Figure 1: Reconstructed photon candidate pt, pt_gamma (no cut on pt_gamma, pt_jet > 5GeV)
Figure 2: Partonic pt distribution (pt_gamma>7GeV, pt_jet > 5GeV)
Figure 3: Estimate of the contribution from low partonic pt,
only QCD-TuneA MC are shown (pt_gamma>7GeV, pt_jet > 5GeV)
Black line: Exponential fit to partonic pt distribution in 4-7GeV range
(pt_gamma>7GeV cut for the photon candidate)
Red line: Exponential fit extrapolated to the partonic pt range below 4GeV.
Ratio of the area under the red line (integral pt=0-4geV)
to the area under the green line (integral pt=4-35GeV) is 0.0028.
I would propose we drop both of the lowest parton pt bins,
i.e. pt=2-3 and pt=3-4 (Inherited error for pt_gamma>7GeV < 0.3%)
and instead use our CPU time to produce more
statistics in the 4-35 partonic pt range.
There is a small difference between CDF-Tune-A and
Perugia0 tunes partonic pt distributions
even for the prompt photon Monte-Carlo.
Figure 1: Reconstructed photon candidate pt, pt_gamma (no cut on pt_gamma, pt_jet > 5GeV)
Figure 2: Partonic pt distribution (no cut on pt_gamma, pt_jet > 5GeV)
Figure 3: Partonic pt distribution (pt_gamma>7GeV, pt_jet > 5GeV)
Figure 4: Away side jet pt (pt_gamma>7GeV, pt_jet > 5GeV)
Figure 5: Reconstructed z vertex (pt_gamma>7GeV, pt_jet > 5GeV)
Figure 6: Partonic pt distribution for Pythia CDF-Tune-A QCD simulations (pt_gamma>7GeV, pt_jet > 5GeV)
Estimate of the contribution from low partonic pt:
Black line: Exponential fit to partonic pt distribution in 4-7GeV range
Red line: Exponential fit extrapolated to the partonic pt range below 4GeV.
Ratio of the area under the red line (integral over pt=0-4GeV)
to the area under the green line (integral over pt=4-35GeV) is 0.0028 (<0.3%)
Simulations with Perugia0 tune has a higher yield than that from CDF-Tune-A simulations
Shapes vs. partonic pt are different for Perugia0 and CDF-TuneA simulations
Shapes vs. reconstructed variables are similar for Perugia0 and CDF-TuneA simulations
(based on Fig. 6) I would propose we drop both of the lowest parton pt bins,
i.e. pt=2-3 and pt=3-4 (Inherited error for pt_gamma>7GeV < 0.3%)
and instead use CPU time to produce more statistics in the 4-35 partonic pt range.
More discussion at phana hyper news:
Figure 7a: Photon candidate yield vs. rapidity (pt_gamma>7GeV, pt_jet > 5GeV)
Left: pt_gamma>7GeV; right: zoom into eta < 1 region
Figure 7b: yield vs. jet1 momentum (pt_gamma>7GeV, pt_jet > 5GeV)
Figure 7c: eta yield without pt_gamma cut
Yields ratio for eta <0.95 to the total yield is ~ 1.7% (1004/58766 = 0.0171)
Figure 8: Photon candidate yield vs. rapidity (pt_gamma>7GeV, pt_jet > 5GeV)
Note: trigger condition is not applied in simulations yet
but at high pt the data to Pythia CDF-Tune-A ratio is about 1.28 (at 9GeV: 3200/2500),
what is consistent with an additional 25% scaling factor
used for CIPANP 2009 presentation (see slide 6)
Figure 1: Reconstructed photon candidate pt, pt_gamma (no cut on pt_gamma, pt_jet > 5GeV)
Figure 2: Same as Fig. 1 with L2e-gamma condition simulated in Monte-Carlo
Figure 3: Same as Fig. 1, added distribution for photon pt from geant record (prompt photon MC only)
Figure 4: raw jet pt from jet trees: QCD pt=6-9
upper plot: mit0043 M. Betancourt simulations (MIT Simulation Productions)
bottom plot: new filtered MC
Figure 1:
Yields vs. thrown photon pt
left: Yields with (red) and without (black) L2e-gamma trigger condition
right: Yield ratio (with/without trigger)
Figure 2: Same as Fig. 1 vs. thrown eta
Figure 3: Same as Fig. 1 vs. thrown energy
Figure 4: Same as Fig. 1 vs. total reconstructed transverse energy
Figure 5: Same as Fig. 1 vs. reconstructed high tower energy
Figure 6: Same as Fig. 1 vs. reconstructed energy of the 2x1 tower cluster
Figure 7: Same as Fig. 1 vs. reconstructed energy of the 3x3 tower cluster
Figure 1: Reconstructed photon candidate pt (no pt_gamma cut, pt_jet > 5GeV)
L2e-gamma condition simulated in Monte-Carlo
Figure 2: Yield ratios (no pt_gamma cut, pt_jet > 5GeV)
Black: data[pp2006] / QCD[Perigia0]
Green: QCD[Perigia0] / QCD[CDF-Tune-A]
Red: g-jet[Perigia0] / g-jet[CDF-Tune-A]
Figure 3: Vertex z distribution (pt_gamma>7GeV, pt_jet > 5GeV)
Figure 4: Simulation yield vs. partonic pt (no pt_gamma cut, pt_jet > 5GeV)