2010.01.15 W test sample QA: Pass 3

QA of the test W-sample from Lidia/Jason.
generated MuDst are from /star/data08/users/starreco/recowtest/

QA plots for the previous pass 2 can be found here

QA plots for the previous pass 1 can be found here

Two channels being analyzed:

  • wtest10000 W+ --> e+ nu (shown by black line)
  • wtest10001 W- --> e- nu (shown by red line)

Cuts: |geant_eta_lepton| < 1

Discussions can be found here:

Figure 1: Reconstructed minus geant z-vertex

Figure 2: Lepton E2x2/E_geant energy ratio

Parameter black: positron from W+ red: electron from W-
gaus-Constant 6.24023e+01 , err=3.46979e+00 4.73536e+01 , err=3.16029e+00
gaus-Mean 9.79982e-01 , err=1.69854e-03 9.79787e-01 , err=1.68813e-03
gaus-Sigma 3.52892e-02 , err=1.40963e-03 3.15336e-02 , err=1.40759e-03
Hist-Mean 0.972122 0.975073

Figure 3: Lepton E3x3/E_geant energy ratio

Parameter black: positron from W+ red: electron from W-
gaus-Constant 6.33596e+01 , err=3.58862e+00 4.72335e+01 , err=3.19552e+00
gaus-Mean 9.83287e-01 , err=1.72276e-03 9.83632e-01 , err=1.67661e-03
gaus-Sigma 3.45514e-02 , err=1.48019e-03 3.05224e-02 , err=1.38944e-03
Hist-Mean 0.974372 0.977858