2009 setup (Phase I)

  Analysis notes

   Drawings / Schemes / Pictures

ADC and TAC distributions
Silicon performance (cluster data)

Photomultipliers data

ADC and TAC distributions

Sets of plots below contain ADC and TAC spectra from the Roman Pot trigger counters, as they were in the sample of reconstructed elastic proton-proton scattering events (sqrt{s} = 200 GeV). Five datasets were used to prepare histograms: 0, 1, 4, 6, 9 (see numeration here).

One should take into account, that TAC spectra are sensitive to the time-space structure of colliding bunches (that's the reason why many "bumps" are presents in the distributions). Also, TAC spectra from Roman Pots were biased due to "TAC cut-off" (sharp right edge - loss of early events). Sets of points around TAC ~ 100 also results from the cut-off.

The PDF versions of the plots are listed at the bottom of the page.

 ADC          TAC

Racks schemes



Silicon performance (cluster data)

Silicon performance

SVX chips pedestals: average and RMS (from here)

EHI (average):                                       EHI (RMS):                                            EHO (average):                                     EHO (RMS):                                          

EVU (average):                                      EVU (RMS):                                           EVD (average):                                     EVD (RMS):                                          

WHI (average):                                      WHI (RMS):                                           WHO (average):                                    WHO (RMS):                                          

WVD (average):                                     WVD (RMS):                                          WVU (average):                                    WVU (RMS):                  


The part of page below contains sets of graphics with the data from Silicon Strip Detectors mounted in Roman Pots in 2009 run at sqrt{s} = 200 GeV. Five datasets were used to prepare histograms presented below: 0, 1, 4, 6, 9 (see numeration here). All histograms can be downloaded in the PDF format (see list of files at the very bottom).

Number and length of clusters

Sets of plots below contain distributions of the number of clusters(left) and number of strips (length) in clusters (right) in each silicon plane. Each row represents different Roman Pot, each column - a silicon plane.
Number of clusters                                

Cluster energy:

Below an energy distribution of clusters is shown for each detector(file)/plane(row)/cluster length(column). Upper limit of cluster length used in reconstruction is 5.

EHI:                                                         EHO:                                                      EVU:                                                       EVD:

WHI:                                                       WHO:                                                      WVD:                                                      WVU:

Cluster energy vs. strip

For clusters consisting of one strip (length=1) it was possible to draw the distribution of energy collected by the strip as a function of the strip number.









Below the piece of code used to fill the histograms presented above is attached:
for(Int_t j=0; j<nOfPlanesInRpPerCoordinate; ++j){
  Int_t nClusters = rps->numberOfClusters(i,Planes[coordinate][j]);

  if(nClusters < maxNumberOfClusterPerPlane)
    for(Int_t k=0; k < nClusters; ++k){
      Int_t lenCluster = rps->lengthCluster(i,Planes[coordinate][j],k);

      if(lenCluster <= maxClusterLength && lenCluster>0){
        Int_t enCluster = rps->energyCluster(i,Planes[coordinate][j],k);
          clusterEnergy_vs_strip[i][Planes[coordinate][j]]->Fill(1e3*rps->positionCluster(i,Planes[coordinate][j],k)/Pitch[coordinate], enCluster);