FGT. . . . . . . . . . H A R D W A R E -- E L E C T R O N I C S



01 2D_GEM Sensor Board for test at FANL / Miro

In this document one can find schematic topology and architecture of 2D_GEM Sensor Board which was used for test at FANL.

02 2D_GEMCU for Test in FANL / Miro

In this document one can find complete schematic topology and block diagrams for 2D_GEM Readout Control Unit which was used in test run at FANL.

03 APV Module for Test 2D_GEM at FANL / Miro

In this document one can find complete schematic topology and hardware architecture for APV Module which was used for test of 2D_GEM at FANL.

04 APV Motherboard Design / Miro

Document "APV Motherboard Design" for FGT April's meeting at IUCF on April 24, 2008.


APV_MODULE is PCB where on top of APV_BOARD is bond with epoxy glue SIG_BOARD

06 BNL 26Sep@008 Meeting

FEE Design

07 Document for Charge Sharing 2D_Readout module / Miro

In this document one can find GERBER files for Charge Sharing 2D_Readout module. This module will be used for test and study charge sharing effect in GEM detectors. All other components for assembling of this charge sharing setup we will use from old GEM detectors which we used for test purposes at FANL last year.

NOTE: Files in "TSTBOARD.zip" are possible open with P-CAD2004 software tool and file "tstboard.pdf" is "pdf" accessible file where one can see architecture of mentioned unit.

07 Document for GEM/FANL prototype / Miro

This document was requested by Dave Underwood and Gerrard Visser for they purposes to compare they design with GEM/FANL prototype buildup at MIT/Bates Linear Accelerator. 

08 Module for FGT Mechanical Test / Miro

In attached document is multipurpose module with which one can test all mechanical and connectivity features.

09 VHDL Programs and State Machines for GEM/FANL / Miro

In this document one can find VHDL Programs and State Machines for 2D_GEM Control Unit which was engaged in readout process from GEM detector at FANL.

10 WSC and the GEM quarter section frames (Jason)

 drawings showing the final dimensions of the WSC and the GEM quarter section frames,

8-19-2009, Jason Bessuille

Front End Electronics Drawings and Hardware Documentation

These are the official drawings and documentation used for fabrication of the FGT Front End Electronics hardware. We will try to maintain this page up-to-date with any revisions.

To view design files, download the Altium Viewer (no cost).

FGT Readout Module (FRM)

Terminator Board

Interconnect Board

High Voltage Board