List of available M-C event samples (Jan)


M-C Event Samples Available   

  1. General  setup, assumptions
    1. use UPGR13 geometry
    2. run in SL07e
    3. use PPV vertex finder in reco
    4. displace & smear vertex in GEANT in X-Y plane: x0=+1mm, sig=200us, y0=-2mm, sig=200um (except setA)
    5. beam energy sqrt(s)=500 GeV
    6. detectors passed by track thrown at various eta at 3 Z-vertex location of -60, -30 an 0 cm.

  2. setA (produced by Mike @ MIT)
  3. BFC w/ generic vertex finder has ~50% efficiency,

    Vertex distribution: Gauss(Z=0, sigZ=60cm, Z=Y=0, sigX=sigY=0)

     Type of events   total events time per event
     Pythia, minB  400K, 100 jobs  GSTAR: 8.4 sec, BFC ???

    Files location: 80K eve at IUCF disk: /star/institutions/iucf/kocolosk/2008-02-15-fgt-hadron-background

    full sample at MIT ...


  4. setB (pilot sample by Jan @ RCF)
  5. Filtering of Pythia events: seed cell =10GeV ET, pair of cells>20 GeV ET,

    particle eta range [0.8,2.2], grid cell size: 0.14 in eta, 9 deg in phi

    BFC w/ PPV vertex finder has ~95% efficiency, SSD, STI not used in tracking

    Vertex distribution: Gauss(Z=-60, sigZ=5cm, Z,Y offset)

    Pythia event generator, 

    BFC chain:" DbV20080310 trs  -ssd upgr13  Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf -ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti StiRnd  -IstIT -SvtIt -NoSvtIt SvtCL,svtDb -SsdIt MakeEvent McEvent geant evout geantout IdTruth  bbcSim emcY2 EEfs bigbig -dstout fzin -MiniMcMk McEvOut clearmem -ctbMatchVtx VFPPV eemcDb beamLine"

     Type of events Pythia filter   total events time per event job name file size, MB
      W-events (kumac) 1/6.5  1K, 1 job GSTAR 10 sec, BFC 5.3 sec wElec4 fzd=149, stevent=132, geant=154, McEvent=132, muDst=14
    1:1 , OFF  5K, 1 job - wElec5 -
      QCD-events (kumac) pt=20-30 GeV 1/40  1K, 1 job GSTAR 11 sec, BFC 6.7 sec qcd2 fzd=203, StEvent=157, geant=212, McEvent=172, muDst=17
    1:1, OFF  5K, 1 job - qcd3 -
      QCD-events, scan pt 10...90 GeV varies  100 eve, 1 job - qcd_pt_xx_yy files at ...balewski/2008-FGT-simu/setB-pt-scan/

    Files location:  /star/institutions/iucf/balewski/2008-FGT-simu/setB-pilot/

    Custom code : Pythia, Generic Vertex finder, same location


  6.  setC - Pythia macros inspected by Jim: ppQCDprod.kumac & ppWprod.kumac
    Filtering of Pythia events: seed cell =10GeV ET, pair of cells>20 GeV ET,
    particle eta range [0.8,2.2], grid cell size: 0.14 in eta, 9 deg in phi

    * setC1: /star/institutions/iucf/balewski/2008-FGT-simu/setC2-pt-0.2inv_pb

    This is LT balanced for 0.2/pb, using your ppQCDprod.kumac

    pt1 pt2 neve
    10    ,15    ,373
    15    ,20    ,1252
    20    ,25    ,2516
    25    ,30    ,3367
    30    ,35    ,2330
    35    ,40    ,1015
    40    ,45    ,705
    45    ,50    ,292
    50    ,55    ,114
    55    ,60    ,67
    60    ,65    ,28
    65    ,70    ,13
    70    ,75    ,8
    75    ,80    ,4
    80    ,85    ,2
    85    ,90    ,1
    90    ,95    ,1


    * setC2 (only filtered events of various types)



    * setC3 (filtered vs. not filtered events)



    * setC4 ( filtered QCD events w/ various partonic PT )

  7. setC5 : QCD events , 3-stage filtering, LT~100/pb


evaluation of Pythia Filter for QCD & W events (setC3)


Based on setC3 the number of events with reco EM cluster ET>20 GeV is similar for the filtered and unfiltered pythia samples after LT correction - compare yellow & green areas: 


------------ From Brian -------

Hi Jan,

I processed the events in setC3 and I put the plots into the
fgt-hn-contributions drupal page. (All plots show unfiltered events on
the left and filtered events on the right).

Transverse energy spectrum for the QCD events:

Number of events passing ET>20GeV and ET>20GeV + Eta < 1.7 for QCD

Transverse energy spectrum for the W events:

Number of events passing ET>20GeV and ET>20GeV + Eta < 1.7 for W events:
