Summary of Fast Offline QA Shift Duties - Run 8


  • Review in detail the set of histograms for the Offline QA Shifts for Fast Offline Data Production (highest priority); the minimum requirement is 1-2 file sequences or 'jobs' per Experiment Run ID number and trigger collection, e.g. st_physics, st_mtd, st_upsilon, minbias, high tower, etc.
  • Write a useful and informative Offline QA Shift report using a web-based form noting especially any and all suspected problems with the detectors, calibrations, and reconstruction. The report will be archived and the summary sent to 'starqa-hn' hypernews automatically.
  • Press the "MARK" button for all fast offline data runs you examined while on shift.
  • Notify the appropriate experts and/or the QA contacts for any and all suspected problems with the detectors, calibrations, or fast-offline reconstruction.
  • Check the Online-to-Offline data base migration using the "Database Migration Monitor" link on the first page of the QA browser after you login. When data are being taken the first several tables should appear in green font. If no data have been acquired for a day or so then all the tables should be in red. If there are any red fonts in the first several tables labelled "RunLog_onl" while data are being taken then this may indicate a problem and you should notify starqa-hn explicitly.


Last modified: Feb 15, 2008