12) investigating status of P-strips
The plot below merges what we found w/ Matt in BSMDP West with what Oleg told us so far about know broken Anode wires.
Plot show is 2D location of all 9K strips. It is half of
this plot shown before.
In color are various failure modes detected by our software processing minB spectra.
One narrow bar denotes one strip.
Module # is printed on the right.
Anode wire range is printed on the top.
Black labels A1, A3, etc are from Olegs table of known broken Anode wires from year 2007.
Conclusions for day 336 of 2007:
a) we do not see good signal from broken anode wires on BSMD-P West.
b) we see more broken anode wires/problems BSMD-P West
module36: Anode12
m54: A12
m24: completely dead
m30: mostly dead
m29: odd strips dead
m23: most of the odd strips dead
c) BSMD-P East is terra incognita - no external info about any problems there
Problems listed in b) ,c) seems to be new for day 336 of 2007
Fig 1. West BSMD-P
Fig 2. East BSMD-P