Run 9 Preparation and Jobs List
Green = complete Red = currently critical
- Run 9 Preparation Tasks (includes commissioning at startup
- ZDC SMD hardware preparation Whitten
- planning and analysis - Hal, Valpo, LBL
- install DAQ and testing - Aihong
- Calibration and monitoring - Ramon
- VPD as polarimeter - LBL
- Trigger plan
- L0, L2 optimization - TAMU
- coordination with other PWGs
- L0 trigger monitor from trigger data - Pibero
- DSM replacements - Hank
- Analyze 2008 data to:
- check triggers etc.
- BSMD operation, gains
- influence of low mass on gammas
- L2 algos
- coordination - Corliss
- endcap gamma-jet - Ilya
- barrel gamm-jet - Betancourt
- dijet algo - Page
- Peds - Page
- monitoring web pages - Betancourt
- Upsilon - Haidong Liu
- Ws - Seele
- Calibration - Corliss
- High energy - Corliss
- BEMC gain equalization
- Eta = 1 and -1
- E/W balance and phi dep in east
- BSMD, BPRS readout upgrade and data compression
- Hardware - Visser, Jacobs
- hardware tests post delivery
- zero suppression, peds
- software infrastructure and monitor - Leight
- BPRS Calibration and readiness
- Characterization from previous runs - Balewski
- FPGA fixes for cap ID - Visser
- HV adjustments, fiber fixes
- Resolve hole in East Barrel trigger - Pibero
- Shielding additions at top of tunnel - Bill, Al, Jim
- Pplot upgrades to match changes - G. Webb, Tsai and Trentalange
- Daq reader - core group
- EMC - Walker
- BSMD compression
- trigger changes
- DSM changes
- DSM wiring modifications and test
- Rewire - Engelage, Gagliardi
- tests - G. Webb, Grebenyuk
- High luminosity monitoring
- L measurement planning - Hal
- Scalers - Ernst, Jim, Joe, Hal, Dave, Chuck
- L measurement implementation
- TPC monitor FGT prototype - ANL, Majka
- 500 GeV preparation
- BSMD staturation studies
- W program - Seele
- gamma, pi0
- Trigger differences from 200 GeV - Carl
- Other
- ESMD->DDL data path and necessary software changes
- EEMC maintenance - Jacobs, Sowinski
- BEMC maintenance - Tsai, Trentalange
- FMS trigger work
- Remap cabling for cluster triggering - Jim Drachanberg and/or
- rebuild pre-shower system - Jim Drachanberg and/or
- Run 9 Startup and During Run Tasks
- Scaler check out - Bridgeman
- Luminosity monitor checkout
- Real time monitor of lumi/local pol - LBL
- CDEV monitoring - Sowinski
- AGS polarimetery - Spinka, Underwood, Haixin Huang
- RHIC polarimetry - Spinka, Underwood, Qinghua/student
- RHIC polarimeter monitor and recording - Jones
- ZDC SMD tuneup
- Commission BEMC - Grebenyuk, Cendejas, Tsai, Trentalange
- check calibration
- check ADC timing
- on call expert
- Commission EEMC - IU with help
- check calibration
- check ADC timing
- on call expert
- Commission FMS
- Commission BBC
- Trigger setup
- EMC trigger bit timing - Hank et al
- Rates and thresholds scans and settings
- confirmation good to go
- L2 testing
- L2 monitoring and updating
- L2 on call expert
- Preparation for analysis
- Luminosity -Jones
- runlist and QA - Page/Sowinski
- Spin data base
- Fill by fill spin patterns - Page
- Bunch offsets and load DB
- Calorimeter Readiness
- peds and status
- claibrations
- peds and status
- calibrations
- Ongoing Service Work
- EEMC hardware maintenance - IU
- EEMC software coordinator
- EEMC calibrations
- Sampling fraction MC studies
- pi0, eta, electron, mips
- BEMC hardware maintenance - Tsai and Trentalange
- BEMC software coordinator
- BEMC calibrations - Tsai and Trentalange
- pi0 - Renee
- time dependence - Renee
- BEMC GEANT model refinements - Tsai and Trentalange
- Other GEANT model refinements
- TPC endcap and electronics - ANL
- Calibrations
- run 9 - Zagreb
- Root framework software - PSU,TAMU
- FPD++ calib. - Poljak
- Common analysis software
- Trigger simulator software - Fatemi, Grebenyuk?
- L0 - Fersch
- EEMC codes - Gagliardi/Huo
- L2 ported to simulator incl. data base of params
- Vertex finding and tracking
- Jet finder
- gamma maker
- pi0 algos BEMC
- pi0 algos EEMC
- FGT project - Simon, MIT, IU, KU, ANL, Valpo
- Tier 2 simulations - Btancourt