Trigger Window Determination

Here is documentation on how to determine the trigger windows for ToFs 120 trays and the 2 start detectors.

I determined the trigger windows on run 13037090.  To do this, I used StRoot.tar.gz and extracted it to my work directory.  Then changed directory to StRoot/RTS/src/RTS_EXAMPLE and ran  This creates the executable rts_example from rts_example.C.  Both and rts_example.C have been customized from the typical StRoot version to translate information given in a .daq file into a useful .root file.  To run rts_example, I use run_test.csh.  This is essentially:

starver SL11e

rts_example -o tof_13037090.root -D tof inputfilepath/st_physics_13037090_raw_1010001.daq

where tof_run#.root is your output file and .daq is your input file.

Then the trigger windows are determined from the .root file by running over it with plot_trgwindow.C.

To do this:


.x plot_trgwindow.C("run#");

run number is important because this is how the script knows to read in tof_run#.root.

Produced is a .dat file that lists the high and low limits for each tray's trigger window and a postscript that shows the new limits in blue for each tray and if defined inside plot_trgwindow.C, red lines for the old trigger window limits(testrun11.dat in this example).

Attached to this page is the StRoot.tar.gz package, run_test.csh, plot_trgwindow.C, old trigger window limits, new trigger window limits, and a postscript displaying the limits on top of the data.  (I put them in zip containers due to the file attachment restrictions.)