2008 PPV evaluation plan

Run #9069005 will be used



Trigger Name Trigger ID # Events daq source file needed daq files expected # triggers
zerobias 9300 525 st_zerobias all 525
toftpx 220710 354459 st_toftpx 5 90000
fms-slow 220981 29914 st_fmsslow 20 20000
bbc 220000 2646 st_physics all 2646
bh1-mb 220510 8612 st_physics all 8612
etot-mb-l2 7 2853 st_physics all 2853
jp1-mb-l2 8 5676 st_physics all 5676
bh2-mb-slow 220520 14236 st_physics all 14236

 daq files are located at


9069005f 9069005t  9069005z  9069005p

bfc.C will be run in stardev with options:

root4star -b -q  bfc.C'(1,1e6,"DbV20080820 pp2008 ITTF OSpaceZ2 OGridLeak3D beamLine VFPPVnoCTB debug logger","/star/data03/daq/2008/069/*")'


The verision of PPV includes the August 2008 change that Post Crossing Tracks are dropped which was enacted in response to the change of the TPC cluster finder


MuDst files will be placed at:



Observables to Monitor:

# primary vertices

Z location primary vertices

delta Z between primary vertex z position and bbc or vpd z position

# tracks associated with each primary vertex


Cuts to Monitor:

mMinTrkPt (Currently 0.20)

mMinFitPfrack (Currently at 0.70)

Include all EEMC rings


Weights for TPC, EEMC, BEMC



2008 PPV performance Revision 1.29

PPV performance Revision 1.29

Updated 9/7/2008

Table 1 : # of Events processed as of Sept 7.
Trigger Name Trigger ID # # Events Expected # Events Run
zerobias 9300 525 525
toftpx 220710 90000 28720
fms-slow 220981 20000 14299
bbc 220000 2646 938
bh1-mb 220510 8612 7507
etot-mb-l2 7 2853 2506
jpt-mb-l2 8 5676 4983
bh2-mb-slow 220520 14236 12507


Table 2: Summary of Vertex finding efficiency and vertex matching with events processed by Sept 2.  For the vpd, matched is defined as the 0 ranked PPV vertex is within 8 cm of the vpd vertex.  For the bbc, matched is defined as the 0 ranked PPV vertex is within 32 cm of the bbc vertex.

Table 3: Summary of Vertex finding efficiency and vertex matching with events processed by Sept 7.  For the vpd, matched is defined as the 0 ranked PPV vertex is within 20 cm of the vpd vertex.  For the bbc, matched is defined as the 0 ranked PPV vertex is within 60 cm of the bbc vertex.



zero bias

525 Events
# vertices,#events

5 Events with vpd + PPV vertex
15 Events with bbc + PPV vertex

Figure 2: Z postition of rank 0 vertex for zero bias trigger.  Rank 1 and above excluded due to low statistics.


Figure 3: Rank 0 PPV vertex Vz - vpd Vz for zero bias trigger.


28720 Events
# Vertices, # Events

559 Events with PPV rank 0 + vpd
393 Events match (within 8 cm)
41 Events with PPV rank 1 + vpd
7 Events match (within 8 cm)
558 Events with PPV rank 0 + bbc
428 Events match (within 32 cm)
44 Events with PPV rank 1 + bbc
20 Events match (within 32 cm)
509 Events with PPV rank 0 + bbc + vpd
296 Events match both vpd and bbc


Figure 5: Z position of rank 0 and rank 1 vertices for tof trigger.

Figure 6: Rank 0 PPV Vz - vpd Vz for tof trigger

Figure 7: Rank 0 PPV Vz - bbc Vz for the tof trigger

Figure 8: Delta Vz(PPV - vpdVz) vs delta Vz(PPV-bbc) for the tof trigger.



2162 Events with PPV rank 0 + vpd
1435 Events match (within 8 cm)
389 Events with PPV rank 1 + vpd
98 Events match (within 8 cm)
6679 Events with PPV rank 0 + bbc
4617 Events match (within 32 cm)
1026 Events with PPV rank 1 + bbc
453 Events match (within 32 cm)
1954 Events with PPV rank 0 + bbc + vpd
992 Events match both vpd and bbc

Figures to be added later.


2646 Events

# Vertices, # Events
500 Events with PPV rank 0 + vpd
392 Events match (within 20 cm)
71 Events with PPV rank 1 + vpd
27 Events match (within 20 cm)
1409 Events with PPV rank 0 + bbc
1232 Events match (within 60 cm)
185 Events with PPV rank 1 + bbc
114 Events match (within 60 cm)
484 Events with PPV rank 0 + bbc + vpd
360 Events match both vpd and bbc


Figure 10: Vz position of PPV rank 0 and rank 1 vertices for the bbc trigger.


Figure 11: PPV Vz - vpd Vz for both rank 0 and rank 1 vertices for the bbc trigger.


Figure 12: PPV Vz - bbc Vz for both rank 0 and rank 1 vertices for bbc trigger



Figure 13: Delta Vz(PPV - vpdVz) vs delta Vz(PPV-bbc) for the bbc trigger.


7507 Events

# Vertices, # Events

1761 Events with PPV rank 0 + vpd
1452 Events match (within 20 cm)
356 Events with PPV rank 1 + vpd
120 Events match (within 20 cm)
6275 Events with PPV rank 0 + bbc
5729 Events match (within 60 cm)
1082 Events with PPV rank 1 + bbc
676 Events match (within 60 cm)
1699 Events with PPV rank 0 + bbc + vpd
1309 Events match both vpd and bbc


Figure 15: Vz position of PPV rank 0 and rank 1 vertices for bh1 trigger


Figure 16: PPV Vz - vpd Vz for Rank 0 and Rank 1 vertices for bh1 trigger.


Figure 17: PPV Vz - bbc Vz for rank 0 and rank 1 vertices for bh1 trigger



Figure 18: Delta Vz(PPV - vpdVz) vs delta Vz(PPV-bbc) for the bh1 trigger.



2506 Events

# Vertices, # Events
549 Events with PPV rank 0 + vpd
380 Events match (within 20 cm)
204 Events with PPV rank 1 + vpd
61 Events match (within 20 cm)
2252 Events with PPV rank 0 + bbc
2013 Events match (within 60 cm)
599 Events with PPV rank 1 + bbc
367 Events match (within 60 cm)
530 Events with PPV rank 0 + bbc + vpd
339 Events match both vpd and bbc



Figure 20: Vz position of rank 0 and rank 1 vertices for etot trigger



Figure 21: PPV Vz - vpd Vz for rank 0 and rank 1 vertices for etot trigger


Figure 22: PPV Vz - bbc Vz for rank 0 and rank 1 vertices for etot trigger


Figure 23: Delta Vz(PPV - vpdVz) vs delta Vz(PPV-bbc) for the etot trigger.



4983 Events

# Vertices, # Events
1114 Events with PPV rank 0 + vpd
869 Events match (within 20 cm)
292 Events with PPV rank 1 + vpd
84 Events match (within 20 cm)
4419 Events with PPV rank 0 + bbc
4040 Events match (within 60 cm)
927 Events with PPV rank 1 + bbc
553 Events match (within 60 cm)
1072 Events with PPV rank 0 + bbc + vpd
777 Events match both vpd and bbc





Figure 25: Vz position of rank 0 and rank 1 vertices for jp1 trigger.





Figure 26: PPV Vz - vpd Vz for jp1 trigger


Figure 27: PPV Vz - bbc Vz for jp1 trigger


Figure 28: Delta Vz(PPV - vpdVz) vs delta Vz(PPV-bbc) for the jp1 trigger.



12507 Events

# Vertices, # Events
2970 Events with PPV rank 0 + vpd
2402 Events match (within 20 cm)
649 Events with PPV rank 1 + vpd
216 Events match (within 20 cm)
10555 Events with PPV rank 0 + bbc
9625 Events match (within 60 cm)
1929 Events with PPV rank 1 + bbc
1200 Events match (within 60 cm)
2861 Events with PPV rank 0 + bbc + vpd
2164 Events match both vpd and bbc

Figure 20: Vz position of rank 0 and rank 1 vertices for etot trigger



 Figure 26: PPV Vz - bbc Vz for jp1 trigger



Figure 23: Delta Vz(PPV - vpdVz) vs delta Vz(PPV-bbc) for the etot trigger.


Figure 27: PPV Vz - vpd Vz for jp1 trigger


Comparison between PPV revision 1.29 and track pT change

This compares the effiiciency of the current PPV vertex finder (revision 1.29 which includes PCT fix) to the suggested change of including tracks with 0.1 GeV < pT < 0.2 GeV to the algorithim.  Currently PPV only uses tracks with pT > 0.2 GeV.  Since tracks with 0.1 GeV will not reach the BEMC and would be rejected with the PPV algorithim, we've included only tracks with 0.1 < pT <0.2 which cross the central membrane and we did not require them to point to a tower.

The bfc code is at:


The daq files processed as of 9/7/2008 are at:




Table 1:  Efficiency comparison between PPV revision 1.29 and altered PPV which accepts lower pT tracks.  Matching with the vpd is defined as the rank 0 PPV vertex is with 20 cm of the vpd vertex, and matching with the bbc is defined as the rank 0 PPV vertex is within 60 cm of the bbc vertex.

Table 2: Break down of the number of events used to calculate the efficiencies of the altered PPV vertex algorithim.

Table 3: PPV revision 1.29 statistics posted here for ease of comparison


PPV Revision 1.29 high luminosity trigger details


The following data was taken with triggers: bh1-mb (ID 220510),  etot-mb-l2 (ID 7). jpt-mb-l2 (ID 8), and  bh2-mb-slow (ID 220520).  The total number of events in this set was 16351.


Figure1 : Delta Vz between PPV Vertex closest to the VPD vertex and the vpd.  PPV ranking was ignored.

Figure 2.  Delta Vz between second closest PPV vertex and vpd vertex.


 Figure 3:  This is figure 1 fitted with an unrestrained gaussian.

Figure 4:  This is Figure 1 and 2 (red) plotted on top of each other with a bin width of 6.3 cm (2 times the sigma fitted in Figure 3.)