Comparison between PPV revision 1.29 and track pT change

This compares the effiiciency of the current PPV vertex finder (revision 1.29 which includes PCT fix) to the suggested change of including tracks with 0.1 GeV < pT < 0.2 GeV to the algorithim.  Currently PPV only uses tracks with pT > 0.2 GeV.  Since tracks with 0.1 GeV will not reach the BEMC and would be rejected with the PPV algorithim, we've included only tracks with 0.1 < pT <0.2 which cross the central membrane and we did not require them to point to a tower.

The bfc code is at:


The daq files processed as of 9/7/2008 are at:




Table 1:  Efficiency comparison between PPV revision 1.29 and altered PPV which accepts lower pT tracks.  Matching with the vpd is defined as the rank 0 PPV vertex is with 20 cm of the vpd vertex, and matching with the bbc is defined as the rank 0 PPV vertex is within 60 cm of the bbc vertex.

Table 2: Break down of the number of events used to calculate the efficiencies of the altered PPV vertex algorithim.

Table 3: PPV revision 1.29 statistics posted here for ease of comparison