In case you missed it, the first look is
. I processed
from the 2006 pp longitudinal 2 runs and picked events tagged with the L2gamma trigger id (137641). I ran the StGammaMaker on the MuDst files from these runs and produced gamma trees. These gamma trees are available at
. Within the StGammaMaker framework, I developed code to seek candidate etas with emphasis on high purity. The macros and source files are:
Note, the workhorse function is
I fit the diphoton invariant mass with two Gaussians, one for the pi0 peak (p0-p2) and another one for the eta peak (p3-p5) plus a quadratic for the background (p6-p8). The Gaussian is of the form p0*exp(0.5*((x-p1)/p2)**2)
and the quadratic is of the form p6*+p7*x+p8*x**2
. A slightly better chi2/ndf in the fit is achieved by using Breit-Wigner functions instead of Gaussians for the signal here. I calculate the raw yield of etas from the fit as p3*sqrt(2*pi)*p5/bin_width = 85
where each bin is 0.010 GeV wide. I select candidate etas in the mass range 0.45 to 0.55 GeV and plot their photon response in the shower maximum detector here. Since we are interested in collecting photons of pT > 7 GeV, only those candidate photons with pT > 5 GeV will be used in the shower shape library. I also calculate the background under the signal region by integrating the background fit from 0.45 to 0.55 GeV and get 82 counts.
Pibero Djawotho Last updated at Tue Mar 4 16:21:13 EST 2008