
Minutes 17 November 2009


Jason C:y2006dev geometry is defined.  QA needs be done before a production release is made. 
After this is closed making significant revisions will be more difficult.
Ilya Q: What is ETA for 2006?
Jason A: In auto-build now, will be available tomorrow.
Ilya C: Now pure lead is consistent with lead alloy.  Distributions in all layers look
consistent as well.  Is change with LOW_EM option reasonable?
Hal C: What about extra time for LOW_EM?
Michael A: It's a factor of 6 for very high energy photons, but less than time to run bfc.
Jason C: We've talked about being OK with a factor of 2, but not 10.  2<6<10 so who knows.
Michael C: New TPX simulator takes like 10 minutes per event.
Scott C: We really care about backgrounds when it comes to time because we need so many more
statistics and don't think as many high energy particles there.
Will C: Would be a good idea to re-run all tests that were done last week when we thought things
were final last Friday.
Hal and Alice C: Think it's a good idea to look at a small-ish generic QCD sample with the idea
that if we find problems they can be fixed before we are locked in forever.  Alice will try to
come up with a proposal.
Michael C: For 2009 geometry, many fixes to the barrel make it not backwards compatible.  So
2006 geometry will not be ideal for barrel.
Jason C: I can look into making this backwards compatible.  I'm also planning on propagating
EEMC changes all the way back to 2003.

Michael C:There has been progress but cluster has been down last few days so a bit stalled.