1.27899+/-0.25272
620.4 1.20771+/-0.2511
685.5 1.26036+/-0.25191
dNCh/dy K*/K
2.5 1.015+/-0.1479
48.3 0.754+/-0.1566
159.5 0.754+/-0.1827
354 0.696+/-0.1566
650.4 0.667+/-0.1479

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