2014 Geometry

TpcOnGlobal [from Db]

 entryTime  | beginTime           | flavor   | LocalxShift | LocalyShift | LocalzShift | PhiXY      | PhiXZ       | PhiYZ       | XX         | YY         | ZZ         | PhiXY_geom | PhiXZ_geom  | PhiYZ_geom  |    

2014-03-17 00:59:50 | 2014-02-12 00:00:01 | ofl  | -0.17800000 | -0.67519999 | -0.08086000 | 0.00000000 | -0.00035000 | -0.00027000 | 1.00000000 | 1.00000000 | 1.00000000 | 0.00096220 | -0.00018970 | -0.00004400 |

DEFINITIONS: $STAR/StDb/idl/tpcGlobalPosition.idl

*  Table: tpcGlobalPosition description: */ 

struct tpcGlobalPosition { 

float  LocalxShift;   /* cm : x position of TPC center in magnet frame  */
float  LocalyShift;   /* cm : y position of TPC center in magnet frame  */
float  LocalzShift;   /* cm : z position of TPC center in magnet frame  */
float  PhiXY;         /* radians: rotation angle around z axis  (not used) */
float  PhiXZ;         /* radians: rotation angle around y axis  XTWIST */
float  PhiYZ;         /* radians: rotation angle around x axis  YTWIST */
 float  XX;            /* XX element of rotation matrix  (not used) */
 float  YY;            /* YY element of rotation matrix  (not used) */
float  ZZ;            /* ZZ element of rotation matrix  (not used) */
float  PhiXY_geom;    /* radians: geometrical rotation angle around z axis psi,  -gamma  (not used) */
 float  PhiXZ_geom;    /* radians: geometrical rotation angle around y axis theta,-beta  */
 float  PhiYZ_geom;    /* radians: geometrical rotation angle around x axis psi,  -alpha */  };  

PXL PxlOnPst 
[/star/u/qiuh/hft/DbRun14/surveyAndCalibration/StarDb/Geometry/pxl ]

1, 0.000129826, 0.000299546, -0.000129848, 1, 7.36199e-05, -0.000299536, -7.36588e-05, 1,
0.0183753, -0.000644915, -0.0221809

PXL Half-on-Pixel

Original Survey (Bob):

 0.999999, -0.000890449, -0.00131775, 0.000890639, 1, 0.000143418, 0.00131762, -0.000144591, 0.999999,  
-0.0470471, 0.00022503, -0.00608269,

   0.999999, 0.000890661, 0.00131761, -0.000890471, 1, -0.000144552, -0.00131774, 0.000143379, 0.999999,  
0.0470471, -0.00022503, 0.00608269, 

Alex's original corrections:

M =
|0.999988 -0.00049038 -0.00482335|
|0.000485125 0.999999 -0.00109049|
|0.00482388 0.00108814 0.999988|

shift_vector = {-0.199987, -0.0586518, -0.00557364} in cm

After averaging

   0.999999, -0.000646411, 0.00109379, 0.000645657, 1, 0.000689533, -0.00109424, -0.000688826, 0.999999, 
0.052902, 0.0295242, -0.00356489,

   0.999999, 0.000646971, -0.00109437, -0.000647725, 0.999999, -0.000688232, 0.00109393, 0.000688943, 0.999999, 
-0.052902, -0.0295242, 0.00356489,

PXL SectorOnHalf [sample]
[/star/u/qiuh/hft/DbRun14/surveyAndCalibration/StarDb/Geometry/pxl ]

0.999998, -0.00195912, -0.00070653, 0.00195803, 0.999997, -0.0015296, 0.000709523, 0.00152821, 0.999999,
0.0110013, 0.00218197, -0.00736481
0.999996, 0.00259448, 0.00143927, -0.00258847, 0.999986, -0.00454193, -0.00145104, 0.00453818, 0.999988, 0.0134133, -0.0565213, 0.00166389

PXL SensorTPS/SensorOnLadder/LadderOnSector are here:
[/star/u/qiuh/hft/DbRun14/surveyAndCalibration/StarDb/Geometry/pxl ]