Run 6 and Run 9 bfc chain examples

Run 9 bfc options with EEMC slow and fast simulators (EEfs EEss):


Run 6 bfc options with EEMC slow and fast simulators (EEfs EEss):

"trs fss y2006h Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger
ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs EEss evout
-dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20060523"

Run 6 bfc options with EEMC gamma filter in the chain (FiltEemcGamma):

"FiltEemcGamma trs fss y2006h Idst IAna l0 tpcI fcf ftpc Tree logger
ITTF Sti VFPPV bbcSim tofsim tags emcY2 EEfs EEss evout
-dstout IdTruth geantout big fzin MiniMcMk clearmem eemcDb beamLine sdt20060523"

need to use a special macro RunEemcGammaFilterBfc.C
to run FiltEemcGamma with bfc