Parent page for BSMD Run 10 Calibration
We started this task by looking at BSMD in Run 10 with some MuDst files, and found the pedestals probably need to be QA-ed as well.
Then we started to look for Non-zero-suppressed BSMD data, and found that we have to run through the daq files to produce the NZS data files to produce the NZS data. The daq files are stored on HPSS, and we have to transfer them onto RCF. The transferred daq files were then made into root files with Willim's BSMD online monitering codes.
We decided to use same critiria and status codes as Willim used for run09 pp500GeV.
We discovered that a modification is needed to the critiria of code bit 3 (the ratio of the integral over a window to the integral over all, i.e. the pedestal integral ratio) We found about half of the BSMD strips fail the criteria of this ratio > 0.95, but nearly most of them satisfy ratio > 0.90, so the critiria is loosed to 0.90. We think this is a reasonable difference between run09 pp and run10 AuAu collisions.
The daq files are huge in size, on the order of TB for one day. In order to not disturb the run10 data production, we had to only copy 1/10~1/20 of the daq files.
After a long period of transffering and root files making, almost all the days between Jan/02/2010 and Mar/17/2010 are done.
We found that another criteria has to be modified, because we use NZS data for the QA of the tail of ADC spectrum. The definition of the tail ranges and the limits are adjusted. Three ranges of the tail part of ADC are defined,
Range 1:peak+6*rms to peak+6*rms+50 channels
Range 2:6*rms+50 channels to 6*rms+150 channels
Range 3:6*rms+150 channels to 6*rms+350 channels
The entries (hits) in these three ranges are counted, and the ratios to all the entries in the whole spectrum are calculated. The limits for good ratios are selected based on the ratios distribution trough out all the days. They are
@font-face {
font-family: "Cambria";
}p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; }
Range 1: 3.35~80 x0.001
Range 2: 0.95~40 x0.001
Range 3: 0.25 ~ 20 x0.001
See the attached newlimits.docx for more details and plots.
Also, bit 0 of the status code is supposed to indicate whether a channel is bad or not. Not every problem is fatal, i.e cause the channel to be regarded as bad.
Originally, only if all the 3 ratios are beyond the limits, a fetal condition is met; we addjusted this to be if more than one, i.e. >=2, out of the 3 ratios are beyond the limits, a fetal condition is met. One can also treat any channel with a code not equal to 1 as bad, regardless what the bit 0 is.
A final report with sample codes in one day was presented to and approved by EMC2 group.
Note: The map file used in bsmd montoring in run10 was with some inconsistence with the acctual hardware. An after-burn map correction was done by the EMC software coordinator, Justin.
Note: Up to now, no corrections are made to pedestals. The bad strips caused by bad pedestals are rouphly 1/3~1/4 of all the bad strips.
Wenqin Xu