Offline Software
Offline Software Organization & Development
Schematic overview
An overveiw of the offline software strucuture for MTD is shown. The detailed documentation can be found here:
MTD software document
Macro: for running all the standard MTD makers on StEvent or MuDst input, see MTD macro.
Access MTD information: for examples to access the MTD hit information and pid information, please refer to the function processStEvent() and processMuDst() in StMtdQAMaker.
BFC options/workflow
For explicit definitions, see CVS log for StRoot/StBFChain/BigFullChain.h
- mtd -- loads all MTD chain Makers: StMtdHitMaker, StMtdMatchMaker, and StMtdCalibMaker.
- note: it may also need to include StBTofHitMaker and StVpdCalibMaker for VPD start time information
- mtdSim -- Simulation chain: Loads StEvent and StMtdSimMaker
- mtdDat -- Raw data chain only: loads StMtdHitMaker
- mtdUtil -- loads StMtdUtil (usually automaticall included, no need to explicitly call)
Useful links
STAR CVS repository:STAR CVS
STAR Doxygen pages: StRoot (doxygen)
MTD Offline Software Projects
MTD Offline Software Projects: Description & Status of MTD Software Projects
This page lists the various ongoing MTD offline development projects, with contact information and current status
- raw data decoding, basic mapping, persistent storage in StEvent and MuDST. [done]
- StMtdRawHit implementation, and offline INL application. [done]
- include electronics mapping
- INL calibration
- StMtdHit creation (incl. MuDST)
people: Xinjie Huang, Xianglei Zhu, Frank
- hit selection & sorting
- track extrapolation
- hit-track matching algorithm development & implementation
people: Chi Yang, Wangmei Zha, Bingchu Huang, Frank
- database table design
- algorithm development & implementation
- StMtdPidTrait creation
people: Frank + TBD
- implementation of the framework, read GEANT data and convert to basic hits. [done]
- Fast & Slow simulation algorithm implementation
- apply electronics mapping
- data comparison
people: Shuai Yang, Ming Shao, Frank