Monte-Carlo setup:
data base settings (same settings in bfc.C (Jan's trick) and in my MuDst reader):
Note: for BEMC ideal pedSigma set to 0, so effectively
there is no effect when I apply 3-sigma threshold above pedestal.
Figure 1: Energy sampling of various cluster in the Barrel EMC
E_reco is the total energy in the BEMC towers from mMuDstMaker->muDst()->muEmcCollection()
eta_thrown - rapidity of the thrown photon from the Geant record
Cuts: |eta| < 0.97 && |eta|>0.01 && total energy s.f. > 0.055
Figure 2: Various cluster energy ratios
Conclusions/dicsussion at the emc2 hypernew
NoCuts: Default STAR geometry EM cuts
Endcap EMC setup is quite non-uniform
(all cuts are set via "Call GSTPAR (ag_imed,'CutName', Value)":
CUTGAM = 0.00001
CUTELE = 0.00001
CUTGAM = 0.00008
CUTELE = 0.001
BCUTE = 0.0001
CUTNEU = 0.001
CUTHAD = 0.001
CUTMUO = 0.001
c-- Define Birks law parameters
BIRK1 = 1.
BIRK2 = 0.013
BIRK3 = 9.6E-6
CUTGAM = 0.00008
CUTELE = 0.001
BCUTE = 0.0001
CUTNEU = 0.001
CUTHAD = 0.001
CUTMUO = 0.001
CUTGAM = 0.00001
CUTELE = 0.00001
LOSS = 1.
STRA = 1.
CUTGAM = 0.00008
CUTELE = 0.001
BCUTE = 0.0001
c-- Define Birks law parameters
BIRK1 = 1.
BIRK2 = 0.0130
BIRK3 = 9.6E-6
CUTGAM = 0.0001
CUTELE = 0.0001
BCUTE = 0.0001
BCUTM = 0.0001
DCUTE = 0.0001
DCUTM = 0.0001
CUTGAM = 0.00001
CUTELE = 0.00001
BCUTE = 0.00001
BCUTM = 0.00001
DCUTE = 0.0001
DCUTM = 0.00001
CUTGAM = 0.00001
CUTELE = 0.00001
BCUTE = 0.00001
BCUTM = 0.00001
DCUTE = 0.00001
DCUTM = 0.00001
Figure 1: Endcap EMC sampling fraction for different cluster sizes:
1x1, 2x1, 3x3, and total energy in the EEMC
Lower right plot shows total s.f. vs. photon thrown energy
Conclusions/dicsussion at the emc2 hypernew:
List of LOW_EM cuts and defaults
Pythia QCD Monte-Carlo:
Figure 1: QCD Total (GEANT/GSTAR+bfc) timing (seconds/event)
Figure 2: QCD GEANT/GSTAR timing (seconds/event)
Figure 3: QCD bfc.C timing (seconds/event)
EEMC single photons Monte-Carlo
Figure 4: EEMC single photon Total (GEANT/GSTAR+bfc) timing (seconds/event)
Figure 5: EEMC single photon GEANT/GSTAR timing (seconds/event)
Figure 1: (left) Endcap EMC sampling fraction (total calorimeter energy), (right) SMD-u sampling fraction
Red: (previous) ecalgeo-v6.1 with global LOW_EM option
(Note: same points as in this post, Fig. 1 lower left, label y6:LOW_EM)
Black: (new) ecalgeo-v6.2 (embedded LOW_EM cuts), no global LOW_EM option
Figure 2: Pre-shower migrations
There is only a few events with pre1>4MeV with new simulations: potential problem with TPC geometry?
Results: Update for the previous tests of EMC v6.2 geometry after fixing TPC/EEMC overlap
Figure 1: Endcap EMC sampling fraction: total calorimeter energy, pre1-, pre2-, post- shower layers, and SMD-u energy
Red: (previous) ecalgeo-v6.1 with global LOW_EM option
(Note: same points as in this post, Fig. 1 lower left, label y6:LOW_EM)
Black: (new) ecalgeo-v6.2 (embedded LOW_EM cuts), no global LOW_EM option
Figure 2: Pre-shower migrations
Change in TPC geometry seems to introduce a reasonable (small) change in pre-shower migration
* Update version of the previous simulation
request from December 18, 2008 (see Ref. [1])
Understanding effects of trigger, material budget differences,
and throughout comparison between 2006 and 2009 data
requires to have dedicated Monte-Carlo
data samples with both y2006 and y2009 geometries.
We request to produce the following set of
Monte-Carlo samples for the photon-jet analysis:
Dedicated (gamma filtered, Refs. [2-5]) data sample
for Pythia pp@200GeV prompt photon processes
with y2006 STAR geometry configuration
and partonic pt range 2-25GeV.
Simulations configured with:
LOW_EM option in starsim (Ref. [6]).
Low cuts on electromagnetic processes in GSTAR
y2006h geometry tag, which includes
latest Endcap EMC (v6.1) and TPC (v4) geometry fixes.
Pythia 6.4 CDF Tune A or Perugia tunes (6.4.22)?
Dedicated (gamma filtered, Refs. [2-5]) data sample
for Pythia pp@200GeV hard QCD processes
with y2006 STAR geometry configuration
and partonic pt range 2-25GeV.
Same simulation setup as for the sample S1.
Pythia pp@200GeV prompt photon and hard QCD
processes with y2009 STAR geometry configuration
and partonic pt range 2-25GeV.
Same simulation setup as for the sample S1
but with y2009a geometry tag.
S4: 3rd priority
Pythia pp@500GeV prompt photon and hard QCD
processes with y2009 STAR geometry configuration
and partonic pt range 2-25GeV.
Same simulation setup as for the sample S1
but with y2009a geometry tag.
Below I provide some estimates of CPU and disk space
which are required to produce the data samples listed above.
These estimates are based on the previous (private)
production of the MC gamma-filtered events with y2006
geometry which was done at MIT computer cluster
by Michael Betancourt (Ref. [2,4-5]):
Pythia pp@200GeV prompt photon simulations
with ~7 pb^-1 luminosity:
~60 days running time on a single CPU
~17Gb of disk space to store MuDst/geant files
Number of (filtered) events:
~ 30K for pt range 6-9GeV
~ 15K for pt range 9-15GeV
Pythia pp@200 QCD hard process simulations
with (at least) 1 pb^-1 luminosity:
~ 620 days running on a single CPU
(less than a week on a cluster with 100 CPUs)
~ 150Gb of disk space to store MuDst/geant files
Number of (filtered) events:
~ 650K for pt range 6-9GeV
~ 300K for pt range 9-15GeV
Notes on the estimates:
Enabling LOW_EM option in GSTAR increases
the time estimates by ~40% (Ref. [7]).
Additional production of jet trees will
require a disk space on the order of < 2%
of the total size of the MuDst/geant files.
Additional production of gamma trees will also
require a disk space on the order of a few percents
of the total size of the MuDst/geant files.
Previous simulation request (Date: 2008, Dec 18):
Michael's document on
"Targeted MC procedure for the gamma-jet program at STAR":
simulations with filtering readiness:
Filtered photon production with y2006 geometry:
More details on statistics needed and disk space estimates:
LOW_EM option in GSTAR:
Time estimates with and without LOW_EM option: