14 Eval of BSMDE status tables for pp 2008, day 49,50


 from _private_ production w/o zero BSMD suppression we look at pedestal residua for raw spectra for minb events.

chain="DbV20080703 B2008a ITTF IAna ppOpt VFPPV l3onl emcDY2 fpd ftpc  
trgd ZDCvtx NosvtIT NossdIT analysis Corr4 OSpaceZ2 OGridLeak3D  
beamLine BEmcDebug"


The only QA was to require  MPV of the spectrum is below 100, one run contains ~80K events.

Fig 1

Good spectra look like this:


Fig 2. Run 9049053, 80K events,

9,292 strips out of 15,750 tested were discarded by condition MPV>100 eve

TOP: MPV value from all strips. White means 0 (zero) counts. Crate 4 was not evaluated.
BOTTOM: status table: red=bad, white means MPV>100 events

Fig 3. Run 9050022, 80K events,

9,335 strips out of 15,750 tested were discarded by condition MPV>100 eve

TOP: MPV value from all strips. White means 0 (zero) counts
BOTTOM: status table: red=bad, white means MPV>100 events

Fig 4. Run 9050088, 80K events,

9,169 strips out of 15,750 tested were discarded by condition MPV>100 eve

TOP: MPV value from all strips. White means 0 (zero) counts
BOTTOM: status table: red=bad, white means MPV>100 events