Title, affected area, task description & goal |
Skill required |
POC | Taker or assignee |
Status (date) |
Title: Evaluate the use of XCache as an possible improvement over Xrootd access. Affected area: user analysis Task description: Xrootd access has recently been improved by reducing the IO operation per second (very much like access to GPFS): entire files are transferred to local disk and read locally. Why was this done? This was done as the Xrootd storage model has changed - used to be widely distributed and leveraging our compute farm storage (hence scaling as the farm grew), the concentration of of storage over a few large data-servers caused bottlenecks. However, a caching layer could improve and reduce access hence load to those data servers. Multiple issues will arise and questions needs to be asked: - Can we leverage caching in the first place? [do we have dataset re-use over a 24 hours period for example]? - XCache infrastructure - is it flexible? Can we scale over many smaller nodes? [we do not want to displace the bottleneck from a few Xrootd data servers to ... a few cache] - If we deploy, what are the measure of success? [cache hit must minimally confirm our estimate of benefit, what is the scale of impact?] |
Nothing special | J. Lauret | A. Jaikar L. Hajdu |
Opened 2019/08 |
Title: Evaluation of a new "forum" based mailing list system Affected area: Communication, exchange Task description: |
J. Lauret | RACF J.Lauret W. Betts |
Opened | |
Title: GMT software integration Affected area: Calibrations Task description: Clean up existing code library for the GMT and bring it through code peer review. |
C++ | G. Van Buren | ? |
Untaken 2019/08 |
Title: Collider Performance impact on STAR data Affected area: Calibrations Task description: Use whatever tools we can (e.g. scalers, DCAs) to look for datasets impacted by collider performance similar to what was seen with the Booster Main Magnet for Run 18 AuAu27. |
C++ | G. Van Buren | Yue-Hang Leung |
Taken 2019/09 |
Title: Integration of automated run-by-run Offline QA Affected area: QA Task description: Missing from Offline QA has been run-by-run (i.e. time and/or run dependence) QA plots. Significant work has been done to generate plots, but the final integration and interface to these plots needs to be completed. |
open (e.g. develop web interface) | G. Van Buren | ? |
Untaken 2019/08 |
Title: Web Master Affected area: All web content Task description: None. Skill set includes PHP and a sense of organization. |
PHP | J. Lauret | Daniel Nemes + David Stewart |
2019/08 Taken 2019/10 |