08 Q/PT charge separation

Transformation Q/PT --> Q * ET/PT is applied to remove hyperbolic correlation between reco electron charge reco in TPC vs. reco ET from EMC.

The 5 eta bins cover electron rapidity ranges:

  1. [-1,-0.5]
  2. [-0.5,0]
  3. [0,0.5]
  4. [0.5,1]
  5. [1,1.5] (all endcap)

Fig 1.  The 2D distributions for pp500 2012 data are shown in the top row.

Bottom row shows  projection of 'gold Ws' with ET [25,50] GeV  fitted with gaussian, the mean and sigma of gauss are given on each plot.

Fig 2. Similar plots for Pythia W+ run thrugh BFC and best avaliable TpcRS simulation params. Clear difference in TPC reco accuracy is visible.