04) bad CAP 123

 Study of pedestal correlation for BSMDE

Goal: identify source of the band below main pedestals. 

Figs 1,2 show pedestals 'breathe' in correlated way for channels in the same crate, but this mode is decoupled between crates. It may be enough to use individual peds for all CAPS to reduce this correlation.

Fig3 shows CAP=123 has bi-modal pedestals. FYI, CAPS 124,125 were excluded because they also are different.


Based on Fig1 & 3 one could write an algo identifying event by event in which mode CAP=123 settled, but for now I'll discard CAP123 as well.

 All plots are made based on 500K d-Au events from the run 8336052.


Fig 0
Example of pedestal residua for BSMDE strips 1-500, after CAPS 124 and 125 were excluded.

Fig 1
Correlation between pedestal residua for neighbor strips. Strip 100 is used on all plots on the X-axis

Fig 2
Correlation between pedestal residua for strips in different crates. Strip 100 is used on all plots on the X-axis

Fig 3
Squared pedestal residua for strips [1,150] were summed for every event and plotted as function of CAP ID (Y-axis).

Those strips belong to the same module #1 . X-axis shoes SQRT(sum) for convenience. CAP=123 has double pedestal.