This algorithm is intended to provide access to the 16 lastDSM output bits, and should only be needed when the old TCU is being used.
This algorithm reads in 5 ints from run control:
[0] onbits0
[1] offbits0
[2] onbits1
[3] offbits1
[4] number of onbits+offbits pairs
The logic used is as follows:
if((lastDSM & p->onbits[0]) != p->onbits[0]) return 0;
if((~lastDSM & p->offbits[0]) != p->offbits[0]) return 0;
repeated for [1] if the number of pairs is > 1. A byte swap occurs before this logic is reached, so that both ushorts should have the same endian-ness. If none of the 'if's fire, the algorithm returns 1.