2008.04.17 Sided residual: Data Driven MC vs raw MC (partonic pt=5-35) vs 2006 data

Ilya Selyuzhenkov April 17, 2008

MC data for different pt weigted according to Michael Betancourt web page:
weight = xSection[ptBin] / xSection[max] / nFiles

Figure 1: Sided residual for raw MC (partonic pt 5-35)
(same plot for partonic pt 9-11)


Figure 2: Sided residual for data-driven MC (partonic pt 5-35)
(same plot for partonic pt 9-11)


Figure 3: Sided residual for data (pp Longitudinal 2006)


Figure 4: Sided residual for data (pp Longitudinal 2006)


Figure 5: Sided residual for data (pp Longitudinal 2006)


Figure 6: pt(gamma) from geant record vs
pt(gamma) from energy in 3x3 tower cluster and position for uv-intersection wrt vertex
(same on a linear scale)


Figure 7: pt(gamma) from geant record vs
pt(jet) as found by the jet-finder


Figure 8: gamma pt distribution:
data-driven MC (red) vs gamma-jet candidates from pp2006 longitudinal run (black).
MC distribution normalized to data at maximum for each preshower condition


Different analysis cuts vs number of events which passed the cut

  1. N_events : total number of di-jet events found by the jet-finder for gamma in eta region [1,2]
    (Geant record is used to get this number)
  2. cos(phi_gamma - phi_jet) < -0.8 : gamma-jet opposite in phi
  3. R_{3x3cluster} > 0.9 : Energy in 3x3 cluster of EEMC tower to the total jet energy.
  4. R_EM^jet < 0.9 : neutral energy fraction cut for on away side jet
  5. N_ch=0 : no charge tracks associated with a gamma candidate
  6. N_bTow = 0 : no barrel towers associated with a gamma candidate (gamma in the endcap)
  7. N_(5-strip clusler)^u > 3 : minimum number of strips in EEMC SMD u-plane cluster around peak
  8. N_(5-strip cluster)^v > 3 : minimum number of strips in EEMC SMD v-plane cluster around peak
  9. gamma-algo fail : my algorithm failed to match tower with SMD uv-intersection, etc...
  10. Tow:SMD match : SMD uv-intersection has a tower which is not in a 3x3 cluser

Figure 9: Number of events which passed various cuts (MC data, partonic pt 5-35)
Red: cuts applied independent
Black: cuts applied sequential from left to right