2010.07.02 Tests of L2e-gamma trigger emulation with full Pythia+Geant Monte-Carlo
Related posts
- Tests of L2e-gamma trigger emulation with single photon Monte-Carlo
- Yields for L2e-gamma triggered events
- Yields before applying the L2e-gamma trigger condition
- http://www.star.bnl.gov/HyperNews-star/protected/get/phana/501.html
Event selection
- di-jets from the cone jet-finder algorithm
- photon and jet are opposite in phi:
cos (phi_gamma-phi_jet) < -0.8
- pt away side jet > 5GeV
- detector eta of the away side jet: |eta_jet_det| < 0.8
- data : L2e-gamma triggered events
Run 6 L2e-gamma trigger algo: E_T[2x2] > 5.2, E_T[high tower]>3.7
- Monte-Carlo: emulated L2e-gamma triggered condition
- MC scaled to 3.164^pb based on Pythia luminosity (no fudge factors)
Plots for the ratio of N[passed L2] to N[before trigger]
Figure 1: Trigger effect vs. reconstructed photon candidate pt (3x3 patch) (no pt_gamma cut, pt_jet > 5GeV)
Dashed lines: Pythia Tune A, solid lines Pythia Perugia0 tune

Figure 2: Trigger effect vs. simulated direct photon pt (no pt_gamma cut, pt_jet > 5GeV)

Figure 3: Trigger effect vs. simulated direct photon eta (no pt_gamma cut, pt_jet > 5GeV)

Figure 4: Trigger effect vs. reconstructed vertex z (no pt_gamma cut, pt_jet > 5GeV)

Figure 5: Trigger effect vs. reconstructed vertex z (with additional pt_gamma >7GeV, pt_jet > 5GeV)

Figure 6: Trigger effect vs. 2x2 cluster Et (no pt_gamma cut, pt_jet > 5GeV)

Figure 7: Trigger effect vs. 1x1 cluster (high tower) Et (no pt_gamma cut, pt_jet > 5GeV)