07 Jul

July 2010 posts

2010.07.02 Tests of L2e-gamma trigger emulation with full Pythia+Geant Monte-Carlo

Related posts

  1. Tests of L2e-gamma trigger emulation with single photon Monte-Carlo
  2. Yields for L2e-gamma triggered events
  3. Yields before applying the L2e-gamma trigger condition
  4. http://www.star.bnl.gov/HyperNews-star/protected/get/phana/501.html

Event selection

  1. di-jets from the cone jet-finder algorithm
  2. photon and jet are opposite in phi:
       cos (phi_gamma-phi_jet) < -0.8
  3. pt away side jet > 5GeV
  4. detector eta of the away side jet: |eta_jet_det| < 0.8
  5. data : L2e-gamma triggered events
    Run 6 L2e-gamma trigger algo: E_T[2x2] > 5.2, E_T[high tower]>3.7
  6. Monte-Carlo: emulated L2e-gamma triggered condition
  7. MC scaled to 3.164^pb based on Pythia luminosity (no fudge factors)

Plots for the ratio of N[passed L2] to N[before trigger]

Figure 1: Trigger effect vs. reconstructed photon candidate pt (3x3 patch) (no pt_gamma cut, pt_jet > 5GeV)
Dashed lines: Pythia Tune A, solid lines Pythia Perugia0 tune

Figure 2: Trigger effect vs. simulated direct photon pt (no pt_gamma cut, pt_jet > 5GeV)

Figure 3: Trigger effect vs. simulated direct photon eta (no pt_gamma cut, pt_jet > 5GeV)

Figure 4: Trigger effect vs. reconstructed vertex z (no pt_gamma cut, pt_jet > 5GeV)

Figure 5: Trigger effect vs. reconstructed vertex z (with additional pt_gamma >7GeV, pt_jet > 5GeV)

Figure 6: Trigger effect vs. 2x2 cluster Et (no pt_gamma cut, pt_jet > 5GeV)

Figure 7: Trigger effect vs. 1x1 cluster (high tower) Et (no pt_gamma cut, pt_jet > 5GeV)

2010.07.09 Table of L0-BBC, L0-EEMC, and L2Egamma triggers biases

Real and simulated trigger decisions:

  • BBC stands for emulated L0 BBC trigger condition
  • EEMC stands for emulated Run 6 L0 EEMC (137832) trigger condition
  • L2 stands for emulated L2E-gamma (137641) trigger condition
  • Trig event satisfied to all three simulated trigger conditions: BBC+EEMC+L2
  • data-EEMC stands for real data L0 EEMC (137832) trigger condition
    (available only for fast offline data, not filled in yet)
  • data-L2 stands for real data L2E-gamma (137641) trigger condition

Data samples:

  • pp2006 data (3.4K events from st_physics production)
  • Pythia prompt photon simulations (147 events gamma-filtered for partonic pt=3-25GeV)
  • Pythia QCD 2->2 simulations (45 events gamma-filtered for partonic pt=6-9GeV)

Notations in the table:

  • XXX=0 - stands for XXX trigger did not fired
  • XXX=1 - stands for XXX trigger did fired
  • XXX=0 YYY=1 stands for XXX trigger did not fired, but YYY did fired
sample Total BBC=1 EEMC=1 L2=1 L2=1 EEMC=0 L2=1 BBC=0 L2=0 BBC=1 L2=0 EEMC=1
pp2006, st_physics                
(counts) 3396 3306 568 549 5 2 2759 24
(%) 1.0000 0.9735 0.1673 0.1617 0.0015 0.0006 0.8124 0.0071
gamma-jets (3-25GeV)                
(counts) 147 119 127 122 3 24 21 8
(%) 1 0.80952 0.86395 0.82993 0.020 0.16327 0.14286 0.054
QCD (6-9GeV)                
(counts) 45 38 19 19 1 4 23 1
(%) 1 0.84444 0.42222 0.42222 0.022 0.08889 0.51111 0.022
simu vs. real triggers data-EEMC=1 data-L2=1 L2=1 data-L2=0 L2=0 data-L2=1 Trig=1 data-L2=0 Trig=0 data-L2=1 EEMC=0 data-EEMC=1 EEMC=1 data-EEMC=0
  572 548 7 6 0 6 0 4
  0.1673 0.1617 0.0021 0.0018 0.0000 0.0018 0.0000 0.0012

2010.07.14 Pythia/BFC gamma-filter bias tests (vs. gamma pt, eta, energy, and phi)

Related inks:

Number of generated events per partnic pt bin (pt binsa are: 2-3, 3-4, 4-6, 6-9, 9-15, 15-35):
gamma-jets (2-4): 25K/bin
gamma-jets (4-35): 12.5K/bin
QCD(2-4): 50K/bin
QCD(4-35): 25K/bin

Pythia filter configuration

StEemcGammaFilter:: running the TEST mode (accepting all events). Set mFilterMode=1 to actually reject events
StEemcGammaFilter:: mConeRadius 0.22 mSeedThreshold 3.8 mClusterThreshold 5 mEtaLow 0.95 mEtaHigh 2.1 mMaxVertex 120
StEemcGammaFilter:: mCalDepth 279.5 mMinPartEnergy 1e-05 mHadronScale 1 mFilterMode 0 mPrintLevel 1

BFC filter configuration

StChain:INFO - Init() : Using gamma filter on the EEMC
StChain:INFO - Init() : EEMC Sampling Fraction = 0.05
StChain:INFO - Init() : Seed energy threshold = 3.8 GeV
StChain:INFO - Init() : Cluster eT threshold = 5 GeV
StChain:INFO - Init() : Maximum vertex = +/- 120 cm
StChain:INFO - Init() : Running the TEST mode (accepting all events). Set mFilterMode=1 to actually reject events in BFC

StEEmcSlowMaker configuration

BFC:INFO - setTowerGainSpread(): gain spread: 0; gain mean value: 1 (Fig. 1 only)
BFC:INFO - setTowerGainSpread(): gain spread: 0; gain mean value: 1.1 (Fig. 2 and below)

GammaMaker configuration

runSimuGammaTreeMaker():: GammaMaker config: ConeRadius 0.7 ClusterEtThreshold 5.5 SeedEnergyThreshold 4.2 ClusterEnergyThreshold 5.5 BsmdRange 0.05237 EsmdR ange 20

A2Emaker configuration

StEEmcA2EMaker *EEanalysis = new StEEmcA2EMaker("mEEanalysis");
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 0); // tower threshold (ped+N sigma)
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 1); // pre1 threshold
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 2); // pre2 threshold
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 3); // post threshold
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 4); // smdu threshold
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 5); // smdv threshold

Trigger configuration

(Includes all recent fixes to trigger emulator configuration/software)
emulated L2E-gamma trigger for Run 2006 [eemc-http-mb-l2gamma:: id 137641]
Trigger conditions:
cluster Et (3x3) = 5.2GeV
seed Et = 3.7GeV

Accept/Reject relative to the total number of offline selected events

Definition: offline selected events are events which satisfy to the following conditions:

  • Online condition (L2E-gamma trigger fired)
  • Reconstructed vetrex (|v_z|<120cm)
  • Offline condition (at least one gammaMaker candidate found)

Figure 1:
(upper plots) Gamma candidate yields vs. candidate pt (all partonic pt bins, no pt weights)
(lower plots) False rejection [histograms in the upper panel scaled by L2E-gamma-trigger yield (shown in blue)]
No gain shifts in StEEmcSlowMaker
Note: statistics without gain shifts is smaller because ~10-20% jobs died at RCF

Figure 2: Same as Fig. 1, but with +10% (1.1) gain shifts in StEEmcSlowMaker.

Figure 3: Same as Fig. 2 vs. candidate eta (with +10% (1.1) gain shifts in StEEmcSlowMaker).

Figure 4: Same as Fig. 2 vs. candidate azimuthal angle (with +10% (1.1) gain shifts in StEEmcSlowMaker).

Figure 5: Same as Fig. 2 vs. energy (with +10% (1.1) gain shifts in StEEmcSlowMaker).

2010.07.16 Pythia/BFC gamma-filter bias tests with realistic gain variation

Related inks:

Number of generated events per partnic pt bin (pt binsa are: 2-3, 3-4, 4-6, 6-9, 9-15, 15-35):
gamma-jets (2-4): 25K/bin
gamma-jets (4-35): 12.5K/bin
QCD(2-4): 50K/bin
QCD(4-35): 25K/bin

Pythia filter configuration

StEemcGammaFilter:: running the TEST mode (accepting all events). Set mFilterMode=1 to actually reject events
StEemcGammaFilter:: mConeRadius 0.22 mSeedThreshold 3.8 mClusterThreshold 5 mEtaLow 0.95 mEtaHigh 2.1 mMaxVertex 120
StEemcGammaFilter:: mCalDepth 279.5 mMinPartEnergy 1e-05 mHadronScale 1 mFilterMode 0 mPrintLevel 1

BFC filter configuration

StChain:INFO - Init() : Using gamma filter on the EEMC
StChain:INFO - Init() : EEMC Sampling Fraction = 0.05
StChain:INFO - Init() : Seed energy threshold = 3.8 GeV
StChain:INFO - Init() : Cluster eT threshold = 5 GeV
StChain:INFO - Init() : Maximum vertex = +/- 120 cm
StChain:INFO - Init() : Running the TEST mode (accepting all events). Set mFilterMode=1 to actually reject events in BFC

StEEmcSlowMaker configuration with realistic gain shift/smearing

Figure 1: Error for gains from MIP study minus ideal
Data digitized from Scott's presentation at 2008 Calibartion workshop

BFC:INFO - setTowerGainSpread(): gain spread: 0.1; gain mean value: 1.05 (Fig. 1,3 only)
BFC:INFO - setTowerGainSpread(): gain spread: 0.1; gain mean value: 0.95 (Fig. 2,4 and below)

GammaMaker configuration

runSimuGammaTreeMaker():: GammaMaker config: ConeRadius 0.7 ClusterEtThreshold 5.5 SeedEnergyThreshold 4.2 ClusterEnergyThreshold 5.5 BsmdRange 0.05237 EsmdR ange 20

A2Emaker configuration

StEEmcA2EMaker *EEanalysis = new StEEmcA2EMaker("mEEanalysis");
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 0); // tower threshold (ped+N sigma)
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 1); // pre1 threshold
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 2); // pre2 threshold
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 3); // post threshold
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 4); // smdu threshold
EEanalysis->threshold(3.0, 5); // smdv threshold

Trigger configuration

(Includes all recent fixes to trigger emulator configuration/software)
emulated L2E-gamma trigger for Run 2006 [eemc-http-mb-l2gamma:: id 137641]
Trigger conditions:
cluster Et (3x3) = 5.2GeV
seed Et = 3.7GeV

Accept/Reject relative to the total number of offline selected events

Definition: offline selected events are events which satisfy to the following conditions:

  • Online condition (L2E-gamma trigger fired)
  • Reconstructed vetrex (|v_z|<120cm)
  • Offline condition (at least one gammaMaker candidate found)

Figure 2:
(upper plots) Gamma candidate yields vs. candidate pt (all partonic pt bins, no pt weights)
(lower plots) False rejection [histograms in the upper panel scaled by L2E-gamma-trigger yield (shown in blue)]
StEEmcSlowMaker configured with +5% (scale factor=1.05) gain shifts and 0.1 sigma
Previous plots: 125K events per pt-bin, 250K/pt-bin
(figure below combines previous statisitcs + 18K for partonic pt=6-9 and pt=9-15 GeV bins)

Figure 2b: Filter bias per partonic pt bin (QCD simulations only)

Figure 3: Same as Fig. 1 with gain shift=0.95 and sigma=0.1

Figure 4: Same as Fig. 1 vs. candidate eta with gain shift=1.05 and sigma=0.1

Figure 5: Same as Fig. 1 vs. candidate eta with gain shift=0.95, sigma=0.1

2010.07.20 EEMC simulation spreadsheet: prompt photons and QCD (Updated)

Related links

Simulation request spreadsheet (QCD@L=2/pb, photons@L=10/pb)

parton pt, GeV Pythia acc bfc acc wrt. Pythia Total filter's acc Sigma, pb lumi, 1/pb Number of filtered events to generate Total CPU time, days disk space, Gb

Number of
filtered events

2-3 0.00870 0.2663 0.00232 1280000 10.0 29659 18.75 4.63 111360
3-4 0.03300 0.3787 0.01250 290000 10.0 36237 15.38 5.90 95700
4-6 0.10920 0.5521 0.06029 126700 10.0 76387 25.66 12.67 138356
6-9 0.22320 0.6688 0.14928 26860 10.0 40096 10.74 6.85 59952
9-15 0.25360 0.6274 0.15911 4636 10.0 7376 2.17 1.28 11757
15-35 0.21360 0.5394 0.11522 347 10.0 399 0.17 0.07 740
190154 72.9 31.40 417865
            0.19 0.2 years  
2-3 0.00067 0.0185 0.00001 8089000000 0.0   0 0.00  
3-4 0.00298 0.0268 0.00008 1302000000 0.0   0 0.00  
4-6 0.01312 0.0240 0.00031 413600000 2.0 260469 1428.35 51.72 10852864
6-9 0.06140 0.0640 0.00393 60620000 2.0 476425 1023.1 102.54 7444136
9-15 0.17692 0.1120 0.01982 7733000 2.0 306459 440.74 64.02 2736245
15-35 0.25480 0.2260 0.05758 404300 2.0 46563 34.53 9.72 206031
1089916 2926.72 228.00 21239276
            1.09 8.02 years  


number of events, x 10e6 CPU years disk space, Gb     total time with 50 CPU, weeks total time with 100 CPU, weeks
1 .74 4.2 145.4     4.4 2.2    
1.28 8.2 259.4     8.6 4.3    

Timing tests

Figure 1: Timing tests for BFC and Pythia gamma-filters (in seconds)

2010.07.22 Run 6 EEMC gamma-filtered simulation request

Submitted run-6 photon-jet simulation request for spin physics

Request last updated on Aug 19, 2010

Run 6 EEMC gamma-filtered simulation request summary

Total resources estimate for QCD with 1/pb and prompt-photon with 10/pb suimulations:

  • CPU: 4.2 CPU years (2.2 weeks of running on a 100 CPUs)
  • Disk space: 0.15Tb
  • Numbe of filtered events: 0.74M
 partonic pt
                QCD                                 prompt photon                 
  total Pythia total Pythia
2-3 0 0 30K 110K
3-4 0 0 36K 95K
4-6 130K 5.5M 76K 140K
6-9 240K 3.7M 40K 60K
9-15 150K 1.4M 10K 12K
15-35 23K 100K 1K 3K

Latest filter bias/timing test and simulation request spreasheet

  1. EEMC simulation spreadsheet and timing tests
  2. Pythia/bfc filter bias
  3. Pythia tunes comparison agains data (CDF-Tune-A vs. Perugia0)
  4. Estimate of the contribution from lowerst partonic pt, pt<4GeV (see Fig. 6)
  5. L2-Endcap-gamma filter emulation study with single photon Monte-Carlo
  6. Bias tests with pi0 finder (last updated May 14, 2010)
  7. Combined Ru6/Run9 request

Note: These and all other studies are linked from here

Filter code in cvs

Run 6 GMT timestamps

See this study for more details and plots

Request an equal fraction (10%) for each of the 10 timestamps below:
sdt20060516.152000 (GMT during run 7136022)
sdt20060518.073700 (GMT during run 7138010)
sdt20060520.142000 (GMT during run 7140024)
sdt20060521.052000 (GMT during run 7141011)
sdt20060522.124500 (GMT during run 7142029)
sdt20060523.204400 (GMT during run 7143044)
sdt20060525.114000 (GMT during run 7145023)
sdt20060526.114000 (GMT during run 7146020)
sdt20060528.144500 (GMT during run 7148028)
sdt20060602.071500 (GMT during run 7153015)

------------------------  REQUEST DETAILS BELOW ----------------------------------------

prompt photons and QCD simulations

Request TypeEvent generator simulation, with filtering
General Information


Request ID  
Priority: EC 0
Priority: pwg High
Status New
Physics Working Group Spin
Requested by Photon group for SPIN PWG
Contact email(s) ilya.selyuzhenkov@gmail.com, bridgeman@hep.anl.gov
Contact phone(s)  
PWG email(s) starspin-hn@www.star.bnl.gov
Assigned Deputy: Not assigned
Assigned Helper: Not assigned




Endcap photon-jets request


Global Simulation Settings


Request type: Event generator simulation, with filtering
Number of events See list for each partonic pt bins
Magnetic Field


Collision Type


Centrality ---- SELECT CENTRALITY ----
BFC tags

trs fss y2006h Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs evout -dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk eemcDb beamLine clearmem

Production ---- SELECT PRODUCTION TAG ----
Geometry: simu y2006h
Geometry: reco y2006h
Library use library with approved filter code checked in
Vertex option

Leave vertex to be reconstructed vertex, and use VFPPVnoCTB with beamline

Pileup option No
Detector Set



Data Sources
MC Event Generator


Event generator Pythia
Extra options

Additional libraries required for Eemc-gamma Pythia-level filter

gexec $ROOTSYS/lib/libCint.so
gexec $ROOTSYS/lib/libCore.so
gexec $ROOTSYS/lib/libMathCore.so
gexec $ROOTSYS/lib/libMatrix.so
gexec $ROOTSYS/lib/libPhysics.so
gexec .sl53_gcc432/lib/StMCFilter.so // filter library

Prompt photon Pythia processes:
MSUB (14)=1
MSUB (18)=1       
MSUB (29)=1       
MSUB (114)=1      
MSUB (115)=1

QCD 2->2 Pythia processes:
MSUB (11) = 1
MSUB (12) = 1      
MSUB (13) = 1      
MSUB (28) = 1
MSUB (53) = 1      
MSUB (68) = 1

Pro-pT0 Pythia tune:
call pytune(329)

Vertex Z, cm -120 < Vertex < 120
Gaussian sigma in X,Y,Z if applicable

0, 0, 55  200 GeV

Vertex offset: x, mm 0.0cm
Vertex offset: y, mm -0.3cm
Φ (phi), radian 0 < Φ < 6.29
η (eta) Default  (include Barrel, Endcap, BBC)
Pt bin, GeV See list above for QCD and g-jet samples
Macro file Pythia gamma-filter code:


BFC gamma-filter code:


Private bfc: /star/u/seluzhen/star/spin/MCgammaFilter/scripts/bfc.C



2010.07.23 PyTune comparison with photon candidates: Perugia0 vs. Pro-PT0

Related posts

Data samples and colour coding

  1. black Pythia QCD Monte-Carlo with Pro-Pt0 tune (pytune=329),   partonic pt 9-15
  2. red    Pythia QCD Monte-Carlo with Perugia0 tune (pytune=320), partonic pt 9-15

Event selection

Ran full Pythia+GSTAR simulation and require at least one
reconstucred  EEMC photon candidate in the gamma Maker.

Figure 1:
Left: Reconstructed photon candidate transverse momentum (no normalization factor applied)
Right: ratio of Pro-Pt0/Perugia0 simulations (solid Line: "a+b*x" fit to ratio)
Event selections: require at least one reconstucred EEMC photon candidate

Figure 2:
Same as in Fig. 1 with different event selection criteria:
L2E-gamma, |v_z| < 120cm, at least one EEMC gamma candidate


Pytune parameters comparison table

pytune(320) Perugia 0
P. Skands, Perugia MPI workshop October 2008
and T. Sjostrand & P. Skands, hep-ph/0408302
CR by M. Sandhoff & P. Skands, in hep-ph/0604120
LEP parameters tuned by Professor

pytune(329) Pro-pT0
See T. Sjostrand & P. Skands, hep-ph/0408302
and M. Sandhoff & P. Skands, in hep-ph/0604120
LEP/Tevatron parameters tuned by Professor

Red text indicates the parameter which are different between tunes

Parameter Perugia 0 Pro-pT0 Parameter description
MSTP(51) 7  7 PDF set
MSTP(52) 1 1 PDF set internal (=1) or pdflib (=2)
MSTP(64) 3 2 ISR alphaS type
PARP(64) 1.0000 1.3000 ISR renormalization scale prefactor
MSTP(67) 2 2 ISR coherence option for 1st emission
PARP(67) 1.0000 4.0000 ISR Q2max factor
MSTP(68) 3 3 ISR phase space choice & ME corrections
(Note: MSTP(68) is not explicitly (re-)set by PYTUNE)
MSTP(70) 2 2 ISR IR regularization scheme
MSTP(72) 1 0 ISR scheme for FSR off ISR
PARP(71) 2.0000 2.0000 FSR Q2max factor for non-s-channel procs
PARJ(81) 0.2570 0.2570 FSR Lambda_QCD scale
PARJ(82) 0.8000 0.8000 FSR IR cutoff
MSTP(81) 21 21 UE model
PARP(82) 2.0000 1.8500 UE IR cutoff at reference ecm
(Note: PARP(82) replaces PARP(62).)
PARP(89) 1800.0000 1800.0000 UE IR cutoff reference ecm
PARP(90) 0.2600 0.2200 UE IR cutoff ecm scaling power
MSTP(82) 5 5 UE hadron transverse mass distribution
PARP(83) 1.7000 1.8000 UE mass distribution parameter
MSTP(88) 0 0 BR composite scheme
MSTP(89) 1 1 BR colour scheme
PARP(79) 2.0000 1.1800 BR composite x enhancement
PARP(80) 0.0500 0.0100 BR breakup suppression
MSTP(91) 1 1 BR primordial kT distribution
PARP(91) 2.0000 2.0000 BR primordial kT width <|kT|>
PARP(93) 10.0000 7.0000 BR primordial kT UV cutoff
MSTP(95) 6 6 FSI colour (re-)connection model
PARP(78) 0.3300 0.1700 FSI colour reconnection strength
PARP(77) 0.9000 0.0000 FSI colour reco high-pT dampening streng
MSTJ(11) 5 5 HAD choice of fragmentation function(s)
PARJ(21) 0.3130 0.3130 HAD fragmentation pT
PARJ(41) 0.4900 0.4900 HAD string parameter a
PARJ(42) 1.2000 1.2000 HAD string parameter b
PARJ(46) 1.0000 1.0000 HAD Lund(=0)-Bowler(=1) rQ (rc)
PARJ(47) 1.0000 1.0000 HAD Lund(=0)-Bowler(=1) rb