SN0421 : Onset of Neutral Strange Particle Reconstruction Including the SSD

Author(s):C. Roy, L. Martin, W. Pinganaud
Date:May. 3, 2000
Abstract:Results of neutral strange particle reconstruction are presented. STAR capabilities for measuring strangeness in Au+Au collisions are compared according to the configuration of the vertex detector, namely, whether the Silicon Strip Detector (SSD) is taken into account in the simulations or excluded.
Special Remark :
This note summarizes results of simulations which have been done during 1999 in order to estimate the influence of the SSD on the strange particle reconstruction. The task has been performed with Staf software. Despite the fact that these simulations are quite old now, we think that it could be interesting to present this document to the STAR collaboration. Updating simulations are currently under investigations and a new version of this note will be available as soon as possible.