HFT project
Projectl documents for the HFT upgrade project.
Documents related to the CD-0, CD-1 reviews and subsequent actions can be found (temporarely) here. Information on internal reviews, monthly reports are available in child pages. (Note the second Internal review is dummy- at end of list)
The HFT received CD-4 approval on September 25, 2014.
There is another set of pages for HFT maintained by Spiros.
OPA mini review September 24 2013
An OPA min-review was held on September 24 as a video/phone conference
HFT 2014 Commisioning and Physics Run
A page mainly with links to appropriate pages and documents for run 14 progress.
PXL expert running log of activities (
google doc)
HFT BNL review Feb 15 2013
The review took place at BNL on Feb 15. The talks are given below, including the commitee report
HFT Management , including f2f meeting schedules
Management information for HFT.
There are several project specific mailing lists. Pertinent information on these can be found in this document
HFT management has roughly every 2-3 months face-to-face or phone conference meeting dealing with project status, and detailled sub-system reports.
The meeting content is usually placed on the STAR event drupal page. The list below includes the most recent, but not all historical links.
June 10, 2014: Face-2-face meeting at LBNL to prepare for the CD-4 Closeout review
Link to meeting agenda and talks.
September 10 at LBNL during STAR collaborations meeting.
Star HFT focus meeting. Link to agenda and talks
July 10, HFT software workshop
link to agenda and talks
Tuesday December 3, Phone/EVO link to agenda and talks
Tuesday September 25, LBNL link to agenda and talks
Monday June 18, UIC link to agenda and talks
Friday May 25, BNL link to agenda and talks
Wednesday March 14, LBNL link to Agenda and talks
Tuesday January 10, LBNL/BNL link to agenda and talks
Monday November 14, LBNL link to Agenda and talks
HFT Related Publications
Project Documents
- The STAR Heavy Flavor Tracker - Technical Design Report November 2011
- The STAR Heavy Flavor Tracker - Conceptual Design Report November 2009
HFT Sub-system Integration
Integration sub -system.
reports, links to pictures
- Assembly Notes for the Fall 2012 Assembly of the HFT Carbon Fiber Support structure, including the new beam pipe. Bill Christie & Bob Soja word document
- IDS assembly document for Fall 2012 word document
Mechanical for IDS
Electrostatics for IDS
- Results of electrostatics tests at UIC Gerard Visser word document 2011
- Effect of ledge and aluminized mylar for WSC Howard Wieman Fall 2011 powerpoint
- Summary of Electrostatic Field Calculations for WSC Design DickMajka 19 August 2010 word document
Beam Pipe
- Beam pipe design considerations D.Beavis, J.Brodowski, J.Scheblein, E.Andersen, 2009 file
- Beam pipe effective radiation length design D.Beavis 2009 file
- September 2012 Assembled and ready to install IDS by BNL photography LINK
HFT Sub-system SSD
Documentation page for SSD
The older doumentation page is available at this link . Much of the information is still relevant.
- Ladder travelers (number schemes, ladder is, cable numbers,...) from re-installation
HFT software meetings (overview)
Most software and related links are refered to in the link pointing to pages maintained by Spiros Margetis
Meeting page references
January 7, 2015 Minutes and contribution on
- Run14 production - last issues
- Run 15 preparations
-----HAPPY 2015----------
December 10, 2014 SSD software workshop at Kent State
time table on
December 3, 2013 Minutes and contributions on
- SSD hit correlation
- KF vs. Minuit Vertex Finder Daniel Kiola
- Geometry check/modifications SSD - Fl
- STI tracking opt - Hao
- Gamma tomography - various
- SSD update - Jon.
October 29 2014
- Summary of meeting with S&C
- minuit and KFvertex Daniel - link
October 22 2014
- Meeting with S&C
- Subsystem updates
- HFT+MTD simulation Bingchu link
October 16 2014 talks on
event page
- gamma tomography Andrezj Lipiec
- KFVertex vs. VMiniut amilkar
- SSD geometry test update Jonathan
May 23 aganda: talks at
event page
- StiSsd udpade Jonathan
- PXl Global Alignment Michael
- Simulation Update Yefei
- PXL and IST hits Amilkar
February 28 agenda, talks at
event page
- commissioning update
- Alignment checks
- subsystem's update
February 21 agenda, talks at
event page
- commissioning update
- subsystem's update
February 7 agenda, talks and minutes at
event page
- commissioning update
- subsystem's update
January 31 agenda, talks and minutes at
event page
January 24 agenda, talks and minutes at
event page
- IST status and Plans Yaping
- SSD Geometry update
January 17 agenda, talks and minutes at
event page
January 10 agenda, talks and minutes at
event page
- QA - discussion
- Request for subsystem status
- SSD geometry update
January 3 agenda, talks and minutes at
event page
- DCA-based alignment with zero field update
- HFT geometry updates
- UPC electrons in zero field simulations
December 20 talks on meeting
event page
- Cosmic Run plan
- SSD geometry update
December 12 special FACE-2-FACE BNL meeting
event page
Agenda and Talks at the event page.
December 6 talks on
event page
- IST/SSD alignment infrastructure work
- PXL Pileup in Simulations report
- Alignment updates from Mike and Xin
November 22 talks and minutes on
event page
- IST survey and online histograms
- SSD DAQ reader update
- Run-13 Pxl alignment for all sectors
November 15 talks and minutes on
event page
- SSD survey work report.
- Geometry updates.
- Performance study for simulations
November 8 talks and minutes on
event page
- Alignment work reports.
- Simulation work updates.
- IST and SSD software work progress reports
November 1 talks on
event page
- Alignment challenge…with Blind Test on Simulation and Real Data.
- Simulation work updates. Xin circulated a plan and Jonathan is moving on setting it up.
- IST software review. Yaping posted his latest updates. Last call before he sends this out
October 25 talks and minutes on
Event Page
- Agenda
- Task-list: near term and readiness for Run14
- Blind Alignment Tests and Simulations update
October 4 talks on
Event Page
- Agenda
- LBL meeting agenda
- FAST-QA preparations
- Geometry/Simulation update
- Analysis codes
- Alignment with local histos
September 27 talks on
Event Page
- Agenda
- Alignment investigations
- IST software preparations for the review
September 20 talks on
Event Page
- DOE review
- Alignement progress aand transformation puzzled
- code review
- simulation
- PXL alignment slides ver 1.6 ver 1.5
- Review software slides
September 13: talks and minutes on
Event page
- News, Software status and plans for upcoming reviews
- PXL alignment
September 6: talks and minutes on
Event page
- PXL alignment progress (pass 1.3) Spiros
- IST Db Table proposal Yaping
August 30 : talks on
Event Page
- HFT CA software Jonathan
- Event Display Update
- IST software Yaping
- Alignment Pass 1.3 Spiros
- Global Plotting - Long Ma
Minutes (Spiros)
August 23 talks on
Event Page
- IST software chain - Yaping (presented by Zhenyu)
- Event display update - Jonathan Bouchet
August 16
August 12 talks on
STAR event page
August 2 talks on
star event page
- V0 finder with KFparticle Jonathan Bouchet
July 26 talks on
STAR Event Page
- Alignment pass1 and simulation results (5 files)
- Pointing resolution and alignment between sectors (Xin Dong)
July 10 2013 Software Workshop
Drupal event link
HFT numbering scheme. (May 13, 2013) version 7
OPA CD-4 Close-out review July 31, 2014
An OPA pre CD4 review was held on July 31, 2014. It will be setup as a Video/Tele Conference with participants at DOE HQ, BNL, and LBL and
phone conference
Charge memo for the review (
11:00 am HFT Executive Session....................................................................................... L. Nelson
11:30 am Project Overview.................................................................................... F. Videbæk
12:00 am Project Cost and Schedule—Q&A…………………………………… S. Morgan
12:30 pm PXL Status/Requirements—Q&A............................................................ L. Greiner
13:00 pm IST Status/Requirements—Q&A...................................................................... Z.Ye
1:30 pm SSD Status/Requirements—Q&A ........................................................... J. Thomas
2:00 pm Break
2:30 pm Lessons Learned, Transition to Operations , Contingency Spending Q&A F. Videbæk
3:15 pm Project Summary and Recommendation................................................... .L. Nelson
3:45 pm Executive Session
4:30 pm Closeout and Adjourn
Final Documents
Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents Refered to in Reports can be found in the following
Closeout Report
The final version of the report with recommendation for CD-4 approval was received on September 4
The CD-4 approval was given on Spetember 25. Approval document
pdf. Minutes from same meeting
Report Reference documents
Documents that are refered to in the requirements document
OPA mini-review October 2012
One recommendation of the July OPA review was to conduct a mini-review in October, in particular to assess progress on SSD, but also to review progress on the few other recommendations.
The charge for the review was:
1. What is the status of the Silicon Strip Detector (SSD)? Is management making progress towards addressing the technical issues of the SSD, and mitigating corresponding cost and schedule impacts?
2. Have there been any significant changes or risks affecting cost, schedule, and scope since the prior DOE/SC review? If so, is appropriate management action being taken?
3. Is the project addressing appropriately the recommendation(s) from the prior DOE/SC review(s)?
The review included 3 talks
- Overview F.Videbæk
- SSD Status J.Thomas
- Cost and schedule S.Morgan
The closeout had in essence the following recommendations:
Submit BCR-4 to the NP Program Manager for review by November 1, 2012.
- Update the risk register and report changes to the NP Program Manager monthly beginning November 1, 2012.
- Provide preliminary summary lessons learned to date and corresponding project improvement actions to the NP Program Manager by November 1, 2012.
- Report planned versus actual percent complete at WBS Level-2 beginning with the next Monthly Report.
- · Conduct OPA mini-review in February 2013.
post CD-4 documents
Following CD$ there has been a few follow-up reports. These reside on this page
The PXL group has created a report on the damage and repair plan for the PXL#2 detector. See word document
The project was also asked to update the transsition to ops document describing how to get to the optimum value.
This is attached below.
Quarterly meetings with DOE in FY15 to discuss progress
At the November 12 meeting DOE acccepted that the UPP has been met, congratulated the efforts, and declared no further meetings are
HFT Internal reviews
HFT project internal reviews . This page mainly have links to other pages:
- SSD RDO review June 7 2013