2009.02.16 pt_jet>5GeV: pre-shower sorting with new normalization
Ilya Selyuzhenkov February 16, 2009
Data sets
Cuts applied
- Di-jet events
- Require to reconstruct photon momentum (no gamma-jet isolation cuts)
- Gamma pt > 7GeV, jet pt > 7GeV
- L2gamma emulation in Monte-Carlo
- L2gamma triggered for pp2006 and pp2008 events
- cos (phi_jet - phi_gamma) < -0.8
- detector |eta_jet|< 0.8
- |v_z| < 100
Each figure has:
- pp2008 data scaled to match the integraled yield from pp2006 data
- mc2006 stand for MC sum: QCD + gamma-jet
Monte-Carlo results for QCD and gamma-jet samples are first
scaled to 3.164 pb^-1 according to Pythia luminosity,
added together, and then an additional fudge factor of 1.24 applied.
Fudge factor is defined as pp2006 to Monte-Carlo sum ratio
for pt_jet>7GeV and pt_gamma>7 candidates
plots for pt_gamma>7GeV, pt_jet > 5GeV
- All pre-shower combined: 1D distributions
- All pre-shower combined: 2D correlations
- Pre-shower sorting 1D distributions