Run 8 EEMC calibrations

This is the main page for all EEMC calibration information for Run 8

Comparison of old (Run 7) to new (Run 8) EEMC tower HV's

At the end of run 7, we compared slopes for all EEMC towers with two sets of HV values in a series of consecutive runs.  The goal was to see if the new HV set would change the slopes in the 'expected' way, to bring the tower hardware gains into closer agreement with their ideal values.

Here is a summary of what we planned to do:  

What was actually done was send in a private email to a few people.  The email is attached below, along with two plots.  "2006TowerGains" shows the absolute gain determined for each tower, compared to its ideal value.  "2006Gains_x_SlopeRatio" is the same data, but each point has simply been scaled by the ratio of the slopes determined for the two data sets (old HV vs new HV).  Note that the correction is not just a calculation, but based only the slope measured for each tower before and after the new HV set was loaded.


EEMC Pedestals and Status Tables for Run 8

Generating Pedestal and Status Table Information

Requesting Emc Check Runs

In order to produce pedestal and status table information for the EEMC, Min Bias runs must be analyzed to determine the pedestal and status for each channel (tower, preshower, or SMD strip).  Thus during the running, usually once per fill an EmcCheck run is produced with approximately 200,000 of these Min Bias events.  This run must include EEMC and ESMD, and it is preferable for this run to be the first run in the fill, but not absolutely necessary.  A list of these runs we wish to have produced via Fast-Offline is sent to Lidia Didenko through the starprod hypernews list.  These runs are usually produced to /star/data09/reco/EmcCheck/ReversedFullField/dev/ or sometimes data10.  For each run there might be 20 MuDst files, that will be deleted in a week or so, so they must be processed to hist.root files quickly.  A list of the runs that were requested and produced for 2008 is given here:

Creating hist.root files and fit.hist.root files

In order to analyze these runs, the raw MuDst needs to be transfered hist.root fromat.   This is  done with the macro rdMu2Ped.C  which is executed by procPeds (all of the following code can be found in my directory at /star/u/stevens4/ped08 at rcf).   procPeds requires an input file Rnum.lis which has a list of the locations of all the files for a given run, this can be created via the executible filefind (Rnum is a string of Rydddnnn where y is the year, xxx is the day of the run, and nnn is the number of the run on that day).  Once rdMu2Ped.C has written the .hist.root file for the given run, procPeds then executes fitAdc4Ped.C which fits each channels histogram using the code in pedFitCode/.   The macro fitAdc4Ped.C also creates ped.sectorXX files which contain the pedestal information for each sector which will be loaded to the database, as well as other log files.  Finally procPeds moves all these files to a directory for that particular run. 

Status Tables

The code used to create these status and fail words for each channel are in the directory /star/u/stevens4/ped08/pedStatus.  The source code for the program is in oflPedStat.cxx, and it is executed using oflPed.  It requires and input file, runList, which contains the list of runs to be analyzed, and it requires the hist.root and fit.hist.root files to be stored in /star/u/stevens4/ped08/dayxxx/outPedRyxxxnnn.   This code outputs two files, Ryxxxnnn.errs, which contains the status and fail words in hex format for each problematic channel, and Ryxxxnnn.log, which gives explanation (ie which test it failed) for why each channel was problematic.  Both of these output files are written in /star/u/stevens4/ped08/pedStatus/StatFiles/.  Once these files are written the script procErrs can be executed in the same directory.   procErrs reads in the .errs files and writes (with DistrStat2Sectors.C) the stat-XX files containing the status and fail words that will be uploaded to the database, as well as copy  each stat-XX and ped.sectorXX to the run number directory in /StatFiles/.  

The current set of status bits for EEMC (usage:  #define EEMCSTAT_* )
ONLPED    0x0001 // only pedestal visible
STKBT        0x0002 // sticky lower bits
HOTHT       0x0004 // masked for HT trigger
HOTJP        0x0008 // masked for JP trigger
HIGPED      0x0010 // high chan, seems to work
HOTSTR     0x0020 // hot esmd strip
JUMPED     0x0040 // jumpy ped over few chan
WIDPED      0x0080 // wide ped sigma

More information about the database usage is given by Jan at:


Uploading Tables to Database

General information for uploading tables to the database is given by Jan at:

More specific information on uploading pedestals and status tables to the database refer to /star/u/stevens4/database/uploadinfo.txt