Table Insertion Timeline

This page keeps a log book of all the BEMC database modifications. Please use this information in order to make sure about the version of the tables you are grabbing from DATABASE. The table is sorted by EntryTime.

If you'd like to run an analysis using the database as it looked at some particular time, use the method
St_db_Maker *dbMaker = new St_db_Maker("StarDb", "MySQL:StarDb");
Int_t myDate = 20051231;
Int_t myTime = 235959;

You can use the BEMC DB Browser to look at all the tables in the database

EntryTime Tables Note
1 2005-11-03 pp2005 bemcCalib table
with timestamp = 2005-03-22 00:00:01
was uploaded to the database
Adam's calibration table
for pp2005. Click here for details
2 2005-12-07 pp2005 offline bemcStatus
with timestamp between
2005-04-19 11:36:11 and 2005-06-24 08:58:25
were uploaded to the database
Dave's status tables
for the pp2005 run
3 2006-02-08 pp2005 online bemcPed
with timestamp between
2005-04-19 05:37:10 and 2005-06-10 23:38:20
were deactivated
Corruption problems
reported by Dave
4 2006-02-09 pp2005 offline (Dave's) bemcPed
with timestamp between
2005-04-19 05:37:10 and 2005-06-10 23:38:20
were uploaded to the database
Replacement for
pp2005 bemcPed tables
5 2006-02-09 pp2004 online bemcPed
with timestamp between
2004-05-05 01:41:40 and 2004-05-14 23:21:19
were deactivated
Bad tables reported by Joanna
with large RMS values and
missing channels. Click here for details
6 2006-02-09 pp2004 offline (Dave's) bemcPed
with timestamp between
2004-05-05 01:41:40 and 2004-05-14 23:21:19
were uploaded to the database
Replacement for
pp2004 bemcPed tables
7 2006-02-22 AuAu and pp 2004 bemcCalib table
with timestamp 2004-01-01 00:04:00
was uploaded to database
Improvements in calibration by
Adam Kocoloski.
Click here for details
8 2006-02-22 CuCu 2005 bemcCalib table
with timestamp 2005-02-01 00:00:01
was uploaded to database
Improvements in calibration by
Adam Kocoloski.
Click here for details
9 2006-02-22 pp 2005 bemcCalib table
with timestamp 2005-03-22 00:00:02
was uploaded to database
Improvements in calibration by
Adam Kocoloski.
Click here for details
This is a copy of the table saved in row number 8.
This is necessary because there were calibration
tables saved for pp2005 run
10 2006-03-07 Saved perfect status tables
(bemc, bsmde, bsmdp and bprs)
for run 6 with timestamp
2006-01-01 00:00:00
First order status tables necessary for
fast production and pp2006 vertex finder
11 2006-03-30 Saved initial BTOW calibration for pp2006
with timestamp
2006-03-11 08:27:00
First calibration for pp2006 (online).
Based on eta-slices MIP peaks and
slopes equalization.
Click here for details
12 2006-04-19 A set of perfect status tables
(bemc, bsmde, bsmdp and bprs)
was saved in DB for the CuCu2005
with timestamp
2005-01-01 00:00:00
This makes sure that the 2004 status tables are not picked for any analysis/production
done with the 2005 CuCu data while
there is no detailed status tables
13 2006-04-20 A perfect status table for BTOW, including only the
west side of the EMC
was saved in DB for the
with timestamp
2005-01-01 00:00:01
Added to replace previous perfect status
table that includes the full detector because
the east side was being commissioned
14 2006-06-16 Offline BSMD status tables for 2005 pp running. Event timestamps are between 2005-04-16 06:48:09 and 2005-06-23 19:38:42
Tables produced by Frank Simon.
Click here for details
15 2006-06-21 Offline BTOW status tables for 2005 pp running. Event timestamps are between 2005-04-19 11:36:11 and 2005-05-14 09:17:59
These tables should have been / were uploaded back in row 2. It's not clear what happened to them.
16 2006-06-21 Online BTOW pedestals for 2006 pp running. Event timestamps are between 2005-03-02 08:40:15 and 2005-06-19 04:41:18
BTOW pedestals were calculated and saved to the DB automatically during the run. Unfortunately the tables were corrupted during the upload, so we need to upload these tables again with +1 second timestamps.
17  2006-08-15
BSMD pedestals for Run 6.
18 2006-08-16
BTOW status for Run 6.
~1 table/fill.  Should be good enough for vertex finding during production, but not necessarily the final set of tables.  Details
19 2006-10-17
Perfect BPRS status table for 2006 run
Begin time 2006-01-01
20 2006-11-10  BTOW status for Run 5 CuCu
Link needs to be updated with a summary page.  Details
21 2006-11-21
Fixed timestamps for Run 5 pp status
See starsoft post
22 2006-11-30
Fixed timestamps for Run 5 pp peds
See starsoft post
Offline BTOW calibration for Run 6
Run 6 BTOW Calibration
Final BTOW status tables for trans,long2
Corrected 3 Run6 tower peds in few runs
Hypernews discussion
Final BSMD Run6 status tables