07a monitor 2012 data taking

Below are selected plots for BHT3*L2BW ( the endcap component has the same values) 

Barrel Ws
 Fig 1. Luminosity  Fig 2. FOM=L*P^2



 Fig 9. RHIC intensity vs. days  Fig 10. RHIC intensity vs. time bucket



ASCII table with running integral of LT (time - what units?):  BHT3*L2BW

ASCII table with lumi per STAR run :  BHT3*L2BW, the columns are: Run,  Seconds since Dec 31, 2011 00:00 for run start, Seconds since Dec. 31, 2011 00:00 for run end, Integrated luminosity, prescale, livetime from TCU, base trigger

for luminosity monitoring, livetime of the base trigger, P^2 L, P^4 L

For the reference:

  • in 2009 we accumulated L=10/pb, P=0.4, FOM=1.6/pb
  • in 2011 we accumulated L=13/pb, P=0.4?, FOM=2 /pb



Barrel Ws
 Fig 5. BHT3 Luminosity w/ projections  Fig 6. BHT3 FOM=L*P^2 w/ projections



Fig X. H-jet polarisation for pp500 fills.