Early Studies


Basic QA Plots

Select a trigger and charge combination to view QA summary plots.  Each point on a plot is a mean value of that quantity for the given run, while the error is sqrt(nentries).


Problems Worth Noting

  • Drop in nHitsFit and jump in DCA for associated globals for days 140 - 142.  The jet group has already studied this problem and reported it to starcalib.  Fixing it will require a reproduction.  Unfortunate, as it's a significant chunk of stats.
  • Group of ~3 runs from day 134 with low <pt>, low <eta>, high <vz> and small in shifts in <dEdx> and <nsigmapion>.  Looks like a hot tower; I can't remember if this has already been identified or not.
  • Comparison to Run 5 -- the mean values for dE/dx and nsigmapion are significantly different in Run 5 and Run 6.  Need to investigate this further.  For example, compare the following jet patch trigger plots for charge-summed pions.  Run 5 is on the left, Run 6 on the right.  They both start out around -0.4, but Run 5 drifts towards -0.7 while Run 6 climbs towards -0.3.


Data Collection

Runlist query:

get_file_list.pl -distinct -keys 'orda(runnumber)' -cond 'production=P06ie,trgsetupname=ppProductionLong,sanity=1,tpc=1' -limit 0

This query yields 406 runs (3 with emc=0) which I process with star-submit-template.  I'm using Murad's production of StJetSkimEvents to get all event-level info, so my chain is brutally simple:  just StMuDSTMaker and a simple set of track quality cuts, viz. 

  • pT > 2 GeV/c
  • |eta| < 2.1

Current working directory (PDSF):


Once I've got these trees back at MIT I merge them with the jetSkimEvent trees using an index on (run,event) (see Common Analysis Trees).  I also apply some more stringent cuts:

Event-level cuts

  • spinDB reports all OK
  • nVertices > 0 and z-position of best vertex inside 60cm

Track cuts

  • pT > 2. GeV/c
  • |eta| < 1.
  • |DCAglobal| < 1.
  • nHitsFit >= 25
  • nSigmaPion in [-1,2]


Single Spin Asymmetries by Fill

Away-side only

BJP1 (hardware & software & geometric) requirement, only use pions with dR > 1.5

pi^{+} nSigma asymmetries

fill      yellow     blue       like       unlike
7847 0.7681 0.4152 0.8136 0.2513
7850 0.0743 1.4901 1.1202 -0.9843
7851 -0.5521 -1.5695 -1.5313 0.7059
7852 -0.5546 -1.1228 -1.1148 0.4334
7853 -0.8047 2.7533 1.3496 -2.5720
7855 -0.1095 -1.0144 -0.7683 0.6419
7856 0.6243 -0.6925 -0.0455 0.9280
7858 1.3109 1.9636 2.3779 -0.4507
7863 0.6637 1.3537 1.3883 -0.4979
7864 0.2973 -0.8424 -0.3922 0.7972
7871 -1.7681 0.6963 -0.7669 -1.7202
7872 -1.4830 -0.4183 -1.2917 -0.7713
7883 0.7329 -0.4249 0.2105 0.8539
7886 0.4131 0.7406 0.8332 -0.2265
7887 0.8142 1.0339 1.3192 -0.1441
7896 -0.3938 -0.2628 -0.4542 -0.0927
7901 0.3990 0.0513 0.3428 0.2471
7908 -0.1043 -0.2753 -0.2721 0.1245
7909 0.2401 -1.4131 -0.8252 1.2060
7911 -1.8391 1.9288 0.0727 -2.6732
7913 -0.0822 0.7613 0.4930 -0.5827
7916 -0.3658 -1.9129 -1.5979 1.0991
7918 -1.1823 -0.9377 -1.5543 -0.1821
7921 -0.7642 1.2557 0.3598 -1.4019
7922 1.8057 0.0540 1.2658 1.2471
7926 -0.5481 -2.1827 -1.8897 1.1854
7944 0.0950 0.4734 0.4049 -0.2722
7949 -0.1770 0.6205 0.3156 -0.5489
7951 -0.2755 -0.0891 -0.2622 -0.1306
7952 2.2435 1.6046 2.8193 0.4314
7954 -1.2534 -0.5687 -1.2512 -0.4838
7957 -0.6056 -2.1501 -1.8931 1.1112

pi^{-} nSigma asymmetries

fill      yellow     blue       like       unlike
7847 -0.6434 2.3161 1.1484 -2.1363
7850 1.8693 -0.0728 1.2844 1.3589
7851 -1.2476 -1.4218 -1.9278 0.1198
7852 0.4635 -0.7461 -0.1245 0.9018
7853 0.2474 3.4829 2.6019 -2.3402
7855 0.6099 -0.3582 0.1694 0.7191
7856 -0.3472 -0.0663 -0.3147 -0.2412
7858 0.5772 0.0588 0.4406 0.3577
7863 1.2914 0.4583 1.2065 0.6182
7864 0.9606 -0.4055 0.3951 0.9624
7871 -1.6101 -0.2726 -1.3459 -0.9187
7872 0.5035 0.3827 0.6093 0.0966
7883 -0.7030 0.1324 -0.3950 -0.6150
7886 1.9632 1.2030 2.2793 0.5283
7887 1.1916 1.1695 1.7115 0.0042
7896 1.0944 -1.5376 -0.3071 1.8997
7901 -1.1326 -0.1455 -0.9498 -0.6828
7908 -0.1445 0.6122 0.3287 -0.5444
7909 -1.5394 -0.4124 -1.3598 -0.8080
7911 -2.4637 0.5309 -1.3758 -2.1097
7913 1.4852 -1.7004 -0.1439 2.2214
7916 1.3170 -1.4964 -0.1252 2.0055
7918 -0.0600 -2.4808 -1.8464 1.6679
7921 -0.6402 1.6446 0.6993 -1.5745
7922 -1.7100 -1.8694 -2.4555 0.1048
7926 -0.8854 -1.8649 -1.8962 0.7077
7944 0.7047 -0.3786 0.2404 0.7810
7949 -1.1675 0.2958 -0.6320 -0.9979
7951 -1.6275 0.5100 -0.7990 -1.4975
7952 1.3279 1.7884 2.2557 -0.3194
7954 -0.0209 -0.7787 -0.5861 0.5011
7957 2.2026 -1.9116 0.2045 2.9721

Run 5, inclusive

pi^{-} nSigma asymmetries

fill      yellow     blue       like       unlike
6988 2.8954 3.3548 4.2810 -0.3045
6990 -1.1356 0.0822 -0.7347 -0.8748
6992 2.2104 0.3517 1.9057 1.2493
6994 -0.3457 0.3976 0.0759 -0.6364
6995 0.0236 0.1136 0.1058 -0.0989
6997 0.6616 2.4959 2.2008 -1.2739
6998 -0.0607 0.5594 0.3556 -0.4868
7001 -0.2676 0.5874 0.2397 -0.6092
7002 -1.0157 -1.8627 -2.0789 0.4709
7032 -10.7190 9.6297 -0.9199 -13.3990
7034 2.6986 -1.2420 1.0235 2.7046
7035 -5.9795 5.8657 -0.0851 -8.3401
7048 -0.0177 -1.8298 -1.3617 1.2361
7049 -0.6182 -0.6846 -0.9274 0.0772
7051 1.2298 1.6795 2.1185 -0.3414
7055 0.7022 2.1289 2.0639 -1.0710
7064 -0.4975 1.9746 1.0530 -1.8834
7067 -2.7525 1.7490 -0.6884 -3.2186
7068 0.5999 -2.3405 -1.2244 2.1034
7069 1.6100 1.1541 1.9830 0.3217
7070 -0.0836 0.6656 0.4473 -0.4897
7072 0.1926 -0.7871 -0.3990 0.6684
7075 0.8745 -2.6544 -1.3421 2.4330
7079 0.1552 -1.5263 -1.0723 1.2324
7085 -0.0897 -0.2026 -0.2088 0.0906
7087 1.9237 0.4959 1.6501 1.0719
7088 0.3847 -0.4083 -0.0174 0.5569
7092 2.0581 -0.5933 1.0121 1.9479
7102 0.8406 0.3069 0.7570 0.5024
7103 -0.3106 -1.2057 -1.0763 0.6761
7110 2.6473 -0.2804 1.6718 2.0768
7112 1.5189 0.6019 1.4554 0.7426
7114 1.6817 0.9240 1.7917 0.5391
7118 -1.7624 0.7710 -0.5612 -1.6619
7120 -0.7654 0.2761 -0.2967 -0.7026
7122 0.0848 -0.6810 -0.3646 0.5913
7123 -1.6676 1.3976 -0.0291 -2.0208
7124 1.3759 -0.2691 0.6933 1.2215
7125 1.8810 -0.1630 1.1017 1.5199
7127 0.1055 1.6688 1.1933 -1.1824
7131 -0.1858 -0.0352 -0.2407 -0.1477
7133 0.8733 0.4679 1.0256 0.3223
7134 0.6636 -0.6857 -0.0360 0.9213
7151 -0.3299 -0.6315 -0.7004 0.2166
7153 -2.5741 -1.5110 -3.2579 -0.8339
7161 -0.9482 -0.8973 -1.2234 -0.1557
7162 -1.4261 -0.0548 -1.0450 -0.9047
7164 -0.2787 0.3688 0.1438 -0.5959
7165 0.1723 -1.3462 -0.7982 1.0477
7166 0.3072 2.2635 1.8098 -1.2695
7172 -0.6414 1.0035 0.2382 -1.1475
7237 0.8140 -1.9210 -0.7821 1.9362
7238 0.9147 0.1583 0.7514 0.5303
7249 0.8511 0.0570 0.6455 0.5322
7250 1.6782 -1.6771 0.1037 2.3099
7253 1.2592 0.8287 1.5859 0.2875
7255 -0.1376 0.1269 0.0300 -0.1948
7265 -2.7099 -1.0899 -2.5877 -1.2855
7266 -0.1283 0.7634 0.4338 -0.6211
7269 0.4862 -1.4204 -0.6823 1.3197
7270 -0.3694 -1.4968 -1.3117 0.7702
7271 2.1860 0.7501 2.0633 1.0176
7272 2.2742 -2.2593 0.0511 3.1922
7274 0.3692 1.9398 1.7348 -1.1304
7276 -1.9901 0.5043 -1.0389 -1.7776
7278 0.7444 -0.9791 -0.1687 1.2300
7279 -2.3442 0.9652 -0.9159 -2.3637
7300 -0.8765 1.6118 0.6363 -1.8350
7301 0.8553 -0.2668 0.3570 0.7616
7302 1.0808 -0.0070 0.7584 0.7798
7303 -0.7486 0.1757 -0.3854 -0.6549
7304 -0.7711 0.2501 -0.3825 -0.6815
7305 0.8851 0.7527 1.1938 0.0802
7308 -0.8466 0.7225 -0.0718 -1.1143
7311 0.2896 1.3780 1.1925 -0.7556
7317 -0.8703 -0.0998 -0.6921 -0.5361
7320 -1.3928 -2.0561 -2.4636 0.4663
7325 -0.9948 1.1141 0.0747 -1.5080
7327 -1.6448 0.1399 -1.0593 -1.2770

pi^{-} nSigma asymmetries

fill      yellow     blue       like       unlike
6988 1.5237 0.3259 1.3166 0.8438
6990 1.1388 -0.4585 0.5317 1.0481
6992 2.7809 1.8496 3.2777 0.6367
6994 0.4036 -0.0709 0.2152 0.3816
6995 0.0284 0.7506 0.5669 -0.5518
6997 -1.2708 1.5377 0.1390 -1.9290
6998 -0.2966 0.4639 0.1302 -0.4701
7001 0.8019 -0.9775 -0.1193 1.2528
7002 1.0862 -0.8451 0.1595 1.3065
7032 -7.2733 5.8628 -1.0782 -8.7338
7034 2.4731 -0.8650 1.1370 2.2900
7035 -5.7211 3.9134 -1.2690 -6.7932
7048 -0.9821 0.5199 -0.2484 -0.9325
7049 -2.4413 -1.6901 -2.8984 -0.5287
7051 0.1898 0.2886 0.3473 -0.0752
7055 2.4241 0.6951 2.2625 1.1398
7064 2.2608 -0.4958 1.2645 1.7928
7067 -0.9410 -0.7594 -1.1653 -0.2053
7068 0.2002 -0.1126 0.0601 0.2288
7069 0.6342 0.4304 0.7885 0.1599
7070 -1.2299 2.9297 1.2261 -2.8784
7072 -0.7843 1.6628 0.5990 -1.7002
7075 2.3895 -0.4305 1.3059 1.9201
7079 2.1971 -1.5796 0.3723 2.6978
7085 1.3459 -0.2317 0.7799 1.1367
7087 0.5258 0.2137 0.5551 0.1279
7088 -0.1856 -0.1438 -0.2435 -0.1064
7092 1.2742 -0.2971 0.6764 1.1774
7102 -0.1788 0.7376 0.3437 -0.5362
7103 -0.8089 0.0366 -0.5355 -0.6171
7110 2.6260 0.2961 2.0858 1.6233
7112 1.9199 -0.0349 1.3241 1.3657
7114 1.8546 0.6690 1.6611 0.8189
7118 -1.4017 0.8334 -0.4454 -1.6526
7120 -0.4001 -0.8129 -0.8129 0.3250
7122 0.5141 -0.2102 0.3512 0.6298
7123 -1.3042 1.8959 0.5395 -2.1551
7124 3.9571 0.3816 2.8666 2.6861
7125 -1.3947 0.3251 -0.8597 -1.3188
7127 2.2501 -0.6104 0.9831 2.1725
7131 -0.9200 -0.6472 -1.1191 -0.2102
7133 -1.1714 1.5062 0.0760 -1.9908
7134 0.6319 -1.4622 -0.6012 1.5632
7151 0.5372 -1.7916 -0.9108 1.6296
7153 -1.2329 0.7181 -0.3432 -1.3650
7161 1.3848 0.0689 1.0066 0.8943
7162 -2.3956 0.6038 -1.3699 -2.1493
7164 0.3508 1.6100 1.3783 -0.8174
7165 1.4134 -0.7712 0.4739 1.5248
7166 -0.3523 2.1152 1.2432 -1.6452
7172 -0.1923 3.1633 2.1209 -2.3379
7237 1.5778 -1.1650 0.2675 1.9640
7238 1.4628 3.2685 3.4046 -1.2492
7249 0.4261 0.1171 0.3816 0.2054
7250 1.2336 -1.0578 0.2506 1.5672
7253 0.6686 -1.3123 -0.3461 1.3663
7255 0.4010 0.1360 0.3899 0.1899
7265 0.1921 -1.1813 -0.6969 0.9601
7266 -0.6051 -0.5478 -0.8301 -0.0250
7269 0.1734 -0.5571 -0.2799 0.5063
7270 0.8825 -0.1983 0.4846 0.7612
7271 0.4453 -0.5304 -0.0492 0.6870
7272 -0.0131 -0.0176 -0.1003 0.0666
7274 2.5228 -0.2154 1.7141 1.8915
7276 -1.2212 2.1062 0.6034 -2.3542
7278 0.3318 0.0408 0.2745 0.1836
7279 -0.5121 -1.0690 -1.0773 0.3939
7300 -1.6321 0.7300 -0.6380 -1.6637
7301 -0.3916 -1.4341 -1.3355 0.7032
7302 1.4687 -1.3287 0.0978 1.9877
7303 0.4977 0.8000 0.8904 -0.2186
7304 -1.3292 -1.5037 -2.0497 0.1612
7305 0.2956 1.9077 1.6151 -1.1684
7308 -0.9212 -1.6537 -1.8057 0.5161
7311 0.0845 -1.0962 -0.7150 0.8359
7317 -2.3657 -0.6376 -2.1734 -1.1486
7320 -2.8559 1.1114 -1.2439 -2.7725
7325 0.3738 0.4026 0.5462 -0.0209
7327 -0.0750 -1.3466 -1.0211 0.8721