
Light Flavor Spectra PWG Meetings

The light-flavor-spectra weekly meetings are held on Friday and can be joined through EVO, either by computer, or by phone-bridge. Please contact the conveners in order to get the meeting password. Typically, every week a call for contributions is made the day before the regularly scheduled meeting. The final agenda will follow 30-60 minutes before the scheduled time and will be posted on the LFSpectra mailing list, see this URL to the hypernews site.

Meeting details

  • Unless announced differently, every Friday at 10am (US eastern time)
    • 7am (US pacific), 7h30pm (India Standard), 10pm (China Standard)
    • Note: international times will always follow 10am (US eastern), you may need to correct for daylight saving time differences between the US and other countries.
  • Twice per year 1-2 day long parallel session at the STAR Analysis meetings
  • Twice per year 1-2 day long parallel session at the STAR Collaboration meetings

EVO details (valid as per Jan.2012)



To join the Meeting:


To join via Browser:


To join via Phone:

1) Dial:

+1 408 740 7256

+1 888 240 2560(US Toll Free)

+1 408 317 9253(Alternate Number)

(see all numbers -


2) Enter Conference ID: 922228230

Participant Passcode: 5121
