Upsilon Analysis in p+p 2009
Upsilon cross-section in p+p collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 200 GeV, 2009 data.
PAs: Kurt Hill, Andrew Peterson, Gregory Wimsatt, Anthony Kesich, Rosi Reed, Manuel Calderon de la Barca Sanchez.
- Dataset QA (Andrew Peterson)
- Trigger ID, runs
- Run by Run QA
- Integrated Luminosity estimate
- Systematic Uncertainty
- Acceptance (Kurt Hill)
- Raw pT, y distribution of Upsilon
- Accepted pT, y distribution of Upsilons
- Acceptance
- Raw pT, eta distribution of e+,e- daughters
- Accepted pT, eta distribution of e+,e- daughters
- Comparison plots between single-electron embedding, Upsilon embedding
- L0 Trigger
- DSM-ADC Distribution (data, i.e. mainly background) (Drew)
- DSM-ADC Distribution (Embedding) For accepted Upsilons, before and after L0 trigger selection
- Systematic Uncertainty (Estimate of possible calibration and resolution systematic offsets).
- "highest electron/positron Et" distribution from embedding (Accepted Upsilons, before and after L0 trigger selection)
- L2 Trigger
- E1 Cluster Et distribution (data, i.e. mainly background)
- E1 Cluster Et distribution (embedding, L0 triggered, before and after all L2 trigger cuts)
- L2 pair opening angle (cos theta) data (i.e. mainly background)
- L2 pair opening angle (cos theta) embedding. Needs map of (phi,eta)_MC to (phi,eta)_L2 from single electron embedding. Then a map from r1=(phi,eta, R_emc) to r1=(x,y,z) so that one can do cos(theta^L2) =*r2.mag()). Plot cos theta distribution for L0 triggered events, before and after all L2 trigger cuts. (Kurt)
- L2 pair invariant mass from data (i.e. mainly background)
- L2 pair invariant mass from embedding. Needs simulation as for cos(theta), so that one can do m^2 = 2 * E1 * E2 * (1 - cos(theta)) where E1 and E2 are the L2 cluster energies. Plot the invariant mass distribution fro L0 triggered events, before and after all L2 trigger cuts. (Kurt)
- PID (Greg)
- dE/dx
- dE/dx vs p for the Upsilon triggered data
- nsigma_dE/dx calibration of means and sigmas
- Cut optimization (Maximization of electron effective signal)
- Final cuts for use in data analysis
- E/p
- E/p distributions for various p bins
- Study of E calibration and resolution between data and embedding (for L0 Trigger systematic uncertainty)
- Resolution and comparison with embedding (for cut efficiency estimation) (Kurt and Greg)
- Yield extraction
- Invariant mass distributions
- Unlike-sign and Like-sign inv. mass (Drew)
- Like-sign subtracted inv. mass (Drew)
- Crystal-Ball shapes from embedding/simulation. (Kurt) Crystal-ball parameters to be used in fit (Drew)
- Fit to Like-sign subtracted inv. mass, using CB, DY, b-bbar.
- Contour plot (1sigma and 2sigma) of b-bbar cross section vs. DY cross section. (Drew)
- Upsilon yield estimation and stat. + fit error. (Drew)
- (2S+3S)/1S (Drew)
- pT Spectra (Drew)
- Cross section calculation.
- Yield
- Integrated luminosity
- Efficiency (Numbers for each state, and cross-section-branching-ratio-weighted average)
- Uncertainty
- h+/h- Corrections
Upsilon Analysis in p+p 2009 - PID
- PID (Greg)
- dE/dx
- dE/dx vs p for the Upsilon triggered data
- nsigma_dE/dx calibration of means and sigmas
- Electron Mean: -0.263
- Electron Width: - 1.016
- Pion Width: 0.943
- Hadron Width: 1.071
- Cut optimization (Maximization of electron effective signal)
- Final cuts for use in data analysis
- E/p
- E/p distributions for various p bins
- Study of E calibration and resolution between data and embedding (for L0 Trigger systematic uncertainty)
- Resolution and comparison with embedding (for cut efficiency estimation) (Kurt and Greg)
Upsilon Analysis in p+p 2009 - pT Spectra
Upsilon cross-section in p+p collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 200 GeV, 2009 data - pT Spectra
Note: All data plots are currently using -2 < nσe < 3 which is not optimized for this analysis!
Note: All data plots are using every run; run-by-run QA has not yet been completed!
- pT Spectra (Drew)
- First stab at pT spectrum of Upsilons from ee daughters. This does not have efficiency corrections yet.
- DY and bbbar are "subtracted" by multiplying the bin by the ratio of Yeild(Upsilon)/Yeild(Upsilon+DY+bbbar).
- The errors are added in quadrature, which is correct only to first order for this DY and bbbar "subtraction".
- <pT> is just the mean of the bin, not the mean of the hits in the bin
- pQCD Upsilon pT Spectra
- p+p √S = 200 GeV
- Pythia 8.1.53 with the following cuts:
- Upsilon -> ee pair
- Can only detect this decay channel
- Ee1 > 4.0 GeV, Ee2 > 2.5 GeV
- L2 trigger
- need to verify the actual trigger.. changed from 2006 to 2008/9
- |ηe1| < 0.5, |ηe2| < 0.5
- cos(θe1e2) < 0.5
- Ensure the electrons are roughly back-to-back
- pT e1 > 200 MeV, pT e2 > 200 MeV
- 2.5 M p+p->bbbar events for each pTHatMin
- 1 GeV <= pTHatMin <= 10 GeV in steps of 0.10 GeV
- Boosts the statistics of less likely collisions
- Stacked histograms together
- normalization factor: (cross section at X GeV) / (cross section at 1.0 GeV)
- First bin is basically divided by 0 and is cutoff
Upsilon Analysis in p+p 2009 data - Acceptance
- Acceptance (Kurt Hill) - Upsilon acceptance aproximated using a simulation that constructs Upsilons (flat in pT and y), lets them decay to e+e- pairs in the Upsilon's rest frame, and uses detector response functions generated from a single electron embedding to model detector effects. An in depth study of this method will also be included.
- Raw pT, y distribution of Upsilon
- Accepted pT, y distribution of Upsilons
- Acceptance
- Raw pT, eta distribution of e+,e- daughters
- Accepted pT, eta distribution of e+,e- daughters
- Comparison plots between single-electron embedding, Upsilon embedding
Upsilon Analysis in p+p 2009 data - Acceptance
- Acceptance (Kurt Hill)
- Raw pT, y distribution of Upsilon
- Accepted pT, y distribution of Upsilons
- Acceptance
- Raw pT, eta distribution of e+,e- daughters
- Accepted pT, eta distribution of e+,e- daughters
- Comparison plots between single-electron embedding, Upsilon embedding
Upsilon Analysis in p+p 2009 data - Dataset QA
- Dataset QA (Andrew Peterson)
- Trigger ID, runs
Trigger id
Lum [pb-1]
P4 L [pb-1]
Nevents [M]
First Run
Last Run
Upsilon |
22.855 |
1.978 |
1.381 |
10114071 |
10180030 |
Upsilon, reading ETOW BTOW TOF ESMD TPX BSMD |
upsilon |
Upsilon |
240640 |
1.293 |
0.105 |
0.049 |
10114071 |
10117052 |
Broken, do not use |
upsilon |
Upsilon |
240641 |
21.563 |
1.873 |
1.331 |
10117085 |
10180030 |
18 (4.3 GeV) < BHT && BBCMB && Upsilon at L2 |
upsilon |
- Run by Run QA
- X-Axis is scaled because ROOT seemed to not want to fit anything that small
- Z-Axis on first 2 and Y-Axis on second 2 are weighted by 1/(error on trigger ratio)
- Once I have completed going through the run logs to throw out bad runs on that alone I will fit with Gaussians and keep up to 3 sigma
- Runs thrown out:
- 0 Magnetic Field (how did this even get flagged for Upsilon?)
- 10172027
- Δ Integrated Luminocity: 0.024188 pb-1
- Fewer than 10,000 events in run
- 10131011, 10137047, 10142045, 10143046, 10144033, 10144097, 10169015, 10172086 , 10173054
- Δ Integrated Luminocity: 0.000276 pb-1
- Marked as "bad" in the shift log
- 10127044, 10128037, 10128051, 10128064, 10155017
- Δ Integrated Luminocity: 4e-06 pb-1
- Note: only 10127044 was presnet in the Luminocity files from Jamie
- Integrated Luminosity estimate: 21.539 pb-1
- Systematic Uncertainty
Upsilon analysis in p+p 2009 - Yield Extraction
Upsilon cross-section in p+p collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 200 GeV, 2009 data - Yield Extraction
Note: All plots are currently using -1.8 < nσe < 3 which is not optimized for this analysis!
Note: All plots are using every run using Trigger ID 240641; run-by-run QA has not yet been completed or implemented!
- Invariant mass distributions
- Unlike-sign and Like-sign inv. mass (Drew)
- Like-sign subtracted inv. mass (Drew)
- Fit is from 5 GeV/c2 to 16 GeV/c2
- Crystal-Ball shapes from embedding/simulation. (Kurt)
0<pt<10 & 0<|y|<1
Param |
1S |
2S |
3S |
alpha |
1.21 |
1.21 |
1.27 |
n |
1.85 |
1.96 |
1.89 |
mu |
9.46 |
10.02 |
10.35 |
sigma |
0.124 |
0.145 |
0.154 |
- 0<pt<10 & 0<|y|<0.5
Param |
1S |
2S |
3S |
alpha |
1.18 |
1.16 |
1.21 |
n |
1.83 |
2.06 |
2.04 |
mu |
9.46 |
10.02 |
10.35 |
sigma |
0.125 |
0.143 |
0.150 |
0<pt<10 & 0.5<|y|<1
Param |
1S |
2S |
3S |
alpha |
1.21 |
1.21 |
1.27 |
n |
1.85 |
1.96 |
1.89 |
mu |
9.46 |
10.02 |
10.35 |
sigma |
0.124 |
0.145 |
0.154 |
- 0<pt<2 & 0<|y|<0.5
Param |
1S |
2S |
3S |
alpha |
1.30 |
1.43 |
1.12 |
n |
1.81 |
1.65 |
2.78 |
mu |
9.46 |
10.02 |
10.35 |
sigma |
0.119 |
0.139 |
0.141 |
- 0<pt<2 & 0.5<|y|<1
Param |
1S |
2S |
3S |
alpha |
1.72 |
1.53 |
1.25 |
n |
1.23 |
1.86 |
2.37 |
mu |
9.46 |
10.02 |
10.35 |
sigma |
0.141 |
0.151 |
0.163 |
- 2<pt<4 & 0<|y|<0.5
Param |
1S |
2S |
3S |
alpha |
1.30 |
1.14 |
1.31 |
n |
1.72 |
2.12 |
1.85 |
mu |
9.46 |
10.02 |
10.35 |
sigma |
0.126 |
0.134 |
0.155 |
2<pt<4 & 0.5<|y|<1
Param |
1S |
2S |
3S |
alpha |
1.59 |
1.25 |
1.65 |
n |
1.52 |
2.13 |
1.23 |
mu |
9.46 |
10.02 |
10.35 |
sigma |
0.135 |
0.139 |
0.159 |
- 4<pt<6 & 0<|y|<0.5
Param |
1S |
2S |
3S |
alpha |
1.11 |
1.22 |
1.30 |
n |
1.97 |
2.17 |
2.07 |
mu |
9.46 |
10.02 |
10.35 |
sigma |
0.117 |
0.152 |
0.155 |
- 4<pt<6 & 0.5<|y|<1
Param |
1S |
2S |
3S |
alpha |
1.17 |
1.60 |
1.30 |
n |
2.20 |
1.46 |
1.66 |
mu |
9.46 |
10.02 |
10.35 |
sigma |
0.136 |
0.179 |
0.162 |
- 6<pt<8 & 0<|y|<0.5
Param |
1S |
2S |
3S |
alpha |
1.08 |
1.11 |
.984 |
n |
2.07 |
2.18 |
2.82 |
mu |
9.46 |
10.02 |
10.35 |
sigma |
0.138 |
0.154 |
0.154 |
- 6<pt<8 & 0.5<|y|<1
Param |
1S |
2S |
3S |
alpha |
1.06 |
1.22 |
1.03 |
n |
2.16 |
2.16 |
2.75 |
mu |
9.46 |
10.02 |
10.35 |
sigma |
0.133 |
0.166 |
0.165 |
- 0<pt<2 & 0<|y|<1
Param |
1S |
2S |
3S |
alpha |
1.39 |
1.46 |
1.18 |
n |
1.66 |
1.63 |
2.42 |
mu |
9.46 |
10.02 |
10.35 |
sigma |
0.124 |
0.142 |
0.146 |
- 2<pt<4 & 0<|y|<1
Param |
1S |
2S |
3S |
alpha |
1.33 |
1.16 |
1.35 |
n |
1.72 |
2.10 |
1.78 |
mu |
9.46 |
10.02 |
10.35 |
sigma |
0.128 |
0.135 |
0.152 |
- 4<pt<6 & 0<|y|<1
Param |
1S |
2S |
3S |
alpha |
1.10 |
1.25 |
1.32 |
n |
2.06 |
1.90 |
1.93 |
mu |
9.46 |
10.02 |
10.35 |
sigma |
0.121 |
0.157 |
0.157 |
- 6<pt<8 & 0<|y|<1
Param |
1S |
2S |
3S |
alpha |
1.08 |
1.25 |
1.00 |
n |
2.06 |
2.18 |
2.71 |
mu |
9.46 |
10.02 |
10.35 |
sigma |
0.138 |
0.156 |
0.156 |
- Crystal-ball parameters to be used in fit (Drew)
- Fit to Like-sign subtracted inv. mass, using CB, DY, b-bbar.
- Contour plot (1sigma and 2sigma) of b-bbar cross section vs. DY cross section. (Drew)
- This plot is flawed -- using 2006 background fit and integrated luminocity
- Upsilon yield estimation and stat. + fit error. (Drew)
- (2S+3S)/1S
- Method 1
- Fix the 1S, 2S, and 3S to PDG ratios
- f = (CB1 + (CB2+CB3)*B ) / N
- B = (pp2009 2S+3S) / (PDG 2S+3S)
- Method 2
- Fix the 1S, 2S, and 3S to PDG ratios
- f = (CB1 + CB2*B2 + CB3*B3) / N
- Need to think more about what B2 and B3 are
- B2 = pp2009(2S / 1S)?
- B3 = pp2009(3S / 1S)?
Upsilon cross-section in p+p collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 200 GeV, 2009 data - h+/h-
h+/h-: Comparison Between the Reproduction vs the Original Production
~10% of the 2009 p+p 200 GeV was reproduced ( We ran over the available Upsilon stream reproduction and compared with the results from the original production. The reproduction was generally found to have a different index for each set of electron pairs, so the following cuts were used to match Upsilon candidates:
Same Run ID and Event ID
|Delta Vz| < 1.0 cm
Same Charge (daughter 1 reproduction = daughter 1 original production, daughter 2 reproduction = daughter 2 original production)
-1.29 < nSigmaElectron 3.0 (used in the analysis for the original production)
We projected the m_{old} over the range of 8 to 11 GeV to see the effect on the Upsilon candidate:
There is a smearing of mass, ~1/3 GeV, with the reproduction compared to the original production. We specifically chose the 8 < m_{old} < 11 GeV/c^2 range to see how the Upsilons would be affected for a cross section measurement.