Quick notes - initial purchase cycle process

  • Discussion on procurements re-opened on 2011/05/31. Discussed with facility director on of institutional disk space dire need for STAR (following some chat from the last Collaboration Meeting) - general commitment was to try to find a viable payment solution (still unclear how)
  • Initial call for institutional disk space need made on 2011/06/01 - only couple days for feedback (requirements total is needed immediately as agreed with the facility director). Provided feedback insofar
    • 2011/06/01 12:17: UCLA        + 2 TB
    • 2011/06/01 12:20: Purdue     + 3 TB
    • 2011/06/02 11:07: NPI/ASCR + 7 TB
    • 2011/06/02 21:16: LBL           + 7 TB
  • Other note
    • 2011/06/02 03:33: Valpo U offered to pay back this year what they owed last year (1 TB equivalent)
    • Exceeded deadline (low priority request with even less guarantees):
      • 2011/06/06 15:32: IUCF    + 2 TB
      • 2011/06/06 16:14: BNL      + 5 TB

    • Exceeded submission of the requirements request
      • 2011/06/14 10:54: UTA     + 1.5 TB


2011/06 - FY11 procurement Status

  • Requirements turn to the RCF on 2011/06/09 - institutions in blue above were included but institution in red was NOT (for obvious date reason)
  • Purchase for the Linux farm went out on the 10th
  • Requests for storage quotes went out on the 13th
    • Any other requests will need to be re-addressed at a later time: 2x 26 TB cabinets were ordered exceeding the storage request from STAR of 36 TB total for FY11

Summary of requests and dues:


Institution Space (TB) Estimated cost *
Charged & date Left over due +
UCLA 2 4802.47808 4,800$ - ????/??/?? 3$
Purdue 3 7203.71712 7,203.72$ - 2013/02/20 0$
NPI/ASCR 7 16808.67328 15,000$ - 2011/12/09 1,809$
LBNL 7 16808.67328 14,160$ - 2011/06/15 2,649$
IUCF 2 4802.47808 6,802$ - 2012/06/11 (past unpaid due added)
BNL 5 12006.1952 (internal) 0$
Grand totals 26 62432.21504    

* ATTENTION: estimated cost based on initial purchase cost estimates. Final price may varry.
+ Unless a number appears in this column, the estimated cost is due in full. Multiple charge may apply to a given institution (until total dues are collected).


Acquired otherwise:


  Additional Total after purchase %tage increase S&C plan 2008 Deficit *
Central space (prod) 10.00 345.00 2.90% 377.00 -8.49%
Distributed disk space 430.47 1456.47 29.56% 2659.50 -45.24%
kSI2K farm 3045.00 6900.00 44.13% 30115.00 -77.09%

* ATTENTION: Note-A: deficit assumes a similar run plan - U+U was suggested for FY11 ; Note-B: increase in number of events is not helping; Note-C: if we are lucky and size / events is smaller than projected, the distributed disk may be fine.


Disk space status on 2011/08/04


Mount Y2010 Current Requested Status / Comment
ANL 1 1    
BNL 11 16 +5 Taken care off
BNL_ME 1 1    
EMN 2 2    
IUCF 3 5 +2 Taken care off
KSU 1 1    
LBL 14 14 +5 Taken care off
LBL_PROD 10 12 +2 Taken care off
MIT 5 5    
NPIASCR 11 18 +7 Taken care off
PSU 2 2    
PURDUE 1 4 +3 Taken care off
RICE 5 5    
UCLA 5 7 +2 Taken care off
UKY 1 1    
UTA 2 2    
VALPO 1 1    
VECC 2 2