Endcap Geometry

Geometry definition

  1. Detailed description of the geometry (ver 5.1) as implemented by
    Oleg Rogachevski are listed in the depth.txt file
  2. Distribution of material as fuction of eta and phi
  3. Mapping of SMD strips to towers (11/20/03 jwebb)

Geant pictures of calorimeter are generated with plot_geom.kumac

  1. View of EndCap caloremeter (variant C) in STAR detector

  2. cross section of calorimeter towers variant C

  3. cross section of lower half of calorimeter plane ZY at X=0

  4. cross section of calorimeter (var.C) plane ZY at X=30cm

  5. cross section at eta=2.0front part with SMD

    line eta = 2.0 intersects megatile (blue) at its center
    and radiators (black) at forward edge.
    Hub is seen at upper edge. Each megatile extends from eta=2 to hub
    as nonactive plastic and radiator extends as stainless steel.

  6. cross section at eta=1.086 front part with SMD

    line eta = 1.086 intersects megatile at its center
    and radiators at the back edge of radiator
    Projective (20x25 mm) bar is seen at the lower edge of calorimeter
    XXX page 9 - megatile cell structure in local coordinates, particles go along Y axis on this plot.

  7. regular SMD sector, V plane, blue line depicts +-15 deg. between sectors

  8. edge SMD sector with cutted strips, V plane

  9. cross section of 1st SMD plane

  10. cross section of 2st SMD plane

  11. cross section of 3st SMD plane

  12. cross section of 1st SMD plane labeled with "SUV" ordering

  13. cross section of the gap between SMD sectors

  14. cross section of the gap between tower at the sector boundary

  15. cross section of the backplate

Three variants of EEMC geometry are available:
A --- lower half with only 5-8 sectors filled with scintillators
B --- fully filled lower half
C --- both halves filled with scintillators