STAR SOFTWARE NEWS May 20 2015 --------------------- The present release assignment: SL07c (SL07c_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 CuCu 200&62GeV run 2005,TPC+SVT+SSD tracking SL07d (SL07d_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 auau 200GeV stream data run 2007, TPC tracking SL08c (SL08c_5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 auau 200GeV run 2007,TPC+SVT+SSD tracking SL08e (SL08e_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 pp 200GeV & dAu 200GeV, run 2008 SL08e_embed (SL08e_5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL08f_embed (SL08f_4) ROOT_LEVEL 5.12.00 SL09g (SL09g_4) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2009 pp 500GeV data production SL09g_embed (SL09g_2Embed_v10) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10c (SL10c_4) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2009 pp 200GeV production SL10c_embed (SL10c_embed_v5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10h (SL10h_5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2010 auau 7.7-39GeV production SL10h_embed (SL10h_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL10k (SL10k_4) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2010 auau 39-200GeV production SL10k_embed (SL10k_embed_v11) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL11b (SL11b_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL11d (SL11d_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 run 2011 pp 500GeV & auau 19-200GeV production SL11d_embed (SL11d_embed_v6) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12a (SL12a_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12a_embed (SL12a_embed_v3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL12d (SL12d_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 UU 193GeV, pp 200GeV run 2012 production SL12d_embed (SL12d_embed_v5) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL13b (SL13b_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 pp 500GeV run 2012 production SL13c (SL13c_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.22.00 SL13d (SL13d) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 old-> SL14a (SL14a_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 pp 500GeV run 2013 production. days 76-126 SL14b (SL14b) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 SL14c (SL14c) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 SL14d (SL14d) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 auau 15GeV run 2014 preview production SL14e (SL14e) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 SL14f (SL14f) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 pro-> SL14g (SL14g_3) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 pp 500GeV run 2013 production, days 129-161 SL14h (SL14h_1) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 new-> SL14i (SL14i_2) ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 dev-> DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 .dev-> .DEV ROOT_LEVEL 5.34.09 -------------------------------------------------
SL14a library
SL14b library
SL14c library
SL14d library
SL14e library
SL14f library
SL14g library
SL14h library
SL14i library
Next codes have been updated:
DECAY/AgUDecay.cxx, AgUDecay.h, StarDecayManager.cxx, StarDecayManager.h - added new interface between starsim (or VMC) and user-specified decay handlers;
Pythia8_1_62/StarPythia8Decayer.cxx, StarPythia8Decayer.h - added new implementation of Pythia 8.162 decayer;
StarLight/gammaavm.cpp, randomgenerator.cpp - modified to ensure that generator uses StarRandom;
STEP/AgUStep.cxx, AgUStep.h - modified to save accumulated number of steps in each tracking step;
UTIL/StarParticleData.cxx, StarParticleData.h - added method to retrieve particle by Geant 3 id;
macros/starsim.decayer.C - added example of custom decayer in starsim ;
BigFullChain.h - added options for full IST hits reconstruction;
StMtdQAMaker.cxx - modified to check the validity of the matched MTD hit;
StIstDbMaker.cxx - replaced 'endl' in STAR Logger messages with 'endm';
StIstDbMaker.cxx, StIstDbMaker.h - modified do not destruct StIstDb object as the ownership is passed to the framework;
coding style clean-up; removed unconstructive comments;
modified to return fatal if database tables are not found;
modified to use flags to indicate DbMaker readiness;
StIstDbMaker.h - updated to set class version to 0 in order to avoid IO dictionary generation by ROOT's CINT;
StPxlDbMaker.cxx, StPxlDbMaker.h - modified to use flags to indicate DbMaker readiness;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx - modified to cleanup the matching information when running on StEvent in afterburner mode;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx, StiNodePars.h, StiTrackNode.cxx - fixed problem with zero magnetic filed, bug #2940;
Geometry/SisdGeo/SisdGeo7.xml - added fixes to the SSD geometry; changed SFLM to tube seg; removed one unneeded level; fixed overlaps;
idl/fpsChannelGeometry.idl, fpsConstant.idl, fpsGain.idl, fpsMap.idl, fpsPosition.idl, fpsSlatId.idl - changed all 'uchars' to 'ushorts' for FPS tables;
Main features:
- improved energy loss calculations in the detector's material;
- implemented methods to calculate weight and volume size of detectors in Sti;
- optimized Sti tracking for HFT;
- first release of StMtdQAMaker for MTD QA analysis;
- first release of StMtdCalibMaker for MTD calibrations;
- updated and improved IST code and geometry;
- PXL & SSD geometry corrected to eliminate overlaps and extrusions;
- improved Sti description of PXL, SSD & IST volumes;
- few bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
Simulation/starsim/atmain/agxuser.age - added warning when user invokes GEXE in such a way that inconsistent library may be linked/compiled;
STEP/AgUStep.cxx, AgUStep.h - added material density (dens), atomic mass and number (A&Z) at each tracking step;
increased default rmin,rmax; added zmax; track is stopped when exiting ROI; added verbose option;
Hijing1_383/ starsim.hijing.pHe3.C - new macro: added He3 to hijing interface;
StarLight/StarLight.cxx - added He3 to StarLight interface;
UrQMD3_3_1/StarUrQMD.cxx - added He3 to UrQMD interface;
StBFChain.cxx - modified to let SpaceCharge code know about EastOff and WestOff;
BigFullChain.h - added 'MtdCalib' option; removed redundant option dependancies for PXL by taking advantage of chain options; the options depend on each other like this: PxlHit -> PxlCluster -> PxlRaw -> pxlDb -> PxlUtil;
StDbDefs.hh, - added FPS to the database domain list;
StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx - fixed old bug related to double counting of density; fixed ELoss bug; dEdX(density) ==> dEdX(density,material); saved calculated ELoss in StiNode for technical analisys; added cosCA = cos() when |cosCA| > 1 ;
fixed bug #2903; x0,x0o,x0Gas initialized to 1e11; fabs(cos()) added to avoid rare negative length;
StiShape.h, StiPlanarShape.h, - comments added;
StiNodePars.h - added methods 'phi()' & 'rxy()'; 'operator=()' added; numerical constants ==> enum;
auxiliary StiELoss class is added, to keep ELoss info for tests;
StiMasterDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiDetectorBuilder.h - removed never used input file in StiXXXDetectorGroup;
StiKalmanTrackNode.h - modified to save calculated ELoss in StiNode for technical analisys; added StELoss class to keep ELoss info;
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - fixed old bug double counting of density; fixed ELoss bug: dEdX(density) ==> dEdX(density,material); saved calculated ELoss in StiNode for technical analisys; added print of rxy and direction of track, outside +ve, inside -ve; bug fixed in printing global coordinates; added StELoss class to keep ELoss info;
modified to use new 'cylCross()' method; fixed bug #2903; x0,x0p,x0Gas initialized to 1e11;
for zero field defined minimum non zero field, fixes for bug #2937;
StiMaterial.h, StiDetectorGroup.h, StiGenericDetectorGroup.cxx, StiDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiDetector.h, StiDetector.cxx - modified to make StiElossCalculator created in material;
StiElossCalculator.cxx - temporary added flag to set energy loss =0 for debug;
StiDetector.cxx - deleted detector replaced by 'Factory::free' ; replaced floats in loop to integers to avoid calculation inaccuracy; added sanity check 'originalWeight = nSplit*splitedWeight';
StiDetectorBuilder.h - added method 'del()' for removing old detector;
StiDetectorBuilder.cxx - removed switch for assert() of clash of detectors;
modified to make StiDetectorAver calls split for all shapes;
eigen2 bug fixed and assert inside added;
StiHit.cxx - updated ;
StiPlacement.cxx - added tolerance in method 'setLayerRadius()' to avoid two objeck with slightly different layer radius to be in different layers; modified to decrease step in 'setLayerRadius' by 10 times; fixed min radius; granularity back to 1/1000;
StiPlacement.h - modified due to implementation of 'setLayerRadius()' moved to StiPlacement.cxx;
StiCylindricalShape.h - added method to calculate volume;
StiDetector.h, StiDetector.cxx - methods 'getVolume()' & 'getWeight()' added; 'insideL()' method added;
StiPlanarShape.h - modified to make 'getHalfWidth()' & 'getOpeningAngle()' accessible for base class; 'getVolume()' added;
StiPlanarShape.cxx - method 'getVolume()' added;
StiShape.h - methods 'getOpeningAngle()' & 'getOuterRadius()' added;
StiTrackNode.cxx - function 'recov()' rewritten and simplified; introduced more accurate selection the correct solution in 'cylCross';
StiTrackNode.h, StiTrackNode.cxx - 'cylCross' rewritten & interface changed; updated to avoid sign() overflow;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiTrackNodeHelper.cxx - modified to replace check cos>=1 to cos>=.99;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx, StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx, StiKalmanTrackNode.h - methods 'insideL()' & 'nudge()' added, method 'locate()' rewritten;
StiMaterial.h, StiMaterial.cxx - modified to remove not used 'radLength', made to use X0 instead;
Star/StiStarDetectorBuilder.h, StiStarDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiStarDetectorGroup.cxx, StiStarDetectorGroup. h - removed never used input file in StiXXXDetectorGroup;
StIstDb.h - cleaned up;
StIstRawHit.cxx, StIstRawHit.h - cleaned up;
StIstCluster.cxx, StIstCluster.h, StIstClusterCollection.cxx, StIstClusterCollection.h, StIstRawHit.cxx, StIstRawHit.h, StIstRawHitCollection.cxx, StIstRawHitCollection.h - added Print() methods to print out properties of StIstCluster and StIstRawHit objects and their respective collections;
StIstRawHit.cxx, StIstRawHit.h - modified to make methods accessing static data member static;
StIstCluster.cxx, StIstCluster.h, StIstClusterCollection.cxx, StIstClusterCollection.h, StIstCollection.cxx, StIstCollection.h, StIstRawHit.cxx, StIstRawHit.h, StIstRawHitCollection.cxx, StIstRawHitCollection.h - all unsgined char was updated to integer type;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.h, StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to make StiElossCalculator created in material;
StiIstDetectorGroup.cxx, StiIstDetectorGroup.h - removed never used input file;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx - added delete (del()) of replaced detectors; added print of of size of TGeo and Sti volumes; removed useless assignments;
StiMaker.cxx - removed never used input file in StiXXXDetectorGroup; fixed StiSsdDetectorGroup ==> StiSstDetectorGroup;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.h, StiPxlDetectorGroup.h, StiPxlDetectorGroup.cxx - removed never used input file;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to make StiElossCalculator created in material;
StiSstDetectorGroup.cxx, StiSstDetectorGroup.h, StiSstDetectorBuilder.h, StiSsdDetectorGroup.cxx, StiSsdDetectorGroup.h, StiSsdDetectorBuilder.h - removed never used input file;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiSsdDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to make StiElossCalculator created in material;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx - update thickness of STI ladder shape the same size of sensitive silicon;
StiSvtDetectorBuilder.h, StiSvtDetectorGroup.cxx, StiSvtDetectorGroup.h - removed never used input file;
StiSvtDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to make StiElossCalculator created in material;
StiTpcDetectorGroup.cxx, StiTpcDetectorGroup.h, StiTpcDetectorBuilder.h - removed never used input file;
StiTpcDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to make StiElossCalculator created in material;
StiPixelDetectorBuilder.h, StiPixelDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPixelDetectorGroup.h, StiPixelDetectorGroup.cxx - removed never used input file;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx, - modified to make StiElossCalculator created in material;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.h, StiIstDetectorGroup.h, StiIstDetectorGroup.cxx - removed never used input file;
StiDebug.cxx, StiDebug.h - added method Count() for technical histograms;
StLaserAnalysisMaker.cxx, laserino.h - activated CORRECT_RAFT_DIRECTION;
StLaserAnalysisMaker.cxx - fixed bug in fit logic, bug #2901;
StMtdCalibMaker.cxx, StMtdCalibMaker.h - first revision of calibration code for MTD;
StMtdHitMaker.cxx - modified to read both MC hits and real hits during embedding;
StMtdHitMaker.cxx, StMtdHitMaker.h - modified to use the constants from StMtdUtil/StMtdConstants.h; applied trigger time window cuts; removed automatic print out hit information to log file when running on muDst;
StMtdQAMaker.cxx, StMtdQAMaker.h - added new maker for MTD QA analysis; added histograms for LocalY, LocalZ, DeltaY, DeltaZ;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx - added assert() statement to abort if the loaded geometry is wrong; removed default geometry tag;
modified to assign matching information to all the primary tracks;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx, StMtdMatchMaker.h - modified to fill the expected time-of-flight calculated via track extrapolation;
StMtdSimMaker.cxx - updated to initialize data members in the default constructor;
StMtdConstants.h - added header file to contain MTD constants; added gMtdNModulesAll;
StMtdGeometry.cxx - disabled retrieving table geant2backlegID for year 2012 and before; the default geometry tag is set to yYYYYa ; fliped localY for cells in modules 4 and 5;
COMMON/StMuDstMaker.cxx - removed recovery of pt tracks;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx, StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.h - added GridLeak-by-sector codes, East/WestOff handling, and some code reformatting;
StPxlDb.cxx, StPxlDb.h, StPxlDbMaker.cxx, StPxlDbMaker.h - changeed pxlRowColumnStatus to pxlBadRowColumns to decrease DB szie; modified to collect all debugging print statements into a single Print();
StSsdFastSimMaker.cxx, StSsdFastSimMaker.h - modified to remove pointer to StSsdDbMaker; use of StSsdBarrel instead;
fixed bug found by gcc 4.8.2 ;
include/rtsSystems.h - fixed some FPS things;
RC_Config.h - updated;
include/UNIX/ThreadsMsgQueue.hh - updated;
src/DAQ_FGT/fgtPed.cxx - fixed bug which causes the wrong pedestal to be saved during pedestal runs if the channel was dynamically bad;
src/DAQ_PP2PP/daq_pp2pp.cxx - fixed endianess issue for LE data; added some more checks for 2014 run;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - updated y2014 tag w/ MTD y2014 configuration;
Calibrations/tracker/tpcTrackingParameters.20010312.000011.C - added new file which is copy of DefaultTrack ingParameters.20010312.000011.C;
Calibrations/tpc/tpcEffectiveGeomB.20091215.000000.C, tpcEffectiveGeomB.20101215.000000.C, tpcEffectiveGeom B.20101315.000000.C - added new files to change from db aliases to exact time stamp ;
tpcEffectiveGeomB.y2010.C, tpcEffectiveGeomB.y2011.C, tpcEffectiveGeomB.y2014.C - removed files;
Conditions/trg/trgTimeOffset.20000601.000001.C - added file to increment time stamp by 1 second in order to put in MySQL;
Geometry/tpc/TpcHalfPosition.20021115.000000.C, TpcHalfPosition.20031120.000000.C, TpcHalfPosition.20041030.000000.C, TpcPosition.20021115.000000.C, TpcPosition.20031120.000000.C, TpcPosition.20041030.000000.C - added new files to change from db aliases to exact time stamp ;
TpcHalfPosition.y2003.C, TpcHalfPosition.y2004.C, TpcHalfPosition.y2005.C, TpcPosition.y2003.C, TpcPosition.y2004.C, TpcPosition.y2005.C - removed files;
idl/mtdModuleToQTmap.idl, mtdSlewingCorr.idl, mtdT0Offset.idl, mtdTriggerTimeCut.idl - added new files for MTD calibrations and initial tables;
tpcElectronicsB.idl - added new TPC table;
fpsChannelGeometry.idl, fpsConstant.idl, fpsGain.idl, fpsMap.idl, fpsPosition.idl, fpsSlatId.idl - added new FPS tables;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - updated y2014 tag w/ MTD y2014 configuration;
updated to force recompile of xgeometry to pickup changes to pixel and pixel support eliminating overlaps and extrusions; updated to eliminate overlaps in SisdGeo7;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C - updated y2014 tag w/ MTD y2014 configuration;
Geometry/IstGeo/IstdGeo1.xml - volumes IBAT, IECW, IECE, ISCM, IBRS, ICFA..C, IRSA,B,L placed with MANY to avoid overlap issues shadowing approx 300g of material;
IBMO mother volume inner radius was set too large at 11.84 cm, this clipped part of the ladder volumes IBAM and may cause material discrepancies;
inner radius of IBMO moved to avoid overlap with PTSM/APTS ;
reorganized IBAM to simplify and reduce overlap issues; verified that daughters of IBAM are placed at the same position, w/in roundoff errors;
IBMO shape changed to PCON to avoid overlap / tighter integration;
Geometry/PixlGeo/PixlGeo5.xml - corrected error in pixel geometry which resulted in backing material extruding the ladder mother volume;
PsupGeo.xml - eliminated overlaps and extrusions in pixel support geometry;
PixlGeo6.xml - updated to eliminate overlaps in PixlGeo6;
PixlGeo6.xml, PxstGeo1.xml - removed small overlaps and extrusions ;
Geometry/SisdGeo/SisdGeo7.xml - updated to eliminate overlaps;
g2Root/g2Root.F - introduced TpcRefSys;
OnlTools Jevp/StJevpBuilders/ppBuilder.cxx - fixed memory leak;
Main features:
- added new TPC alignment schema and corrections due to new TPC survey;
- added new Pythia versions : Pythia v.8.1.62; v.8.1.86;
- more modifications to MTD code;
- updated Ist DB method and code;
- added SST code to StSsdDbMaker and StiSsd;
- added MTD plots for offline QA;
- compilation options switched to use the C++11 standard; codes updated;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
BASE/AgStarReader.cxx, StarPrimaryMaker.cxx - fixed type conversion error thrown by c++11 compiler in AgSTAR reader and removed unused variable in primary maker;
Pythia8_1_62/ - added new Pythia version 8.1.62;
Pythia8_1_86/ - added new Pythia version 8.1.86;
STEP/AgUStep.cxx, AgUStep.h - updated to save the ROOT/TGeo path in each tracking step. i.e, it saves the volume and copy numbers in the arrays vnums and cnums; rmin and rmax static members added to restrict range where steps are saved ;
AgUStep.cxx - fixed order of arguments in initialization list; removed unused variable;
StarMagField.cxx, StarMagField.h - modified for new TPC alignment and added switch between new and old schema;
StarMagField.cxx - added cast for c++11 option;
StarChairDefs.h - added alternative (B) table for new TPC alignment;
BFC.C, Bfc.h, BigFullChain.h, StBFChain.cxx - added flag for new TPC alignment; removed 'fpd' and 'l0' options;
BigFullChain.h - added option 'CorrX' to switch to new TPC alignment schema; fixed sstDb option;
StDbBroker.cxx - fixed templated call to make it compliant with gcc 4.8.2;
StHyperCacheManager.cpp - fixed templated call to make it compliant with gcc 4.8.2;
St_db_Maker.cxx - fixed templated call to make it compliant with gcc 4.8.2;
StDbUtilitiesLinkDef.h, StMagUtilities.cxx, StMagUtilities.h,, StTpcCoordinateTransform.hh - m odified for new TPC alignment model and added switch between new and old schema;
StMagUtilities.cxx, StMagUtilities.h - fixed old correction with 2D and 3D magnetic field ;
StMagUtilities.cxx - added extra cast for CXX11;
St_tpcDimensionsC.h, St_tpcDriftVelocityC.h, St_tpcEffectiveGeomC.h, St_tpcGlobalPositionC.h, St_trgTimeOffsetC.h - modified for new TPC alignment;
St_tpcTimeBucketCorC.h - added new file to switch between new and old schema of alignment;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - modified to add St_tpcTimeBucketCorC.h;
St_spaceChargeCorC.cxx - modified to add no-killer detectors;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx, StTpcSurveyC.h - added alternative (B) table for new TPC alignment;
StMtdPidTraits.cxx, StMtdPidTraits.h - added residuals (dz,dy) between matched track-hit pairs nd access functions;
StuFixTopoMap.cxx - modified to get rid of compiler warning;
StFtpcTrackMaker - fixed for C++11 compliance;
StGammaCandidateMaker.cxx - modified to return TVector3 instead of integer;
StppLMVVertexFinder.cxx - added cast for c++11 option;
StIstDbMaker.cxx, StIstDbMaker.h - updated to improve doxygen documentation; modified to separate IST DB dataset from ISTDb maker
c++ format style improvements; virtual keyword added for destructor;
added destructor and deallocated the mIstDb; c++ formatting style improved and formatted with astyle -s3 -p -H -A3 -k3 -O -o -y -Y -f ;
updated to primt out mIstDb geometry matrices when Debug2 enabled;
StIstDb.cxx, StIstDb.h - added new files; modified to make class getters const; removed unused header includes; reduced the scope of the using namespace;
added several simple getters and data members for sub-level geometry matrices obtain; added Print() function which print out all IST geometry matrices;
StIstDb.cxx - replaced LOG_INFO with LOG_DEBUG to slim the log file; minor updates on the ladder/sensor ID check;
StIstDb.h, StIstDbMaker.h - modified to set class version to 1 as version 0 has a special meaning in root cint world;
StIstDb.cxx, StIstDb.h, StIstDbMaker.cxx - updated Print() function to PrintGeoHMatrices(); modified to replace assert statement for gStTpcDb with normal variable check;
StiKalmanTrack.cxx - fixed wrong Xi2 for 5-hits short tracks;
StiDetectorTreeBuilder.cxx - fixed bug #2882 to avoid clash of detectors with the same Rxy & Phi ; hangWhere() parameter added;
StiHit.cxx - modified to improve hit test;
StiStEventFiller.cxx - updated with c++11 fix;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiIstDetectorBuilder.h - updated to switch to the new way of accessing DB information for IST, instead of using the maker we access an object filled by the maker with data from DB;
added extra protection for a valid pointer;
adjusted indentation with astyle -s3 -p -H -A3 -k3 -O -o -y -Y -f;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx - updated to reoder variable initialization; updated StIstDb method;
StiPxlDetectorGroup.h - modified to switch default to non-ideal positioning of PXL volumes (currently this affects active layers only); this change assumes that the user runs StPxlDbMaker to create the dataset with appropriate transformations;
StiSstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiSstDetectorBuilder.h, StiSstDetectorGroup.cxx StiSstDetectorGroup.h - adde Sst code to SSD directory;
StiSsdLinkDef.h - adjusted to Sst ;
StMcEvent, - updated to get rid of compiler warning;
StMiniMcMaker.cxx - added explicit casts from (double) to (float) to satisfy c++ 11 compiler;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx - modified to use mMtdGeom->SetLockBField(); initialized trgTime;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx, StMtdMatchMaker.h - updated to set DeltaY and DeltaZ in PidTraits;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx - modified to remove dependency on "StarGenerator/StarLight/starlightconstants.h";
StMtdSimMaker.cxx, StMtdSimMaker.h - modified to move the initialization of the GEANT-to-Backleg map using the database to InitRun(); added return value for function FastCellResponse();
StMtdGeometry.cxx, StMtdGeometry.h - added an option to lock bfield to FF; added protection for reading magnetic field in case of track projection position is (nan,nan,nan);
fixed a minor inconsistency in using the fNExtraCells;
COMMON/StMuMtdPidTraits.cxx, StMuMtdPidTraits.h - added changes to StMuMtdPidTraits;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - modified for new TPC alignment;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx, StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.h - implemented machinery for sector-by-sector Gaps (GridLeak) measurements;
StPxlDb.cxx, StPxlDb.h, StPxlDbMaker.h - updated for minor style changes;
StPxlSimMaker.cxx, StPxlSimMaker.h - fixed bug in creating a new StPxlHitCollection; random seed is set to default; DB geometry is set to default;
StSstDbMaker.cxx, StSstDbMaker.h, StSsdLinkDef.h - updated; set positions of TGeoHMatrix;
StTpcDb.cxx, StTpcDb.h, StTpcDbMaker.cxx - modified for new TPC alignment schema and added switch between new and old schema;
StTpcDb.cxx - added alternative (B) table for new TPC alignment schema;
StTpcHitMaker.cxx, StTpcHitMaker.h, StTpcMixerMaker.cxx, StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx - modified for new TPC alignment schema;
StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx, StTpcHitMoverMaker.h - modified for new TPC alignment model and added switch between new and old schema;
StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx, StTpcHitMoverMaker.h - added cast for c++11 option;
StTpcRSMaker.cxx, TpcRS.C - added cast for c++11 option;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - modified to read in HCAL hits;
QAhlist_EventQA_qa_shift.h, QAhlist_Reco.h, StEventQAMaker.cxx, StEventQAMaker.h, StQABookHist.cxx, StQABookHist.h, StQAMakerBase.cxx, StQAMakerBase.h - added MTD plots for offline QA;
StTpcFastSimMaker.cxx, StTpcFastSimMaker.h - added cast for c++11 option;
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - added J/Psi --> mu+mu- 100% branching ratio with geant ID 168;
sim/g2t/g2t_hca.F - modified to enable saving of x,y,z in HCAL g2t hits;
g2t_volume_id.g - updated HCAL geometry and volume IDs (affects y2014b,dev15b);
sim/idl/g2t_emc_hit.idl - modified to extend EMC hit to include hit position ;
AgMLGeometry/CreateGeometry.h - fixed bug #2894 which caused overwriting daq file by the cached geometry file;
Calibrations/tpc/tpcTimeBucketCor.C, tpcPadrowT0B.C, tpcEffectiveGeomB.y2012.C, tpcEffectiveGeomB.C, tpcEffectiveGeomB.y2010.C, tpcEffectiveGeomB.y2011.C, tpcEffectiveGeomB.y2014.C, tpcElectronicsB.C - added new file for new TPC alignment schema;
Conditions/trg/trgTimeOffsetB.20140101.001107.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140210.001107.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140219.001107.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140305.001107.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140311.001107.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140101.000715.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140210.000715.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140219.000715.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140305.000715.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140311.000715.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140101.000115.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140210.000115.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140219.000115.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140220.000115.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140305.000115.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20140311.000115.C, trgTimeOffsetB.20000601.000000.C - added new files for new TPC alignment schema;
Geometry/tpc/TpcHalfPosition.y2003.C, TpcHalfPosition.y2004.C, TpcHalfPosition.y2005.C, TpcInnerSectorPositionB.C, TpcOuterSectorPositionB.20140101.000631.C, TpcOuterSectorPositionB.C, TpcPosition.C, TpcPosition.y2003.C, TpcPosition.y2004.C, TpcSuperSectorPositionB.20140101.000421.C, TpcSuperSectorPositionB.C, TpcOuterSectorPositionB.20050101.000631.C, TpcOuterSectorPositionB.20050101.001107.C - added new files to proceed with new TPC alignment and updated TPC survey;
TpcOuterSectorPositionB.20140101.001107.C, TpcSuperSectorPositionB.20120101.000956.C, TpcSuperSectorPositionB.20140101.000956.C, TpcSuperSectorPositionB.20140101.001112.C, TpcPosition.y2005.C - added new files to proceed with new TPC alignment schema and updated TPC survey;
TpcPosition.C, TpcPosition.y2003.C, TpcPosition.y2004.C - modified for new TPC alignment schema;
TpcPosition.20140101.000300.C - removed;
StMagF/MagFieldRotation.y2013.C, MagFieldRotation.y2014.C, StarFieldZ.root - added new magnetic filedcorrection;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - modified to force recompilation of xgeometry to pickup y2014b definition;
Geometry/HcalGeo/HcalGeo.xml, HcalGeo1.xml - updated HCAL geometry and volume IDs (affects y2014b,dev15b);
idl/ Survey.idl, tpcElectronics.idl - modified, added comments;
tpcEffectiveGeom.idl, trgTimeOffset.idl - added extra offset for West TPC;
pxlBadRowColumns.idl - added new Pixel table for bad columns;
Next codes have been updated:
StMtdHitMaker.cxx, r.1.18; StMtdHitMaker.h, r.1.10;
StMtdSimMaker.cxx, r.1.9; StMtdSimMaker.h, r.1.8;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx, r.1.20; StMtdMatchMaker.h, r.1.9;
StMtdGeometry.cxx, r.1.7; StMtdGeometry.h, r.1.6;
StMuMtdPidTraits.h, r.1.4; StMuMtdPidTraits.cxx, r.1.3;
StEvent/StMtdPidTraits.h, r.2.3; StMtdPidTraits.cxx, r.2.3;
StarVMC/Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml, r.1.38;
StarVMC/Geometry/PixlGeo/PixlGeo5.xml, r.1.9;
StarVMC/Geometry/PixlGeo/PsupGeo.xml, r.1.7;
Main features:
- added modifications for PXL & IST Sti geometry code;
- added Psi(2s)->e+e- decay channel to gstar;
- made few modifications to MTD code;
- removed flush() destroying IO performance in number of codes ;
- added zerobias triggers and updated event summary in StPeCMaker code;
- further updates of OnlTools event builder for eemc, tof & ist detectors;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
Simulation/starsim/geant/gdecay.F - removed restriction for the decay products of a particle with geant ID <= 99 or <= 999 ;
StAssociationMaker.cxx - removed flush();
FTPC/FTPV1P0_ZS_SR.cxx - removed flush();
GENERIC/EventReader.cxx, RecHeaderFormats.cxx - removed flush();
PMD/PMD_Reader.cxx - removed flush() ;
SVT/SVTV1P0_ZS_SR.cxx - removed flush() ;
TPC/TPCV1P0_ZS_SR.cxx - removed flush() ;
examples/client_svt.cxx - removed flush() ;
StDbLib - removed DELAYED keyword in the INSERT command in DB API;
StHyperCacheManager.cpp - added missing const attribute to fix -std=c++0x error;
StFtpcSlowSimMaker - mandatory removed fflush();
StGenParticle.cxx - removed cout and flush from StGenParticle; fixed compiler warning in a for loop which was using a non-obvious termination condition;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx, StMtdMatchMaker.h - fixed an issue of reading SL12d production data; added expTof for MTD pidtraits;
changed 'dca < 10' to 'dca2Beam_R < 10' ;
modified to use new MTD geometry class created to load geometry volume from GEANT ; choose closest one for multi-tracks which associated with same hit;
implemented multi-tracks to 1 hit matching algorithm; set neighbour module matching and 3 extra cells as default;
StMtdHitMaker.cxx - modified to process Run 2012 UU muDst where only the muMtdCollection is stored;
StMtdSimMaker.cxx, StMtdSimMaker.h - modified to set the timing for MC hits according to time-of-flight and z posistion;
StMtdGeometry.cxx, StMtdGeometry.h - created new geometry class for MTD to load geometry volume from GEANT, needed gGeoManager;
COMMON/StMuDst.cxx - updated StMuDst::setMtdArray() and reset the MTD header, needed for Run12 UU data where only the muMtdCollection is available;
StPeCTrigger.cxx - added zerobias trigger; reset trg_... for every event;
StPeCEvent.cxx, StPeCEvent.h - added more variables to event summary;
StPeCMaker.cxx - modified to ignore flag from StPeCEvent and writes all events with a summary;
StPxlSimMaker.cxx - PXL DB dataset name has been changed to pxl_db;
StPxlFastSim.cxx, StPxlSimMaker.cxx, StPxlSimMaker.h - updated in accordance with the nee pileup trees stucture;
modified to revert the changes made for the pikeup adder;
StPxlSimMaker.cxx - Check if StPxlHitCollection exists in StEvent and add simulated hits to it. Otherwise, create a new collection.
StarClassLibrary, StPsi2s.hh - added new files for Psi(2s) -> e+e- decay channel;, StParticleTypes.hh - modified to add Psi(2s) -> e+e- decay channel;
StarLight/StarLight.cxx - removed unused dependency on TDatabasePDG; fixed logic for defining event record;
StarLight.cxx, StarLight.h - modified to make StarLight setters public;
STEP/AgUStep.cxx, AgUStep.h - added custom AgUStep class, which saves a TTree containing the particle navigation history; specifically, the energy lost in each tracking step is saved for each track; the idTruth of the track is also saved, so that comparisons with track reconstruction software can be performed; by default there is a cut which terminates history at R=50 cm from the beamline;
macros/starsim.stepper.C - added new macro to handle custom AgUStep class;
TMDFParameters.cxx - removed flush() ;
StiDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiDetectorBuilder.h, StiDetector.cxx, StiDetector.h - implemented auto-segmentation of radially oriented volumes;
Sti/Star/StiStarDetectorBuilder.cxx - fixed bug in energy loss;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiIstDetectorBuilder.h - modified to add flag for ideal IST geometry;
modified to set the current gGeometry path before extracting any info about current volume position;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx - added some more inactive material close to the silicon layers;
set protection not to proceed if DB information is not available:
modified to get rid of redundant char array holding the volume's name; it also helped to have Sti volume names as close to the original TGeo ones as possible;
implemented averaging procedure that can create separate Sti volumes for all volume occupancies in TGeo;
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx - added conditions to read none-NULL onbits and offbits in database, compatible with early run9 trigger definitions;
L2Emulator/L2gammaAlgo/L2gammaAlgo.cxx - removed flush();
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - added Psi(2s) -> e+e- decay channel; added (pnXi-) "dibaryon" and it's antiparticle to gstar_part.g ; required modification of gdecay.F in order to accept arbitrary geant IDs for decay;
idl/istChipConfig.idl - added new IST table;
vpdTriggerToTofMap.idl - added new TOF/VPD table ;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/istBuilder.cxx - updated vertex selection for IST builder; corrected errors of fit to MIP data;
eemcBuilder.cxx, istBuilder.cxx - updated to stop crashing in cosmic run;
l4Builder.cxx - modified to change the AxisX range of hVertexZ;
tofBuilder.cxx, tofBuilder.h - modified setting of ranges for tofmult hists, it's now set in tofconfig/TOF_HistConfig.txt;
tofBuilder.h, tofBuilder.cxx - modified to set ranges of tofmult hists in tofconfig/TOF_HistConfig.txt;
JevpServer.cxx - updated;
Main features:
- added geometry prototype for HCAL (test) for run 2014 and geometry for proposed HCAL upgrade for run 2015;
- added geometry for proposed FMS preshower upgrade for run 2015;
- few modifications of MTD codes;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h - updated year 2013 geometry options ;
StBFChain.cxx - bug fixed ;
StMtdPidTraits.cxx, StMtdPidTraits.h - added new member mExpTimeOfFlight and referring access methods;
StMtdHitMaker.cxx - added cvs tag;
StMtdHitMaker.cxx, StMtdHitMaker.h - modified to obtain the Tdig <-> Tray <-> Tdigboard map from the database;
modified to obtain the MTD hits directly from the muDst instead of the hit array;
added capability to run on muDst in afterburner mode;
automatically swaped backlegs 25 & 26 when running bfc chain; a flag with default value of "kFALSE" is added to control the s wapping in the afterburner mode when running on muDst ;
COMMON/StMuDst.cxx, StMuDst.h - modified to add setMtdArray function;
StMuMtdPidTraits.cxx, StMuMtdPidTraits.h - added a new data member (mExpTimeOfFlight) to store the expected time-of-flight obtained from track extrapolation;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx - modified TrackInfo mode;
StPxlRawHitMaker.cxx - updated to print error messages for wrong rows / columns and deserialization errors only when debug > 2;
THelixTrack.cxx - modified to check XX and YY for non zero error matrix;
StiKalmanTrackNode.cxx - reduced visibility of inactive materials;
StiDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to avoid name truncation;
include/iccp2k.h - updated;
include/HLT/HLTFormats.h - added MTD;
src/rtsplusplus.def - updated;
src/DAQ_READER/daqReader.cxx, daqReader.h - updated; implemented flags into daq reader;
src/DAQ_FPS/daq_fps.cxx, daq_fps.h - updated;
src/DAQ_SST/daq_sst.cxx - removed misc;
src/DAQ_TPX/tpxCore.cxx, tpxCore.h, tpxPed.cxx - modified;
src/RTS_EXAMPLE/rts_example.C - implemented flags into daq reader;
geometry/geometrygeometry.g - modified to add support for FMS preshower in dev15a; support for HCAL test iny2014b; support for HCAL proposal in dev15b;
geometry/hcalgeo/HcalGeo.g - added AgSTAR stub HCAL prototype for run 2014;
sim/g2t/g2t_fpd.F, g2t_volume_id.g - modified for HCAL prototype and FMS preshower support;
g2t_hca.F, g2t_hca.idl - addde new files to provide HCAL prototype support;
sim/idl/g2t_track.idl - modified to provide HCAL and FMS preshower support;
StarAgmlLib/StarAgmlStacker.h, StarAgmlStacker.cxx - modified to expose method to obtain real name from nickname, and made it static;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx, Geometry.h - modified to provide support for proposed FMS upgrade for run 2015 (dev15 a); HCAL prototype for run 2014 (y2014b) and HCAL upgrage for run 2015 (dev15b);
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - modified for proposed FMS upgrade (dev15a), propsed HCAL upgrade (dev15b) and HCAL prototype (y2014b);
Geometry/HcalGeo/HcalGeo.xml - new module added for HCAL for run 2014;
HcalGeo1.xml - added new module for proposed HCAL upgrade for run 2015;
Geometry/FpdmGeo/FpdmGeo4.xml - added new module for proposed FMS plus preshower upgrade for run 2015;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C - corrected bug which set vpddgeo instead of vpddgeo2 module in y2007;
modified to provide support for proposed FMS upgrade (dev15a), propsed HCAL upgrade (dev15b) and HCAL prototype (y2014b);
AgMLChecksum/y2006/ChecksumSet.y2006.root - added y2006 geometry checksum for nightly test;
AgMLChecksum/y2006h/ChecksumSet.y2006h.root - added y2006h geometry checksum for nightly test;
AgMLChecksum/y2006g/ChecksumSet.y2006g.root - added y2006g geometry checksum for nightly test;
AgMLChecksum/y2006c/ChecksumSet.y2006c.root - added y2006c geometry checksum for nightly test;
AgMLChecksum/y2007g/ChecksumSet.y2007g.root - added y2007g geometry checksum for nightly test;
AgMLChecksum/y2007h/ChecksumSet.y2007h.root - added y2007h geometry checksum for nightly test;
idl/mtdTrayToTdigMap.idl - modified to change data type from char to short;
istBuilder.cxx, istBuilder.h - updated setting for MIP non-ZS and max time bin fraction;
updated fit range for MIP MPV distribution of center sections;
l4Builder.cxx, l4Builder.h - added plots for for dimuon trigger; added MTD plots;
ssdBuilder.cxx, ssdBuilder.h - improved display setting;
Main features:
- improved PXL & IST geometry implementaion;
- first release of StPxlClusterMaker and StPxlHitMaker codes ;
- few modifications for StMtdMatchMaker code and MTD hits array in MuDst;
- first release of StFmsFastSimulatorMaker code;
- added AgML checksums for different geometres to perform nightly library test;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h - added 'fmsSim' option; added pxl's options;
StFmsDbMaker.h - changed default name to fmsDb to match BFC;
StFmsFastSimulatorMaker.cxx, StFmsFastSimulatorMaker.h - released of first version for FMS fast simulator;
StiMaker.cxx - inverted ssd <-> sst now corrected; removed RnD as old approach;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPxlHitLoader.cxx - modified to switch to PXL sensitive layer geometry with one Sti volume per ladder centered at z=0; the loop over sensors removed and the indexing of the volumes changed accordingly;
inner loop indentation adjusted;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx - added two more cylindrical volumes from the pixel support tube mother volume (PSTM)y;
added some material between the PXL layers;
modified to reduce the number of LOG_DEBUG statements to mitigate possible slowdown due to unnecessary conditional checks
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.h - added virtual keyword to methods;
StiPxlDetectorGroup.cxx - modified to append includes with explicitly specified sub-directories for easier reference; added a check to make sure DB transformations exist when user requests a DB-base geometry;
StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPxlDetectorBuilder.h, StiPxlDetectorGroup.cxx, StiPxlDetectorGroup.h - added option to StiPixelDetectorBuilder/Group to switch between ideal and DB-based geometries;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx - modified to reduce the number of LOG_DEBUG statements to mitigate possible slow down due to unnessary conditional checks; modified to decrease thickness of inactive material tube, and enable sensitive silicon layers;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.h - added virtual keyword to methods;
StIstDigiHit.cxx, StIstDigiHit.h - modified to hide static member inherited from StIstHit base class and assign a new value relevant for StIstDigiHit; redefined static operators new and delete "inherited" from the base StIstHit class;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx, StMtdMatchMaker.h - fixed a bug of un-initialized variable nDedxPts in MtdTrack construction function;
reorganized project2Mtd function, made it more readable; saved pathlengths of extrapolated tracks;
added hits <-> track index association in mMuDstIn=true mode;
StMtdSimMaker.cxx - modified to automatically correct Backleg ID from GEANT hits by using mtdGeant2BacklegIDMap in DB;
COMMON/StMuDst.cxx - modified to change mtdArray[muBTofHit] to mtdArrays[muMTDHit] in StMuDst.cxx in function fixMtdTrackIndices;
StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.cxx, StSpaceChargeEbyEMaker.h - modified to get TrackInfo mode with pile-up tracks too;
StPeCTrigger.h, StPeCTrigger.cxx - added more triggers for run 2014;
StPxlClusterCollection.cxx, StPxlClusterCollection.h, StPxlCluster.cxx, StPxlCluster.h, StPxlClusterMaker.cxx, StPxlClusterMaker.h - added new code for pixel raw hits clustering;
StPxlDbMaker.h - changed pxl_db -> pxlDb;
StPxlHitMaker.cxx, StPxlHitMaker.h - maker to add PxlHitCollection of hits in the event to be used in tracking algorithms;the hits are formed from the clusters containing in the event's StPxlClusterCollection;
StPxlRawHitMaker.cxx - updated to rename PXL DB dataset to avoid conflict with StPxlDbMaker's name;
include/rc.h, rtsLog.h, rtsSystems.h - modified to prepare states. New TRG_TCD_NEW - inptroduced;
RC_Config.h - updated;
rtsMonitor.h, rtsSystems.h - added stuff for TCD_LX;
src/rtsplusplus.def - updated;
src/DAQ_FGT/fgtPed.cxx - updated for checkpoint;
src/DAQ_SST/daq_sst.cxx, daq_sst.h, sstPed.cxx - updated for checkpoint;
src/LOG/Makefile - updated;
src/DAQ_TPX/Makefile, tpxPed.cxx - updated for checkpoint;
src/DAQ_TOF/daq_tof.cxx - updated for checkpoint;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx - AgML library info/warn/error messages modified now to use StMessMgr; some user I/O redirected to StMessMgr;
Geometry/EcalGeo/EcalGeo6.xml - modified to compute p[ositions and lengths of SMD strips in double precision, though still will be returned in single precision; this was implemented to reduce roundoff errors in the results which are introduced by the compiler under different compiler optimizations;
Geometry/macros/loadStarGeometry.C - AgML library info/warn/error messages modified now to use StMessMgr;
loadStarGeometry.C, viewStarGeometry.C - updated to use standard geometry loader;
StarAgmlChecker/StarAgmlChecker.cxx - introduced a decimal-point shift and truncation for mate rial/mixture paramters, to make checksum algorithm less sensitive to compiler optimization; updated for normalization;
updated to proper handle of negative numbers in decimal normalization;
implemented roundoff scheme; all values which go into the checksum are first normalized, then rounded off to a given precision;
added asserts on assumed data type sizes; added blacklist for volumes in checksum dataset, entire tree beneath specified volumes will be skipped;
StarAgmlLib/AgStructure.cxx, StarTGeoStacker.cxx- cleanup compiler warning;
AgAttribute.cxx, AgBlock.cxx, AgBlock.h, AgCreate.cxx, AgMaterial.cxx, AgMedium.cxx, AgModule.cxx, AgShape.cxx, AgStructure.cxx, StarNoStacker.h, StarTGeoStacker.cxx - AgML library info/warn/error messages modified now to use StMessMgr;
AgMath.h - updated to compute sin, cos, tan, and exp with highest precision possible in order to minimize introduction of round off error in results;
AgMLChecksum/y2008a/ChecksumSet.y2008a.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2008b/ChecksumSet.y2008b.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2008c/ChecksumSet.y2008c.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2008d/ChecksumSet.y2008d.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2008e/ChecksumSet.y2008e.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2009/ChecksumSet.y2009.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2009a/ChecksumSet.y2009a.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2009b/ChecksumSet.y2009b.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2009c/ChecksumSet.y2009c.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2009d/ChecksumSet.y2009d.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2010/ChecksumSet.y2010.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2010a/ChecksumSet.y2010a.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2010b/ChecksumSet.y2010b.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2010c/ChecksumSet.y2010c.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2011/ChecksumSet.y2011.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2011a/ChecksumSet.y2011a.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2012/ChecksumSet.y2012.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2012a/ChecksumSet.y2012a.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2012b/ChecksumSet.y2012b.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2013_1/ChecksumSet.y2013_1.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2013_2/ChecksumSet.y2013_2.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2013_1a/ChecksumSet.y2013_1a.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2013_1b/ChecksumSet.y2013_1b.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2013_1c/ChecksumSet.y2013_1c.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2013_2/ChecksumSet.y2013_2.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2013_2a/ChecksumSet.y2013_2a.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2013_2b/ChecksumSet.y2013_2b.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2013_2c/ChecksumSet.y2013_2c.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2014/ChecksumSet.y2014.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
AgMLChecksum/y2014a/ChecksumSet.y2014a.root - added AgML checksums for nightly regression test;
idl/mtdTdigIdMap.idl, mtdTrayIdMap.idl, mtdTrayToTdigMap.idl, mtdGeant2BacklegIDMap.idl - added new MTD tables to DB
pxlBuilder.cxx, pxlBuilder.h - modified to separate decoder from builder code; several bugs fixed;
pxl_decoder.cxx, pxl_decoder.h - added new files to separate decoder from builder code;
pxlBuilder.cxx, pxlBuilder.h, pxl_decoder.cxx, pxl_decoder.h - updated to use bitset2D for the pixel data container; added additional histogram for Serdes Errors;
l4Builder.cxx - few plots updated;
istBuilder.cxx, istBuilder.h - added hit map for ZS data and fix missing chip trigger alarm issue; set minimum statistics for MIP trigger alarm set-off; updated trigger alarm for IST builder;
RunStatus.cxx - updated;
JevpServer.cxx - updated;
Main features:
- released production geometry y2014a for run 2014 data;
- added production chain for run 2014 and options to process data for PXL, IST & SST detectors;
- added new PXL module StPxlRawHitMaker to read pixel raw hits from daq format and create hits collec tion;
- added next new modules for PXL & IST detectors: StiPxl, StiIst, StIstDbMak er, StIstUtil ;
- added Sti geometry for new detectors PXL, IST, SST (first release) ;
- added IST hits collection and structure to StEvent;
- added new StarAgmlChecker module to produce detector's material plots in (eta,phi)-space;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
StBFChain.cxx, BigFullChain.h - introduced P2014a option with production geometry y2014a;
added StiPxl, StiIst, PxlIT, IstIT and SstIT options for PXL, IST & SST detectors;
GeometryDbAliases.h - updated to setup y2014a production geometry;
StDAQMaker.cxx - modified to check that TPCReader exists before accessing it;
StEnumerations.h - added IST constants;
StContainers.cxx, StContainers.h, StEvent.cxx, StEvent.h, StEventClusteringHints.cxx, StEventLinkDef.h, StEventTypes.h, StPxlHit.h - updated to include IST structure;
StIstHit.h, StIstHit.cxx, StIstHitCollection.cxx, StIstHitCollection.h - added hits collection for IST;
StIstLadderHitCollection.cxx, StIstLadderHitCollection.h, StIstSensorHitCollection.cxx StIstSensorHitCollection.h - added new files to include IST hits and structure;
StEventHitIter.cxx - modified to include IST structure;
St_geant_Maker.cxx - added code to support reading new MTD active layers;
StPxlDb.cxx, StPxlDb.h, StPxlDbMaker.cxx - added single hot pixel masking;
StPxlRawHitCollection.cxx, StPxlRawHitCollection.h, StPxlRawHitMaker.cxx, StPxlRawHit.h, StPxlRawHit.cxx, StPxlRawHitMa ker.cxx, StPxlRawHitMaker.h - added new PXL maker to read pixel raw hits from daq files and create hit collection;
StPxlRawHitMaker.cxx, StPxlRawHitMaker.h - added Jtag file version print-out and some more warnings for data format errors;
StiDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiDetectorBuilder.h - modified to protect resetting to default tracking parameters, if these parameters have been already set;
StiDetector.cxx StiDetectorBuilder.cxx StiMaterial.cxx, StiPlacement.h, StiPlacement.cxx, StiShape.cxx - updated to inc lude geometry and material for new detectors PXL, IST, SST;
StiMaker.cxx, StiDetectorVolume.cxx - added PXL, IST & SST detectors;
StiStarDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiStarDetectorBuilder.h - changed TpcRefSys to TpcRefSys_1 in path;
StiStarDetectorBuilder.cxx - updated to include geometry and material for new detectors PXL, IST & SST;
StiIstDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiIstDetectorBuilder.h, StiIstDetectorGroup.cxx, StiIstDetectorGroup.h, StiIstHitLoader.cxx , StiIstHitLoader.h, StiIstIsActiveFunctor.cxx, StiIstIsActiveFunctor.h - added new code to process IST detector data;
StIstDbMaker.cxx, StIstDbMaker.h - added new code to handle IST offline database;
StIstClusterCollection.cxx,StIstClusterCollection.h, StIstCluster.cxx, StIstCluster.h, StIstCollection.cxx, StIstCollec tion.h, StIstConsts.h, StIstDigiHit.cxx, StIstDigiHit.h, StIstRawHitCollection.cxx, StIstRawHitCollection.h, StIstRawHit.cxx, St IstRawHit.h - added new code for IST detector;
StiPxlChairs.cxx, StiPxlDetectorBuilder.cxx, StiPxlDetectorBuilder.h, StiPxlDetectorGroup.cxx, StiPxlDetectorGroup.h, S tiPxlHitErrorCalculator.h, StiPxlHitLoader.cxx, StiPxlHitLoader.h, StiPxlIsActiveFunctor.cxx, StiPxlIsActiveFunctor.h, StiPxlTrac kingParameters.h - added new code to process PXL detector data;
include/cmds.h, iccp.h - updated;
src/rtsmakefile.def - added REAL_DAQMAN;
src/LOG/rtsLog.C - added few more arguments;
src/DAQ_SST/sstPed.cxx - added some logging;
src/DAQ_PXL/daq_pxl.cxx - added some logging;
src/DAQ_FGT/daq_fgt.cxx, daq_fgt.h, fgtPed.cxx, fgtPed.h - added canonical pedestal handling;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - updated to setup y2014a production geometry;
sim/idl/g2t_mtd_hit.idl - modified to save MTD local and gloal coordinates;
sim/g2t/g2t_mtd.F - updated to setup y2014a production geometry; modified to save MTD local and global coordinates;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx - updated to setup production geometry y2014a ;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - updated to setup y2014a production geometry;
Geometry/MutdGeo/MutdGeo5.xml - added new file to setup y2014a production geometry;
Geometry/PixlGeo/PsupGeo.xml - renamed structure MTB --> MTBP to conform to starsim standards;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C - modified to setup y2014a production geometry for run 2014;
StarAgmlChecker/StarAgmlChecker.cxx, StarAgmlChecker.h - initial revision of code to produce material plots in (eta,phi)-space and volume checksums (md5) which can be used to detect changes in geometry;
fixed bug which ignores children of assemblies, reduce sensitivity to parameter changes;
modified to make checksum sensitive to shape type as well as parameters;
AgMLGeometry/CreateGeometry.h, Geometry.y2014a.C - updated to release y2014a production geometry;
Jevp/ level.source - updated;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/istBuilder.cxx - minor updates on IST builder to get the real number of time bin;
bbcBuilder.cxx, trgBuilder.cxx - updated;
istBuilder.cxx, istBuilder.h - added alarm and major updates;
pxlBuilder.cxx, pxlBuilder.h - modified to get proper filling of runlength histos, minor fixes;
tofBuilder.cxx, tofBuilder.h - added TRG TF00X plots;
l4Builder.cxx, l4Builder.h - updated plots for AuAu 200GeV, run 2014; modified to make a new directory in client;
ssdBuilder.cxx, ssdBuilder.h - fixed few bugs; solved some plots display problem;
Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx - updated;
Main features:
- OnlTools - more updates for new detectors: PXL, MTD, IST, SSD;
- added base chain for run 2014 data;
- StMuDSTMaker modified for MTD trackes;
- updated run 2014 geometry for PXL;
- defined reference geometry tags for run 2013;
- added new files for DAQ_FPS & DAQ_SST;
- several bugs fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
BASE/StarGenerator.cxx, StarGenerator.h - added Al as a possible target; modified lab frame cod e to respect the blue/yellow beam direction convention defined in StarGenerator;
Hijing1_383/StarHijing.cxx - added Al as a possible target; modified lab frame code to respect the blue/yellow beam direction convention defined in StarGenerator;
macros/starsim.beampipe.C - added example of macro for generating fixed-target Hijing events fro m an arbitrary vertex distribution... in this case, the beam pipe;
StMultiKeyMap.h, StMultiKeyMap.cxx - fixed bug;
xTCL.cxx xTCL.h - modified to add eigen2 copy of THelix one;
BigFullChain.h - added base chain options for run 2014;
GeometryDbAliases.h - defined y2013_1a, _1b, _1c, _2a, _2b, _2c geometry tags; the tags y2013_1c and y2013_2c fre eze the y2013_1x and y2013_2x geometry tags as they exist in SL14a, they are equivalent to the geometries used in y2013 dat a production;
StdEdxY2Maker.cxx, StdEdxY2Maker.h - added two gaus fit for Oxygen monitoring histograms;
StTrackTopologyMap.cxx, StTrackTopologyMap.h - updated for HFT;
StuFixTopoMap.cxx - updated for HFT;
LaserEvent.cxx, LaserEvent.h, StLaserAnalysisMaker.cxx - added protection against cycling in fitting;
added cluster position in Local Sector Coordinate System;
StHistUtil.cxx, StHistUtil.h - adjusted dEdx slope hist range, handled ROOT change for 2D polar plots;
StMtdHitMaker.cxx - introduced run 2014 map; this mapping allows fastoffline to run while the database implementa tion continues;
StMtdMatchMaker.cxx - modified to protect against potentially non-existing primary vertex in StEvent ; corrected primary vertex retrieval in StEvent environment;
COMMON/StMuMtdPidTraits.h, StMuTrack.h - modified StMuTrack; added setMtdPidTraits, StMuMtdPidTr aits; removed mtdHit(), MtdHit(), setMtdHit();
StMuDst.cxx, StMuMtdHit.cxx, StMuMtdHit.h - modified to get the actual pointer to the MTD matched track with more convenient method;
StEventQAMaker.cxx - added check on ssd_hits.size();
StPxlFastSim.cxx, StPxlFastSim.h, StPxlISim.h, StPxlSimMaker.cxx, StPxlSimMaker.h - modified to implement methods to switch between ideal geometry and DB geometry; the default is ideal;
modified to switch on random seed for StRandom generatos in simulators;
StTriggerDataMaker.cxx - modified to change returning error to warnning;
include/iccp2k.h - updated;
rtsSystems.h - added FPS;
RC_Config.h, prepareGbPayload.h - updated;
src/rtsplusplus.def - updated;
rtsmakefile.def - added RTS_HOST_NAME; added RTS_REAL_DAQMAN define;
src/DAQ_FGT/fgtPed.cxx, fgtPed.h - added bad channels from the files;
src/DAQ_FPS/daq_fps.cxx, daq_fps.h - added new files for FPS;
added reserved & meta;
src/DAQ_PXL/daq_pxl.cxx - added RTS_HOST_NAME;
src/DAQ_READER/daq_dta.cxx, daq_dta.h - added RTS_HOST_NAME;
src/DAQ_SST/daq_sst.cxx, daq_sst.h - modified to add pedestal calculation; added RTS_HOST_NAME; added ZS data checker & reader; added pedestal handling;
sstPed.cxx, sstPed.h - added new files for pedestal calculation; added pedestal handling;
src/DAQ_SFS/sfs_index.cxx - fixed retries;
src/RTS_EXAMPLE/rts_example.C - added helper functions for IST 7 SST pedestal; added FPS; added meta printouts for FPS;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - modified to replace kOnly --> konly;
defined y2013_1a, _1b, _1c, _2a, _2b, _2c geometry tags; the tags y2013_1c and y2013_2c freeze the y2013_1x and y 2013_2x geometry tags as they exist in SL14a; they are equivalent to the geometries used in y2013 data production;
geometry/pixlgeo/PsupGeo.g - added stub for pixel support;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx - modified to make sure that v2 cave geometry creates TPC reference system ; added option for test TpceGeo4 geometry;
Geometry/CaveGeo/CaveGeo2.xml - modified to make sure that v2 cave geometry creates TPC reference system;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - modified to force recompelation to pickup correct y2014 definiti on; defined y2013_1a, _1b, _1c, _2a, _2b, _2c geometry tags; the tags y2013_1c and y2013_2c freeze the y2013_1x and y2013_2 x geometry tags as they exist in SL14a;
Geometry/FgtdGeo/FgtdGeo3.xml, FgtdGeoV.xml - replaced kOnly --> konly;
Geometry/IstdGeo/IstdGeo1.xml - replaced kOnly --> konly;
Geometry/PixlGeo/DtubGeo1.xml PsupGeo.xml - replaced kOnly --> konly;
PixlGeo6.xml - modified to change positions of subvolumes at the single micron level;
Geometry/TpceGeo/TpceGeo4.xml - added new TpceGeo4 module reorganized the TPC volumes; TPC padro ws moved down into a TPMV (TPAD mother volume); G10 layer and some AL supports moved into the TPMV, allowing to make a clea n separation between the active TPC gas volume and the TPC support wheel. This enables to flag the active gas volume as co mpletely non overlapping;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C - implemented asymptotic geometries for y2010 to present use th e test TpceGeo4 geometry in AgML (e.g. y2010x). AgSTAR asymptotic geometries are unchanged ;
defined y2013_1a, _1b, _1c, _2a, _2b, _2c geometry tags ;
pixel support was taken OFF in y2013_2* geometries;
modified to ensure that inner detectors show up in all 2013 geometries where needed;
StarAgmlLib/AgBlock.cxx, AgBlock.h, StarTGeoStacker.cxx - modified to change AgBlock and stacker to permit declaration of assembly volumes;
StarAgmlViewer/StarAgmlChecker.cxx - replaced kOnly --> konly;
StarAgmlChecker.cxx, StarAgmlChecker.h - added R and Z cuts to enable simple way to plot material budget "in fron t of" detectors;
mkBudgetSet.C - added example macro for plotting material budget in front of the TPC;
StarAgmlViewer/macros/viewAgml.C - replaced kOnly --> konly;
AgMLGeometry/Geometry.y2013_1a.C, Geometry.y2013_1b.C, Geometry.y2013_1c.C, Geometry.y2013_2a.C, Geometry.y2013_2b.C, Geometry.y2013_2c.C - added definitions for 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c geometries;
Geometry.y2010x.C - new test geometry added;
Calibrations/tpc/tpcDriftVelocity.20140215.132748.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140215.150916.C, tpcDrif tVelocity.20140216.042002.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140216.103202.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140216.195307.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140 216.224730.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140217.014847.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140217.040929.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140217.084236.C, t pcDriftVelocity.20140217.113342.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140217.142449.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140217.160900.C, tpcDriftVelocity .20140217.203531.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140217.230053.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140218.010413.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140218.03385 6.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140218.063552.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140218.092131.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140218.133013.C, tpcDriftVe locity.20140218.154508.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140218.174945.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140218.224107.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140219 .022051.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140219.074415.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140219.092332.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140219.120531.C, tpcD riftVelocity.20140219.170855.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140219.172943.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140220.053153.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20 140220.120923.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140220.143113.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140220.155822.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140221.035015.C - added new TPC drift velocity files;
idl/pxlHotPixels.idl - added new hot pixel table;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/l4Builder.cxx, l4Builder.h - added plots for besMonitor, FixedTarget and Fix edTargetMonitor ; added tabs for RunControl; added two more plots for BesGood; added a new table for HLTGood2 trigger and three plots for the FixedTarget and FixedTargetMonitor; modified to store the paras data file in the l4evp;
tofBuilder.h, tofBuilder.cxx - added VPD mapping and trigger windows for Run 2014; updated TOFmult range and adde d two 1Ds; updated windows and plot ranges for Run14 AuAu 200;
mtdBuilder.cxx, mtdBuilder.h - updated for run 2014; modified to reads tray masks from config file;
pxlBuilder.cxx, pxlBuilder.h - updated for run 2014;
tpxBuilder.cxx, tpxBuilder.h - modified to save lasers for l4;
istBuilder.cxx, istBuilder.h - updated IST mapping table and added a new plot: ladder vs. chip;
ssdBuilder.cxx, ssdBuilder.h - first version added for SSD event builder;
Jevp/StJevpPlot/JevpPlotSet.cxx - fixed bug with tags;
Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx - updated indexing; fixed bug with tags;
l4HistoMother, jevpHistoMother - added new files;
WritePDFToDB.C - updated;
Main features:
- added extra HFT dead material to y2013b geometry near east poletip;
- y2014 geometry updated with latest versions for IST & SSD;
- added HFT support structures;
- first release of new HFT codes: StPxlDbMaker, StPxlUtil ;
- OnlTools modified to add IST event builder;
- several bugs have been fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
StHistUtil.cxx - modified to add TPC histogram for monitoring gas contamination;
BigFullChain.h - added Pxl base makers chains;
StarClassLibrary - added D_star_plus (minus) --> D0 (bar) pi+ (-) 100% BR;
BASE/StarPrimaryMaker.cxx - modified to set z-vertex prior to beamline retation;
Hijing1_383/StarHijing.cxx - updated for K0/K0bar;
macros/starsim.hijing.hypertriton.C - added example of macro for generating a particle (e.g. hypernucleus) and adding it to a minbias hijing event;
StMultiKeyMap.cxx - fixed size of stack increasing ;
StCloseFileOnTerminate.cxx - added (printed) warning when StCloseFileOnTerminate is created;
StPxlDb.cxx, StPxlDb.h, StPxlDbMaker.cxx, StPxlDbMaker.h - new code for Pxl DB;
StPxlConstants.h, StThinPlateSpline.cxx, StThinPlateSpline.h - new PXL code;
QAhlist_EventQA_qa_shift.h, StQAMakerBase.cxx, StQAMakerBase.h - added TPC histograms for monitoring gas contamination;
include/rtsLog.h - added user specific log level;
include/SUNRT/ipcQLib.hh - added queue remove function;
src/rtsmakefile.def - modified to use canononical;
src/DAQ_BSMD/daq_bsmd.cxx - added hack for RD06;
src/DAQ_FGT/fgtPed.cxx, fgtPed.h - added Misc features for IST; added misc pedestal and timebin hacks;
src/DAQ_SST/daq_sst.cxx - modified to take out some checks;
daq_sst.cxx, daq_sst.h - added SST ADC reader and more checks in get_l ;
src/LOG/rtsLogUnix.c - added handling of U_;
src/RTS_EXAMPLE/rts_example.C - fixed RDO count bug for IST example;
StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx - modified to fill SpaceCharge info in StRunInfo;
macros/embedding/bfcMixer_Tpx.C - added chain for run 2012 pp 200GeV to process embedding data;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g - added y2013b production geometry with extra HFT dead material near eastpoletip; modified y2014 first cut; reverted to CaveGeo for y2014 geometry;
sim/g2t/g2t_ist.F - updated to use local coordinates for IST g2t structures;
sim/gstar/gstar_part.g - corrected charge states for two hypernuclei; added D_star_plus (minus) --> D0(bar) pi+ (-) 100% BR;
Geometry/Geometry.cxx, Geometry.h - added HFT support structures ;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml - modified to force recompilation of y2013b & y2014; reverted to CaveGeo for y2014 geometry;
Geometry/IstdGeo/IstdGeo1.xml - updated for latest version of IST;
Geometry/SisdGeo/SisdGeo7.xml - updated for latest version of SSD for HFT;
Geometry/PixlGeo/PsupGeo.xml - added support for HFT; removed failed debugging attempt;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C - modified to define y2013b production series with extra dead material in new east poletip; defined y2014 geometry first cut;
StarAgmlLib/AgMaterial.cxx - added debugging output; code will now report which module/volume is at fault when an undeclared material has been referenced;
Calibrations/tpc/TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2014.C, tpcAltroParams.y2014.C, TpcdCharge.y2014.C, TpcdEdxCor.y2014.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.y2014.C, tpcDriftVelocity.y2014.C, tpcGainCorrection.y201.C, tpcGasTemperature.y2014.C, tpcGas.y2014.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.y2014.C, tpcMethaneIn.y2014.C, TpcPadCorrection.y2014.C, tpcPadGainT0B.y2014.C, TpcPhiDirection.y2014.C, tpcPressureB.y2014.C, TpcResponseSimulator.y2014.C, TpcRowQ.y2014.C, TpcSecRowB.y2014.C, tpcSlewing.y2014.C, tpcWaterOut.y2014.C, TpcZCorrectionB.y2014.C - added y2014 calibrations tables for TPC simulation (ideal);
tpcDriftVelocity.20140131.222231.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140201.000826.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140201.001047.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140201.044318.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140202.010902.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140202.061700.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140202.103224.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140202.144248.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140202.185546.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140202.185646.C,tpcDriftVelocity.20140202.230511.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140203.032113.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140203.074422.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140203.104950.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140203.144647.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140203.210036.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140204.020127.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20140204.060636.C - added drift velocities files for Run 2014 cosmics;
Geometry/tpc/tpcGlobalPosition.y2014.C, TpcOuterSectorPosition.y2014.C, TpcSuperSectorPosition.y2014.C - added y2014 TPC geometry tables for simulation(ideal);
RunLog/MagFactor.y2011.C, MagFactor.y2012.C, MagFactor.y2013.C, MagFactor.y2014.C - added new files for TPC;
RunLog/onl/tpcRDOMasks.y2014.C - added new file for y2014 TPC simulation (ideal);
starClockOnl.y2013.C, starClockOnl.y2014.C - added new files as default local clock for year 2013 & 2014;
idl/pxlControl.idl, istControl.idl, istMapping.idl - added new Geometry_pxl & IST tables;
istControl.idl - added extra column;
Jevp/level.source - modified for IST;
Jevp/StJevpBuilders/istBuilder.cxx, istBuilder.h - added new IST event builder files;
hltBuilder.h - small modification;
Jevp/StJevpServer/JevpServer.cxx - modified for IST builder;
Next codes have been updated:
BigFullChain.h, r. ;
Sti/StiDetectorBuilder.cxx, r.2.25; StiDetectorBuilder.h, r.2.20;
Sti/Star/StiStarDetectorBuilder.cxx, r.2.26; StiStarDetectorBuilder.h, r.2.7 ;
geometry/geometry/geometry.g, r. 1.275;
geometry/pixlgeo/PsupGeo.g, r. 1.1 :
Geometry/Geometry.cxx, r. 1.46 ;
Geometry/Geometry.h, r. 1.16 ;
Geometry/CaveGeo/CaveGeo2.xml, r.1.4 ;
Geometry/Compat/xgeometry.xml, r. 1.32;
Geometry/macros/StarGeometryDb.C, r. 1.53 ;
Geometry/PixlGeo/PsupGeo.xml, r. 1.4 ;
Geometry/TpceGeo/TpceGeo4.xml, r.1.1 ;
StChain/GeometryDbAliases.h, r.1.4 ;
AgMLGeometry/Geometry.y2013_1b.C, Geometry.y2013_1a.C, Geometry.y2013_2c.C, Geometry.y2013_2b.C, Geometry.y2013_1c.C, Geometry.y2010x.C - all r. 1.1;
Main features:
- implemented event filtering by trigger ID for reconstruction processing;
- added new schema for dX calculation in dEdX for large distortions in TPC for pp 500GeV, run 2013;
- added new method to calculate nSigma for fitted dE/dx; the values added in MuDst; the default values calculated using truncated mean are saved in MuDst as well;
- StPeCMaker modified to add track extrapolation to TOF for peripheral events;
- StMagUtilities.cxx/h modified to account for GG voltage errors; improved speed of data processing for Space Charge corrections;
- several bugs have been fixed;
Next codes have been updated:
macros/standalone.pythia6.C, starsim.addparticle.C, starsim.filter.C, starsim.herwig6.C, starsim.hijing.C, starsim.kinematics.C, starsim.pythia6.C, starsim.pythia8.C, starsim.starlight.C - modified to add RNG seed to example macros;
StMultyKeyMap.cxx, StMultyKeyMap.h - added new files; modified to speedup;
KFParticleBase.h - modified to promote fID to Int; increment class version;
StBFChain.cxx, StBFChain.h - introduced chain options FiltTrg* for filtering by trigger ID;
StarChairDefs.h - added MakeChairOptionalInstance2;
StV0TofCorrection.cxx, StV0TofCorrection.h - fixed memory leak; modified to switch from a custom closest-points-of-approach-finder to the StHelix::pathLengths(); added a public helper function calcM2() to calculate mass^2 after TOF correction;
StMagUtilities.cxx, StMagUtilities.h - modified to account for GG voltage error + shifts in UndoGGVoltErrorDistortion(); improved speed of data processing for Space Charge corrections by reducing calls to DB; avoided unnecessary cartesian/cylindrical coordinate conversions;
StTpcSurveyC.h, St_SurveyC.h - added new rotation matrices for TPC;
St_trigDetSumsC.h - added new instance from StEvent;
StDetectorDbChairs.cxx - added new set of TPC rotation matrices (B), St_trigDetSumsC::instance constractor from StEvent; modified to move chair under top maker;
StDetectorDbMaker.cxx - modified to keep St_trigDetSumsC in .data; modified to move chair under top maker;
StTpcdEdxCorrection.cxx, StdEdxY2Maker.cxx, StdEdxY2Maker.h - modified to implement new schema for dX calculation for large distortions;
StPidStatus.cxx, StPidStatus.h - new files added to implement new schema for dX calculation for large distortions;
StTpcHit.h - added transient data members for upper and lower pad positons;
StProbPidTraits.h, StPidParticleDefinition.h - modified to take out StPidParticleDefinition in a separate h-file;
StTpcDedxPidAlgorithm.cxx - added numberOfSigma() for kLikelihoodFitId method;
StEventMaker.cxx - copied trigDetSums table to StEvent; added event filtering by trigger ID (offline id) for reconstruction;
modified to move St_trigDetSumsC under the top maker for consistency with StDetectorDbMaker;
StFgtSeededClusterAlgo.cxx - modified to remove unnecessary writing histos/objects, bug #2750;
StFgtRawMaker.cxx - updated for run 2013;
COMMON/StMuTrack.cxx, StMuTrack.h - added nSigma values calculated for fitted dEdx;
StPeCMaker.cxx, StPeCMaker.h - added extrapolation of tracks to TOF, StBTofGeometry and St_geant_Maker;
StPeCEvent.cxx, StPeCEvent.h - added a set method setTOFgeometry to pass pointer to StBTofGeometry;
StPeCPair.cxx, StPeCPair.h - added a input argument StBTofGeometry to fill method (StMuDst + StEvent) and x y z coordinates of intercept to TOF cylinder;
StPeCTrigger.cxx, StPeCTrigger.h - added a set method to select a trigger;
include/tasks.h, iccp.h, iccp2k.h, rtsSystems.h - updated;
src/rtsplusplus.def - updated;
src/SFS/fs.C, fs_index.cxx, fs_index.h - updated directory sizes
sfs_header.C - updated;
src/DAQ_BSMD/bsmdPed.cxx, bsmdPed.h - modified to add phase scanning support; more info in pedestal runs;
src/DAQ_FGT/daq_fgt.cxx, fgtPed.cxx, fgtPed.h - added more logging, pedestal support;
src/DAQ_PP2PP/Makefile - clean target;
src/DAQ_TPX/tpxPed.cxx - modified pedestal file comments;
StTpcRTSHitMaker.cxx - removed restriction that track_id >= 10000'
StTpcHitMoverMaker.cxx, StTpcHitMoverMaker.h - modified to add transformations for Upper and Lower tpc hits postions (new dX calculation in dE/dx);
StTriggerSimuMaker.cxx - modified to use new database node ""
Calibrations/tracker/StvKonst.C - modified tracking volume to 220x220; set max radius before TOF;
Calibrations/tpc/tpcAnodeHVavg.y2014.C, tpcAnodeHV.y2014.C - added default TPC Anode Voltages for y2014;
TpcLengthCorrectionB.20130305.000000.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.y2012.C, TpcLengthCorrectionB.y2013.C, TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.20130305.000013.C, TpcCurrentCorrection.20130305.000011.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.20130305.000000.C - added new files for run 2013 TPC calibrations;
TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2012.C, TpcAdcCorrectionB.y2013.C - added default ADC corrections;
TpcDriftDistOxygen.y2012.C, TpcDriftDistOxygen.y2013.C - added default correction;
TpcPadCorrection.y2012.C, TpcPadCorrection.y2013.C, TpcPhiDirection.y2012.C, TpcPhiDirection.y2013.C,TpcResponseSimulator.y2013.C, TpcRowQ.20130305.000014.C, TpcRowQ.y2012.C, TpcRowQ.y2013.C, TpcSecRowB.20130305.000014.root, TpcSecRowB.y2012.C, TpcSecRowB.y2013.C, TpcZCorrectionB.20130305.000013.C, TpcZCorrectionB.y2012.C, TpcZCorrectionB.y2013.C, TpcdCharge.20130305.000000.C, TpcdCharge.y2012.C, TpcdCharge.y2013.C, TpcdEdxCor.20130305.000000.C, TpcdEdxCor.y2012.C, TpcdEdxCor.y2013.C, tpcAltroParams.20130305.000000.C, tpcAltroParams.y2012.C, tpcAltroParams.y2013.C, tpcDriftVelocity.20130305.000000.C, tpcDriftVelocity.y2012.C, tpcDriftVelocity.y2013.C, tpcGainCorrection.20130305.000008.C, tpcGainCorrection.y2012.C, tpcGainCorrection.y2013.C, tpcGas.20130305.000000.C, tpcGas.y2012.C tpcGas.y2013.C, tpcGasTemperature.20130305.000000.C, tpcGasTemperature.y2012.C, tpcGasTemperature.y2013.C, tpcMethaneIn.20130305.000000.C, tpcMethaneIn.y2012.C, tpcMethaneIn.y2013.C, tpcPressureB.20130305.000009.C, tpcPressureB.y2012.C, tpcPressureB.y2013.C, tpcSlewing.20130305.000000.C, tpcSlewing.y2012.C, tpcSlewing.y2013.C, tpcWaterOut.20130305.000000.C, tpcWaterOut.y2012.C, tpcWaterOut.y2013.C - added new files for run 2013 TPC data calibrations;
TpcLengthCorrectionMDF.C - modified;
CaveGeo2.xml - modified for better definition of concrete;
idl/Survey.idl - added comments;
tpcCorrection.idl - added description;
tpcGlobalPosition.idl - added comments;
trgOfflineFilter.idl - added new file for trigger ID filterring;
Lidia Didenko