04 : MC study on PPV with BTOF in Run 9 geometry (Xin blog)
Study of vertex reconstruction in transverse X-Y plane, pp 500 data from 2009, high PT events from W-stream
Large variance in the initial determination of beam line constrain for pp 500 data has been observed. The concern was that reconstruction accuracy for high PT TPC electron tracks from W decay may be not sufficient.
At first simpleminded idea of increasing minimal PT of used tracks and imposing high track multiplicity did not improve accuracy of vertex determination in the transverse plane.
Next we look at individual events passing the following selection criteria, passing through most likely primary tracks candidates from the pool of global tracks:
Fig 1. Typical spectra for some of the cut parameters for W-stream pp 500 events
Tracks passing selection are approximated by straight lines in the vicinity of DCA to X=Y=0 and shown in Fig 2. Z-axis range is always 6 cm, centered at the max likelihood of PPV.
The following encoding was added to plots:
*head of arrows indicates direction of the momentum vector
*size of the arrow is proportional to track PT, max PT for given set of tracks (event) is in the title of the left histograms
* thickens of the line is proportional to the weight of track in vertex (or beam line) determination, I used formula:
width= 3.* (0.15*0.15)/sig/sig; , where sig=sigYlocal from Sti .
(The last 2 conditions sometimes interfere, since the thicker line increases also the arrow size, but still plots should help us to gain intuition).
Fig 2, Projections of global tracks at most likely vertex location. One event per row, two projections: Y vs. X and Y vs. Z.
Stray tracks are most likely form pileup or from decays matched to fired EMC towers.
The width of arrows is proportional to likelihood the vertex is below it (~1/track error^2)
Attachments A,B show more real data events.
Attachments C,D show M-C Pythia QCD events with partonic pT>10 & 20 GeV, respectively. C has fixed vertex offset, D has varied vertex offset.
*Very often one sees 2 jets what impedes determination of transverse vertex position on event by event basis, in particular if vertex finder is not returning non-diagonal covariance matrix element covXY (see last event in fig 2.)
* we will pursue alternative method of beam line determination by fitting its equation directly to preselected tracks from multiple events. We try to skip event by event vertex determination.
Stand alone 3D beam line fitter developed by Jan & Rosi in June 2009
Fig 2. Example of X0,Y0 fit for pp 500 data F10415, more in att. A)
Attachment A): slides vetting 3D beam-line fitting algo
Attachment B): document describing math used to compute 3D likelihood
Attachment C: Source code for fitting contains:
(July 9, 2009)
1) the threshold for pT of single-matched-track vertices was lowered from 15 GeV/c to 10 GeV/c.
The purpose if this change is to not loose W-events for the case when TPC calibration is approximate and error of reco PT of TPC track is sizable for tracks with true PT of 20 GeV/c.
Those vertices will be now more likely pileup contaminated, since there is a fair chance for a random matching of a global track to a fired BTWO tower. Users should use vertices with at least 2 matched tracks which will have rank>1e6.
2) Additional expert-only functionality was added to PPV , encapsulated in the new class Vertex3D.
If BFC is run in normal way, e.g. in production no new action is taken.
However if BFC option "VtxSeedCalG" is added for every event high quality most likely primary tracks candidates from the pool of global tracks:
and printed in to the logfile in the format:
printf("track4beamLine %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %d %f %.1f %d \n",x,y,z,px,py,pz,er->_cYY,er->_cZY,er->_cZZ , tr.nFitPoint,tr.gChi2,z0,eveID);
Fig. 1. prim tracks candidates in the vicinity of beam line
Fig. 2. QA plots for prim track selection