April 2009 posts
The STAR spin program with longitudinally polarized proton beams
ROOT implementation for LDA:
LDA configuration: default
LDA input parameters:
Figure 1: LDA discriminant (no SMD involved in training)
Figure 2: LDA (no SMD): Efficiency, rejection, purity vs. discriminant
Figure 3: SMD energy in 25 central strips (LDA-dsicriminant>0, no pre-shower1 cut)
Figure 4: SMD energy in 25 central strips (LDA-dsicriminant>0, pre-shower1 < 10MeV)
Figure 5: Maximum residual (LDA-dsicriminant>0, no pre-shower1 cut)
Figure 6: Maximum residual (LDA-dsicriminant>0, pre-shower1 < 10MeV)
SMD info added:
a) energy in 5 central srtips
b) maximum sided residual
Figure 7:LDA with SMD: Efficiency, rejection, purity vs. LDA discriminant
Figure 8: LDA discriminant with SMD
Figure 9: Maximum residual (SMD LDA-dsicriminant>0, pre-shower1 < 10MeV)
Figure 10:LDA (no SMD): Efficiency, rejection, purity plots
Figure 11: LDA with SMD: Efficiency, rejection, purity plots
ROOT implementation for LDA:
LDA configuration: default
LDA input parameters (includes SMD inromation of the distance from max sided residual plot):
The number of strips in SMD u or v planes is required to be greater than 3
Figure 1: SMD energy in 25 central strips sorted by pre-shower energy
Right plot for each pre-shower condition shows the ratio of pp2006 data to sum of the Monte-Carlo samples
Colour coding:
black pp2006 data, red gamma-jet MC, green QCD MC, blue gamma-jet+QCD
(combined plot for all pre-shoer bins can be found here)
Figure 2: SMD energy in 5 central strips sorted by pre-shower energy
(combined plot can be found here)
Figure 3: Maximum residual sorted by pre-shower energy
(combined plot can be found here)
Figure 4: LDA discriminant. Note: LDA algo trained for each pre-shower condition independently
Figure 5: LDA: Efficiency, rejection, purity vs. discriminant, sorted by pre-shower energy
Figure 6: LDA: Efficiency, rejection, purity plots sorted by pre-shower energy
For each pre-shower condition each plot has 4 figures: