Information on Monte Carlo Data Samples

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Geometry y2009a
Library SL09g
Generator Pythia 6.4.22
Tune 320
Field -5.0
ETA -10 < η < +10
PHI -π < φ < +π
vertex 0, 0, -2
width 0.015, 0.015, 42.0
Sample  Channel Events
rcf10000 W+ → e+ nu 10k
rcf10001 W- → e- nu 6k
rcf10002 W+ → tau+ nu
W- → tau- nu
rcf10003 pp → W+/- + jet 10k
rcf10004 Z e+e-, no Z/gamma interference 4k
rcf10005 Z all but e+e- 10k
rcf10006 QCD w/ partonic pT > 35 GeV 100k