Existing generic accounts
The current generic accounts are in use. Please, extend the list as new accounts are added (hopefully not many).
- guest: an account used for temporary guest (like members of a review committee). The ACL for this account are lower than any other accounts and uses authenticated generic (which should have a lower access control)
[this account's Email is registered to J. Lauret]
- staruser: a generic account for STAR users wanting access to Drupal but without a personal account. This is also used for the conference PC. The ACL for this account are lower than any other accounts and uses authenticated user.
- protected: a privileged user (usr lead) having the same password than the protected area on STAR Web.
- stargrid: a privileged account (usr lead) used for managing Grid area Drupal pages. This allows collaborative documentation.
- starembed: this account is a normal authenticated user created for managing embedding documentation pages. This facilitates collaborative work.
- stareemc: a generic authenticated user created for the EEMC group to manage their documentation.
- stardaq: a generic authenticated user created for the DAQ group to manage DAQ documentation.
- hbtuser: a generic authenticated user created for the HBT PWG OG.
- heavyuser:a generic authenticated user created for the HF PWG. This account is blocked.