STAR networks in 1006 and their nicknames


“DAQ/TRG”:  (non-routed)

“HPSS”:  RCF network for DAQ → HPSS transfers

“Alexei”: Alexei’s video camera and laser network (currently consists of a switch on the South Platform and a switch in the DAQ room connected by a fiber pair?).  This includes 3-4 PCs including obsolete Windows OSes (e.g. Win 98).  No devices on this network are dual-homed, so it is very isolated from everything else and is mentioned here for completeness.

“trailers”:  130.199.162.  - includes wired connections for printers, vistors’ laptops and workstations not directly involved in operations and may exist outside of the trailers, such as the Control Room for visitors’ laptops while on shift.

“Wireless”: Not really relevant conceptually, but there are also three ITD wireless access points in the area.

“C-AD 108” and “C-AD 90”:  C-AD has at least two networks operating in the DAQ and Control Rooms, which are left well enough alone in their hands, but are mentioned here for the sake of completeness.