W 2009 analysis , pp 500 GeV

 Progress of 2009 data analysis for W measurement

01 raw spectra from EMC for L2W events, day 76

Analysis of BHT3*L2W triggered events for pp 500

 runs 10076136,152,153,154,161, only W-stream

Fig 1. Raw EMC spectra for BHT3 thr=30 & L2W >13 GeV, day 76

Fig 2. Z-vertex for good tracks

Fig 3. Frequency of towers with ET>5 GeV, 66 runs from days 76-81. All input BHT3 events are considered. Ideal gains are used. Note, Z-scale does not start form zero to visualize low-gain towers. Nominally there are 4 hot masked towers + 3 towers have bad pedestals. Y-axis is aligned with West TPC sectors, counting 0-11.

Fig 4.  Seed tower distribution for 2x2 cluster ET within range. Only events accepted by L2W (cluster ET>13 GeV) are considered. Ideal gains are used. The same 66 runs from days 76-81 as in fig 3.

02 QA of TPC tracks

 Daq files with W events were reco w/ BFC "pp2009a ITTF BEmcChkStat QAalltrigs btofDat Corr3  beamLine -VFMinuit  VFPPVnoCTB -dstout -evout"

Event cuts:

  • trigger ID=L2W
  • prim vertex rank>0 ( to reject fake vertices)
  • loop over tracks:
    • flag()>0
    • pt>0.5 GeV

Fig 1, day 76, runs 10076136,152,153,154,161

Fig 2, day 85, runs 10085132,133,136



Fig 3, day 86, ~20 runs , only L2W triggered events, bottom plots show only tracks with PT>1.0 GeV


03 periodic summary of all acquired events

att 1) all W-events for ~300K from days 76-89

att 2) one fill from day 83, 34K W-events, I think BPRS peds were not subtracted for some runs, page 7 

att 3) half of fill in day 90, 6K W-events