2008 - EMC calibration workshop

The EMC calibration workshop was launched as with a start up Email to starmail on 9/4/2008 10:31. A copy resides below. The review report was requested to be delivered by October the 29th 2008.

See also for further references:




Dear STAR collaborators,

	Driven by findings and (constructive) criticisms of
the past operation workshop on the core team's attention to EMC
Physics, I have flagged the calorimetric physics issues as high
priority for the core team to address and  a key project for
the year.

	As corrective action, I proposed and discussed internally
to the S&C project (including the software coordinators) the
need for a workshop which high-level goal would be to define,
discuss, map the Physics goals and deliverables of our research
program to EMC tasks timelines, milestones and effort levels
needed to reach those goals (by physics topics, analysis). To
answer the requirements needs, and thanks to Bedanga for being
on board with this, specific questions will be asked of the PWG
(via the PWGC). Questions will serve as direct input to the

	The workshop will take place at BNL on September
29 and 30th (just after the analysis meeting) in the ITD seminar
room (Bldg 515) and I have asked (and charged) Gene Van Buren,
calibration coordinator, to help with the logistic and
post-workshop report.

	As a product of the workshop, I have asked Gene Van Buren,
in consultation with the EMC sub-system management (Will Jacobs
as project coordinator and Matthew Walker as software coordinator)
to steer an effort to write a summary report which would emphasize
the roadmap ahead, and the (human) resources available/needed as
well as what we would not be able to accomplish shall we have
missing workforce. Such document would then serve as a clear
statement for an incoming operation workshop where the needs
would be re-iterated, quantification in our hands. The report
would be due by October 17th, well in time for the operation
workshop in November.

	Many thanks to Will Jacobs for his understanding, Matthew
Walker for his prompt response and assistance and Gene Van Buren
for pulling the troops and generating interest as well as taking
this task on the S&C global plan to the level of seriousness it

	With hopes you will attend, participate in providing
feedback (through your PWG) and make this workshop a success.

                 Dr. Jerome LAURET
                 RHIC/STAR Software and Computing project Leader
      ,,,,,      Physics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory
     ( o o )     Bldg 510a, Upton, NY 11973
 E-mail: jlauret@bnl.gov