2010.05.13 BFC and Pythia QA after Pythia Eta -> - Eta

Related inks:

Pythia filter bug details:

bug in Pythia Filter StEemcGammaFilter.cxx:

     double scale = (mCalDepth-v[2]) / p[2];
     for(unsigned int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) p[j] = p[j] * scale + v[j];

Should be "abs(p[2])" in the "scale" factor.
Otherwise this will transfer all - Eta -> Eta,
and such tracks will pass the consequent Endcap rapidity cut:

if(detectorV.Eta() < mEtaLow || detectorV.Eta() > mEtaHigh) continue;

what will increase Pythia filter accept rate by a factor of 2.

Number of generated events per partnic pt bin:

Note: not every jib finished due to RCF scheduler upgrade
gamma-jet: 25K
QCD(2-4): 50K
QCD(4-55): 25K

Pythia filter configuration

StEemcGammaFilter:: running the TEST mode (accepting all events). Set mFilterMode=1 to actually reject events
StEemcGammaFilter:: mConeRadius 0.22 mSeedThreshold 3.8 mClusterThreshold 5 mEtaLow 0.95 mEtaHigh 2.1 mMaxVertex 120
StEemcGammaFilter:: mCalDepth 279.5 mMinPartEnergy 1e-05 mHadronScale 1 mFilterMode 0 mPrintLevel 1

BFC filter configuration

StChain:INFO - Init() : Using gamma filter on the EEMC
StChain:INFO - Init() : EEMC Sampling Fraction = 0.05
StChain:INFO - Init() : Seed energy threshold = 3.3 GeV
StChain:INFO - Init() : Cluster eT threshold = 4.5 GeV
StChain:INFO - Init() : Maximum vertex = +/- 120 cm
StChain:INFO - Init() : Running the TEST mode (accepting all events). Set mFilterMode=1 to actually reject events in BFC

StEEmcSlowMaker configuration

BFC:INFO - setTowerGainSpread(): gain spread: 0; gain mean value: 1.1

GammaMaker configuration

runSimuGammaTreeMaker():: GammaMaker config: ConeRadius 0.7 ClusterEtThreshold 5.5 SeedEnergyThreshold 4.2 ClusterEnergyThreshold 5.5 BsmdRange 0.05237 EsmdR ange 20

A2Emaker configuration

StEEmcA2EMaker *EEanalysis = new StEEmcA2EMaker("mEEanalysis");
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 0);      // tower threshold (ped+N sigma)
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 1);      // pre1 threshold
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 2);      // pre2 threshold
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 3);      // post threshold
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 4);      // smdu threshold
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 5);      // smdv threshold

Trigger configuration

emulate L2E-gamma trigger for Run 2006 [eemc-http-mb-l2gamma:: id 137641]
Trigger conditions:
cluster Et (2x2) = 5.2GeV
seed Et = 3.7GeV

Accept/Reject relative to the total number of Pythia generated events

Figure 1: Fraction of accepted events

Accept rate: fract. of generated events
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 0.00772455 0.00820359 0.00646707
pt=3-4 0.0276027 0.0311644 0.024726
pt=4-6 0.0924862 0.0980663 0.0743646
pt=6-9 0.165708 0.217554 0.149013
pt=9-15 0.167815 0.258319 0.162353
pt=15-25 0.123 0.215667 0.117083
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 0.000107527 0.000430108 0.000107527
pt=3-4 0.000117647 0.00358824 5.88235e-05
pt=4-6 0.00115385 0.0146154 0.000576923
pt=6-9 0.00932927 0.06 0.00530488
pt=9-15 0.0325 0.178846 0.0173077
pt=15-25 0.0860331 0.253802 0.0510331

Figure 2: False rejection

False reject: fract. of generated events
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 0 0.000359281 0
pt=3-4 0 0.000616438 0
pt=4-6 0.000165746 0.00436464 0
pt=6-9 0.000128755 0.00270386 0
pt=9-15 0 0.000210084 0
pt=15-25 0.00025 0.00025 0
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 0 0 0
pt=3-4 0 0 0
pt=4-6 0 0 0
pt=6-9 0 0.000121951 0
pt=9-15 0 0 0
pt=15-25 4.13223e-05 0.000123967 0

Accept/Reject relative to the number of Pythia filter accepted events

Accept rate: fract. of Pythia-filtered events
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 0.518248 1 0.49635
pt=3-4 0.505495 1 0.525275
pt=4-6 0.663662 1 0.614648
pt=6-9 0.703492 1 0.64707
pt=9-15 0.645576 1 0.605563
pt=15-25 0.568006 1 0.510433
pt bin Bfc Filter Pythia Filter L2gamma Trigger
pt=2-3 0.02857 1 0
pt=3-4 0.05161 1 0
pt=4-6 0.0526316 1 0.0394737
pt=6-9 0.126016 1 0.0731707
pt=9-15 0.173118 1 0.0935484
pt=15-25 0.334419 1 0.194074